warning may start touching babies and the mothers will be like wtf you rapist? from there you may be deported to mexica and forced to serve in the army till you get shoot in the *** and you get deported to canada were they will force to to say A after B when you sing your BAC's and when you have stayed there long enough for you to grew a long beard they since you to a ninja camp that teaches you how do push ups with your arms as the last test they will cut off your arms and mail them to your house, once you pass you can go home and try to super glue your arms back on but the mailman says he needs them for other reasons, like homo reasons he would get shoot for back in russia. You fight him to the death kill him and put your arms back on due to the power of rubber bands.
Captain falcon runs up diars you nair to nair to 4 upairs to a knee to a FALCON PUNNCCHHHH. then you will go to where all people who were falcon punched. to the deeped circle of H*** because they can't feel all of the pain of a falcon punch at once