So many replies! My biggest wish for Assist Trophies is to make them more useful than last time... and also maybe expand upon the diversity of em. I though have some other ideas for them as well, written below.
My thoughts on Assist Trophies and how they could be made better
I gotta say, I found many of them impractical as I mentioned. Since they have this pretty wierd A.I programmed to them, they manage to mess up more than successfully hit people. Dr.Wright never hits for me, Saki has quite crappy A.I since he flails around so much, Knuckle Joe being only able to jump for any means of movement renders him very prone to hop off the stage and makes him sluggish to attack, etc.
Gray Fox and even to lesser extent, Little Mac, have strived to be convenient Assist Trophies despite being controlled by A.I (Maybe because what attributes they're given- other one's not prone to disappearing if falling down the ledge and other one's pretty fast when not jumping around.)
The best Assist Trophies are actually the ones who do the only simple thing and don't have many moves to execute, like Lyn, Lakitu, Metroid, Jeff, Ray, etc.
So here's what I've planned to see if they'd be improved: they should be made summonable, like the powers from Kid Icarus Uprising (By touching the touch screen in Wii U Pad or 3DS)
To give you an idea you basically take one specific AT after you've chosen a character, like to be a partner option.
- - When a certain meter fills up after certain amount of time, the Assist-marker in the Wii U Pad/3DS would say "Ready!": you can then summon the character to the battle, toggling the touch screen for different attacks before they'll appear in the screen. They can have up to 3-4 attacks/actions.
- - The assist character can be damaged at any time while they're on-screen though. Depending on the character they can also put an effect on an opponent or even aid or heal their summoner.
- - When they're on the field, they're basically like usual Assists, but can be hurt or distrupted if the opponent hits them. Any damage inflicted to an Assist will damage the summoner too.
- - The Duration of them being in the stage varying between the Assists or the actions they'll do.
- - If the Assist are hit by certain amount of damage, they'll be immobilized for long period of time and can't be used. You can use healing items to heal the damage dealt to them back and make them recover more quickly (but only from the recovery items).