Just for fun, Intros to not-confirmed characters
Ridley = Eyes appears in thin air, then suddenly Ridley is shown, roaring.
Mewtwo = MasterBall.
Chrom = flied in by his sis on a Pegasus.
Jigglypuff = One of them Pink PokéMen Balls.
PacMan = Retro PacMan comes in chomping, chomping on a Cherry and turns into 3D PacMan.
Ghirahim = appears by Diamond teleport. He then laughs as his cloak disinigrates.
Tingle = a POP is Heard off-screen, then a scream, and Tingle falls from the sky, crashing down to Earth.
Ganon = four Torches appears in a Square. One is lit, then two, then Three, and when the final one is lit, Ganon is suddenly there.
Roy = from Fire-like Teleportation magic.
Doctor Mario = a giant Super Vitamin appears. It opens in the middle, and Doc jumps out.
Pichu = PokéBall.
Young Link = rides in on a Young Epona
Duck Hunt Dog = Retro Duck Hunt Dog sniffs near a bush, gets happy, jumps behind it, and a 3D Dog jumps back.
Palutena = flies in carried on a throne held up by her warriors.
Medusa = a big, one-eyed Tree appears. It chances form, and new Medusa appears.
Primid = appears from a pile of that Purple Goo.
Tabuu = tears into this World from the Subspace.