"I'm gonna buy the dlc, but I'm not gonna play as them, because I like wasting my money!" That's you. That's how you sound.
You can buy characters for more reasons than just to play as them. Complete the roster, train against CPUs of them, or have them for when friends come over. Chill.
I heard that Ted Cruz managed to trump Trump (lel) in the caucus, which is good enough news for me.
That's certainly interesting. Personally, I like both Trump and Cruz, so I'm satisfied with the results.
Anyways, regarding the tier list, I do think it was a bit soon. However, I can also see the benefit as they have a general idea where characters stand, and when the next patch comes out, they may be able to move characters around more easily. I guess if it were made as a template or a 'Beta' tier list, it would've been better recieved. Other than that, the list itself is pretty good. I only disagree with a few points:
way too high
should be #5 (After
and before
should swap
too low
too low
- ... and an unfortunate lack of