The cartoon I like the most right now is Gravity Falls. That show is just pure genius.
Following it closely behind is MLP, as well as Adventure Time and Regular Show, but I haven't seen those latter two in quite sometime, I rarely watch CN anymore because of some of it's....other, so called cartoons..... I still watch it more than Nickelodeon though, which has really been going down a bad path for a while now.
Spongebob and Fairly Oddparents used to have a lot of heart and creativity put into them, but then they lasted for so long with so much good reception that Nickelodeon just doesn't want to let them go, and the writers for their modern episodes just don't have the same creativity or imagination, they've taken those shows in much different directions than they used to go in, the humor is weirder and less funny, the plots makes even less sense, the characters are more one-sided, especially in Spongebob's case.
Mr. Krabs has always been cheap, but he values money way too much now, as an object rather than for it's actual value and expense, it's gotten to the point where I can no longer find him funny and instead just an annoyance, someone who ruins things for every other character because of practically the same obvious joke every time. And Squidward is the victim of pain, misfortune, and torture solely because he's Squidward, where he used to just be extremely grumpy and ignorant because he didn't have the same interests and joyful attitude of Spongebob and many other characters, which is what usually led to his own downfalls. In modern Spongebob, Squidward has a more justified reason to be grumpy because Spongebob and Patrick constantly invade his personal space and they actually do things which most people would find annoying. I can't find the bad things that happen to Squidward funny anymore, it only makes me feel bad for him and disappointed in the show's writers.
I still remember when Spongebob was in it's earliest years....the sequence where the Anchovies invade the Krusty Krab and Spongebob comes to save the day after being so strongly neglected and doubted by Mr. Krabs and Squidward is still a favorite childhood memory of mine. The pilot episode was one of the most creative episodes of all, compare episodes like that to today's Spongebob episodes, and you can tell the creativity and love for the show just isn't there anymore.