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Should you play online? and a question


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2007
Final Destination
hey guys, i ve been playing online with Ice Climbers, but teh lag really screws up my grab combos, is there a way out of this, or are teh Ice Climbers hopeless on online play?

when u grab the opponent and they are at a high percent and u wana get the kill, some advise that you should do a smash (which doesnt send them flying) and then do a second one (which sends them flying)
but most of teh time in my experiences, they get out before the second smash comes in,
should i just resort to the 'fthrow to nana and charge the usmash' technique or is there a way around this?


Smash Cadet
Jul 2, 2008
only lag screws IC's theres no way around it you can just deal and still try to use them or not

a good finisher that i use is forward throw nana spike popo f-smash


Smash Rookie
May 1, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada
Well I've started using them online and I can do all of my grab combos almost as well as without lag. I know the timings pretty well and if you can just follow the timings in your head it should be fine.

As for killing at a high percent, I usually backthrow to Nana and then charge an up smash with Popo and have her throw the opponent towards him.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Truth be told, the timing is only slightly different so it's not that hard to adjust to.
I'd say that depends on the lag; especially as lag is variable throughout the course of the match, and much more variable in some matches than others. Many people who think WiFi is okay, simply haven't seen how miserable it is for other people; it depends so much on both of your internet connections, wireless routers + setup, etc.

ICs definitely have a harder time adjusting to online play than most characters. Online is a good way to learn how different people react in different situations, but it will never mean much as far as rankings go, etc. Different tactics work better online than in real matches, so be careful you don't adjust too strongly to it. That being said, it can still help you learn a lot about the game.

If anything, if you find you can't chaingrab in online play.... then don't. Work on the rest of the IC game. It doesn't have to revolve around CGs. You can still deal tons of damage in grabs, by say, downthrow to blizzard to upsmash :D
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