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Silent Hill 3: what you see isn't half as scary as what you don't... **spoilers**

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Apr 9, 2002
Charleston, SC
Silent Hill 3
Platform: PlayStation 2
Developed By: Konami
Produced By: Konami
Genre: Survival Horror
ESRB: M (Blood, Gore, Violence)
MSRP: $49.99

"Oh, it was only a dream..." Heather awakens from dozing off in a fast food resturant at the mall. She remembers a dream filled with he11ish inhumane figures lurking in the shadows, the smell of decay and freshly spilt blood, and living out her deepest darket fears and hidden secrets. But as he reassured herself, it was just a dream, it was eerily familliar... Hearther finds the nearest pay phone and calls her dad, "I'll be home shortly," and as she hangs up a stranger apporaches her, "Is your name Heather?". "My dad told me not to talk to strangers" Heather replies, wonering how the straneger knew her name, and darts into the nearest restroom. To avoid the stranger she sneaks out the back and into the mall's service hallways. She finds her way back back into the mall but... it has changed. It is suddenly nightime, there is no electricity, and it looks as if years have past. The floor has rotted away, the walls are staned with rust and what looks like... blood... and from the pitch black shadows he11ish and inhumane cries echo... welcome to Silent Hill 3.

Having only played Silent Hill 2 (I never played the first Silent Hill), Silent Hill 3 pushes the creepyness further than ever. Similar to Silent Hill 2 the first items you find is the radio (it sputters static whenver a he11 creature is nearby, but remains silent other wise). But in Silent Hill 3 and ironic to the game title there is no silence. Even if there are no he11 creeps around and there is no radio static, you'll still hear footsteps drawing closer. Walking down shadowy hallways you'll hear doors creak open and close in the murky distance (and you know how creepy it sounds when rusty metal doors groooaaaan open... shiver!). You'll hear screams and howls off in the distance. You'll hear a low gruff/watery voice wisper unrecgoniseable words behind closed doors (remember the prison in SH2... shiiiver!) There are three specific pee-your-pants moments that stick out in my mind. (1) It was perfectly silent and I passed a broken down looking phone booth and heard "ringring!", scared the **** outta me, (2) it was perfectly silent and I passed a caged off area in the subway and heard "GROWLGRRR!", (D@MMIT if I didn't 'yelp!') and (3) As I was exiting a room full of mannequins (unlike SH2 there are no mannequin monsters in SH3, but it was still creepy) I heard a scream as the door shut (was it coming from inside or outside?!). But it's not like things lighten up when there are creeps all around and your radio is screaming static. When there is a large grouping of creepies around you'll hear a continous mournfull cry and when there is a big creepy near by you'll hear this nerve rattling "RRBANRRGBANRRGBANGRRBANG!" noise like lawn mowers and steel drums in a blender. The developers really know how to rattle a persons nerves when playing. SH3 is more grotesque, creepier, and just plain mystifying than SH2, and as a tag line in a SH3 magazine ad reads: what you see isn't half as scary as what you dont...

SH3 exploring is much more linear than in SH2. Yes there still is a lot of running back and forth with odd baubles and trinkets for puzzle solving (remember that on SH2 puzzle where when you found all four combinations to the safe in the Hospital all that was inside was a single strand of hair?!) and yes there are plenty of lock-broken doors (but as I say when playing Silent Hill: a locked door is one less creepy to face!) but you'll always know where to go next instead of running around and rechecking every single place for a clue what to do next.

The combat in SH3 is more defensive than offensive. If you're a person who loves going on shooting sprees then perhaps SH3 isn't for you. Save you ammo for the boss fights, and simply run from all the creepys meandering around you. In SH2 you were provided a fair amound of ammo but that is because the creepys in SH2 were more agressive. In SL3 the AI will attack you if you get close, but they aren't nessicerily stalking you down. If you quickly run by a pack of creeps they'll try to attack but Heather is simply too fast for them. Sometimes if there is an item in the room that you need but a pack of creepy dogs keep lunging at you or if you are on a narrow catwalk and a needle spider creep is blocking your way it is nessicery to waste them but otherwise it's best to save your ammo for the bosses (I learned my lesson after I ran out of bullets fighting the first boss, a giant worm creature, and had to use the steel pipe and attempt to bludgeon it to death... cost me A LOT of first aide kits)...

The plot in SH3 seems almost unbearably unclear at the begining but once you reach the halfway point of the game the beans get spilled, splatter you in the face and dribble down the back of your shirt. In SH2 you were constantly running into other people (outsiders like you) trapped in Silent Hill trying to figure out why they were there and what was wrong with the place! With each incounter you were able to peice together what was going on and why you were drawn to Silent Hill. However in SL3 you basically know nothing until the game's halfway point and then soooooo much is unveild, you discover who's summoning the he11 creatures and why Heather has been dragged into the whole sorrid affair, and all that's left to find out during the rest of the game is how to end the madness once and for all.

If you enjoyed Silent Hill 2 you will be gleefully creeped out by the going-ons in Silent Hill 3. Best played after 10pm... in a huge room, and your parents and siblings out for the evening... all alone with the lights turned out. (But seriously, I cannot play this game by myself. It can be 2pm broad daylight but unless there is someone else within hearing distance of me I'll be fine. This game has really gotten to me!)

P.S. As a bounus, the CD soundtrack of the game is included with the $49.99 price! Now you can carry the cool yet mournful solo guitar tunes,piano tunes, and solo violin tunes, the spooky hollow sounding "haunted house" synth effect (you know the one, it sounds like wind blowing through empty hallways and brushing drawnound wind-chimey noise) with the creepy inaudiable wispers in the back ground, the bizzare radio static that sounds like a mosquito buzzing in your ear with low long howls that sound like fog horns in the distance or someone sloooowly scraping a chair against a floor, and of course the "RRBANRRGBANRRGBANGRRBANG!" soundtrack... in techno!!


Apr 9, 2002
Charleston, SC
As I had anticipated from playing and playing without knowing what the 'frig was going on, a HUGE elemet of the plot was revealed conneting SH3's plot directly to SH1 and loosely with SH2 (Douglas's story).

v v v v v v v v v v MAJOR SPOILER v v v v v v v v v v
After you get though the Mall area, find the correct platform in the maze like Subway area, navigate the simmilarly maze like Sewer area, and get out of the abandoned Construction Site area and finally find your apartment (which we learn isn't in the town of Silent Hill at all... but how do explan the laspes in reality that only occuor in Silent Hill?). In your home appartment you find your father... the one and only HARRY MASON... dead.

Harry Mason was the main character in SH1. Although I have never played SH1 I know the basic plot: Harry and his seven year old daughter Cheryl go on vacation to Silent Hill. As they reach the city limits Harry sees a girl in the middle of the road, swervs away and crashes into a tree. When Harry awakens he discovers that Cheryl is no where to be found and enters Silent Hill hoping that she is somewhere within the city. We discover throughout the game that Cheryl is really Harry's adopted daughter and in trun is only half of a being, the other half being a girl named Alyssa. Alyssa is the daugher of a woman named Delilah, a resident of Silent Hill who attemped to resurect the dark cult god Samuel within Alyssa's soul. Alyssa only wanted to be a normal girl, not the host of a dark god. Frustrated with Alyssa's actions Delilah locked Alyssa in her room and burned her house to the ground. The trauma of this incident caused the dark soul within Alyssa to split into two: one remaining in Alyssa (who indured the burning yet was rendered in a coma) and the other manifested itself into a baby which Harry Mason found on the side of the road outside of Silent Hill. Harry adopted the baby and named it Cheryl. It has been seven years since then. Harry is back in Silent Hill and is trying to find his adopted daughter Cheryl. Harry is helped/manipulated along the way by Delilah, who know that once Harry finds Cheryl she will be able to unite her soul with Alyssa's and summon the dark god Samuel to earth.

That's all I really know about the plot of SH1. So now that I know that Heather is Harry's "daughter", biological or adopted I'm not sure, but I have a hypothesis that Heather is the complete sould of both Alyssa and Cheryl. Thoughout SH3 there are many references that Heather is The One who will deliver mankind to paradise with bloodstained hands. This is similar to what the cult said of Alyssa: that whe she uses the full extent of her power, she will be able to create paradise. Also the mysterious woman Claudia (a woman involved with the Cult of Samuel) tells Heather that she mus realize her ture purpose and powers... Heather has powers? We know that Heather is able to distort reality around her home town Portland, like Alyssa was able to turn her home town, the peaceful tourist resort Silent Hill, into a nightmarish wasteland where he11 spawn creatures roamed the pitch black streets.

After Heather meets Claudia she remembers who she is. She rememebers how the dark god Saumel's essence was infused into a girl named Alyssa (herself in actuality if my hypothesis is correct) and that if she wanted to end this nightmare she needed to return to the town of Silent Hill.

This was all revealed in a HUGE cutsence which lasted a good 15 -20 minuets (but unlike SH1 and SH2 it was all in real time not FMV, but the in game graphics are so well rendered it was still a treat to watch).

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ END MAJOR SPOILER ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

My last save point was a hotel in Silent Hill. I actually don't wanna play anymore... just yet. I really wanna try to find a copy of Silent Hill 1. Since SH2 was a side story you really didn't need to play SH1 to under stand the plot. However SH3 is more or less a direct sequel to SH1 and if I wanna get the full impact of SH3 I need to play SH1 (before the HUGE cutscene it was kinda ambiguous if SH3 was related to any of the previous SH games but now I know, and I need to play SH1 before I ruin the story any more for myself)!!


Smash Champion
Dec 4, 2001
I was trained in the art of Kaio-Ken!
Sound like a great game! My sister loves the Silent Hill series, so she'll definately pick this one up. I've played and beaten the first one, and saw my sis play the second one... The first one isn't even scary really... Everyone says it was scary, but i didn't think so... but... there was that one time the little zombie creature thing popped out of the locker and scared the crap out of me, but that's it :rolleyes:

I saw the commercial for the game, and it looked outstanding. From your posts, the game sounds outstanding as well!

i'll definately have to check out this game, excellent posts about it! :bee:


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
SH2 reveals more about it's dark histories and the attrocities that took place. If you read the book of memories(available in the next game), it mentions what happened way back before the town was named "Silent Hill".

Haha, DC. I'm so tempted to spoil the plot for SH1! ^^.


Apr 9, 2002
Charleston, SC
Anyone eles as freaked as I am????????

This... this... this game has has has me mi m-e-e a aye little... little... li-li-lee-TULL... pa...pa...PAH-reee-NOID noid noid noid NO OYDE!

Seriously, SH veterans know how there is Misty Silent Hill and there is Dark Silent Hill? How Misty Silent Hill is simply an run down abandoned city with creeps siltering around? How Dark Silent Hill is just two doors down from He11, with blood flowing from celing craks, the walls move and pulsate, screams pierce the air and low growls are always audiable? Well I just completed the Dark Silent Hill version of the Hospital (yup the same one from SH2 and I am so paranoid now to play the game. The walls not only pulsate and bleed before your eyes but they will also go in and out of focus! You think you're going nuts! Doors will blurr and twitch in and out of reality. You are constantly checking your map to see if you haven't passed a door (if it ever existed there at all!). Did I mention that EVERY thing... the floor, ceiling, walls, and doors, all look like... fleash... like you are walking on... I don't even know how to discribe it... it's just he11... the developers of this game have very sick and twsited (yet creative) minds... it's like walking into a Nightmare on Elm street flick... bloody he11... And if you TOUCH or examine anything beware to reap the consequences. Look! A sheet of paper on the ground? May be an important document... TOUCH IT and hear a noise like a shopping car full of aluminum cans going down a flight of stairs "BANGANAGAG!" from nowhere. Look, a street sign, it'll tell me where to go next... EXAMINE IT and get assulted by threee creeps carrings steel pipes from NOWHERE! LOOK OUT!! One of them has A GUN!! Yes!! I have run into creepies that carry guns!! HAUL *** outta there!! Why, if it isn't a First-Aide Kit! Just what I need! TOUCH IT and watch Heather BLEED TO DEATH ON THE SPOT! GAME OVER from picking up a FIRST AIDE KIT! MUH-HAHAHAH! HHAHHAAH!!...

hee hee...

yeah... this game will start to get to ya. You start to get paranoid. You wonder... is this piece of paper safe to examine? Will this door lead me to the next area, or a room full of gun toting creeps and nothing more... will this First Aide Kit... grant me a game over? There was this one cutscene after the Hospital from He11 area where things went from Misty to Dark SH and Heather had a look of utter disgust on her face and simply said "aw he11..."... preach it sweatheart!!

The only other time I was this scared was when I saw The Ring (I saw it opening day... by myself... so I didn't know what the plot was about, but afterwards I was freaked out). When you are one of the first people to see it, you really don't know the curse is real or not. If you saw it a week after the release and hand't heard about a wave of deaths from movie goers, the movie itself simply looses it's impact because by then you know it's not real... but... when YOU are the first to experience the movie... it's scary as he11... you don't know if the curse is real or not... you can't know... how would you know... unless you survived a week later... if you survived a week later... you don't know if you are going to DIE... because you are the first... yeah... a lot of people said The Ring wasn't scary, but you know what? They saw it weeks after the movie had been out or they saw it on DVD... wimps... there was one other guy I knew who saw it on opening day and he (like me) was freaked... I don't wanna say anymore...

I'm nearing the end of the game (I think). EGM reviewers say the game is about 6 hours long (I have 4:42 clocked). I really wanna see how it ends... only play during daylight though... TOO scary to play after sunset... here I am, only writing about it in the middle of the night, and I keep looking over my shoulder [DC glances over shoulder]...
...shhh! did you hear that?... [DC in a wisper] the wind!!


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
spoilers! ^^

Although I have played a bit of SH3, I do remember one part that TOTALLY freaked the h*ll outta me. I swore out so loud even my mum told me to be quiet:p. Ugh...worser than...(SP)Encountering first time w/ PH and his big knife!(END of SP)


You enter a room fairly small. Scanning your surroundings you see a mirror on your right and a sink/tap beside it. When you examine the mirror, Heathers image is reflected on the mirror. And something odd happens. Vine like things covering the room, sucking up your vitality. You run to the door but it is lock. You start to panic. Walking up to the mirror and examining it once again, your image freezes and you run to the door, unlocked.


That's maybe not EXACTLY what happens, but it was something like that...

DC, did you get the OST w/ SH3?
If so, was it better than the SH2 OST?


Apr 9, 2002
Charleston, SC
Well, I finally beat SH3, but first
hee hee, kupo you thought that the part where you go into the room with the mirror and wash bin was scary? That was only disturbing: because you actually were witnessing what has happening (btw it's blood, not vines that streak across the surfaces of the room). The REAL scary stuff is the stuff you don't see (hearing doors open randoming in the shadow distance, hearing a voice murmer something in a diffrent languague, etc). The scariest moments in the game are when you go the the amusement park and enter the Haunted House "attraction" (although the Snow White and the Seven Dwarves ride/attraction is just plain creepy). I played the Haunted House in borad daylight and it scared the **** outta me! BEWARE THE RED FOG! I won't tell you anymore thou, you'll have to see for yourself (prolly through peeked fingers).... WHOOO that haunted house is no ****![/sopoiler].

So anyhoo, for those curious the ending (well, the one I got, I think there are three diffrent ones, depending on your game time, enemies killed, wasted/used ammo, times saved, etc) here it goes (and I'm not gonna spoil the plot, just the ending ;))
: Heather exits the church, having just killed god, and returns the amusment part, where the wounded (and good hearted good-guy) Douglas has been waiting for her return. "Heather, is it finally over?" he askes. Heather apporaches him with a knife, "not yet... you're still alive...". Douglas has a look of terror in his eyes. Heather draws closer, a sickening smile spreads across her lips, "just kidding!" she laughs, pocketing the knife. Douglas sighs heavily, "you have terrible taste!". Heather helps the old dective up and the both exit the park (and I also assume Silent Hill) together... the credits roll with a still picture of Heather praying over her father's grave...
All and all, not a bad ending (better than The Suicide ending I got when I first played SH2...

Oh, and the sound tracks? I haven't heard the SH2 soundtrack in ages (I left SH2 and bunch of my video games in college summer stroage), but both had the same composer (Masahiro Ito), and sound very similar. However I LOVE the SH3 song Letter From the Lost Days that plays after the cutscene scene
when Heather reads her father's confession of her past after he is killed by Claudia
. If you have a file sharing program (ie. KaZaA), try to find that song, it's really emotional.

A letter to my future self,
Am I still happy yet again?
Have I grown up pretty?
Is daddy still a good man?
Am I still friends with Coleen?
I'm sure that I'm still laughing.
Aren't I?
Aren't I...?


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
both had the same composer (Masahiro Ito)
Wasn't it Akira Yamaoka? I thought Masahiro Ito was the monster designer...um. Probably my memory jamming up =P.

I really liked the song "Dance with Nightwind" and "You're not here". haha, I'm going to have to d/l that song DC. Better be as good as the above ones! j/k!:D

Reading your first post w/ the spoilers...
*~*~*SPOILERS ON SH1*~*~*

In SH1, on purposely, Dahlia burned Alessa alive. At that time, "Cheryl" was not yet born, thus it wasn't manifested into a baby. There is more to it than Harry finding it on the road.


I'm not intending to spoil it, I'm leaving it the way it is. Just wanting to correct it...that's all.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2007
near chicago
cool a silent hill thread! hmmm what does anyone think about silent hill 5? i hear its good time to be a silent hill fan.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
(Gulp) This game........whew........gulp......is by far the scariest game title I have layed my eyes upon. *shiver* Lets just put it this way......I won't be able to play this game at night.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2007
near chicago
i know! **** u SH2 **** u!!! SH2 was my first. I also thought it would be my last until i really got into the series a little more. silent hill is very deep and complex.i luv it.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Sadly, no. However, my stepbrother played it and I do know a little about it. Leon's cool when I saw him in action and I was impressed on what he could do.

Leon > Jill Valentine


Smash Journeyman
Feb 28, 2007
near chicago
jill is the master of unlocking things!! hahahaha.......ahem! well you should really play through the whole thing its quite exciting. hmmm i think thats the right quote.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I plan too bro, I plan to even though I'm still a bit ticked off at Capcom for canceling the Street Fighter series. Grrrr!


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
*sigh*:urg: Sad, but true. Also, King of the Fighters is also a sweet game series. My favorite is Iori Yagami and Ryo Sakazaki.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
On the hardest difficulty, the sub boss (Gesse Howard) annoys me the most when he does his super "Raging Storm." So so aggravating!


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Yeah, and losing to him 2 rounds means that you won't get up to Shin Akuma or Ultimate Rugal even though I can beat him sometimes. I just prefer M.Bison as a sub boss since he's easier and all.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
It would help if I could get my air block timing right instead of blindly jump kicking my character into a special. I'm a veteran and I know better, but I'm so hard-headed.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
I prefer Naruto: Ultimate Ninja other than Clash of the Ninja cause there's more specials on that game. I think Clash of the Ninja 2 is SSB esque like.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2006
Virginia Beach, VA
Well, at least on Clash of the Ninja 2 for the Gamecube you can play with 4 people at a time. I love Battle Royals! Man, I really need to purchase this game sometime down the road.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
If you two have the same IP, I will ban you both.

Otherwise, use PMs to chat.
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