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Sheik Experiment ( Rate my sheik! )


Smash Journeyman
Jul 13, 2008
( I started this about a year ago in july, So it includes some Melee stuff I hope thats all right :p Anyway, if nothing else I hope you guys find this interesting )

Currently Working on:
Mastering use of the chain, Includes Learning the Chain Jacket.

Not commiting suicide with DAIR.

After Losing all my save data for my Melee Disk I decided to Try a new character, Pikachu just wasnt cutting it for me, Plus I sucked. I was a bit of a button masher, and really liked to spam Thunder.
Not really much of a technical figher...

So I decided To train with Sheik, A character I had never used before. But in addition to just learning a new character, I decided to Track my progress by recording a video Every 10 gameplay hours.

The Idea was to Enable me to Track progress, and Just kinda as an interesting Idea. I also Wanted Disprove the Idea that Playing CPUs makes you worse.

In order to make accurate comparisons, Progress Videos follow these standards.
Level Nine Roy(melee) Or Marth (Brawl),
No items, Stock match, no handycap, Damage Ratio of one, at Final Destination, No blatent AI abusing.

Record Three matches, Upload the best of the three.

So far, Ive got Six videos, :)

Melee, 10 Hours
I had just finished Unlocking everyone, and every stage, Using sheik wherever I could.
Not very familiar with Sheik at this point, And still no idea How to fight tactically.

Melee, 20 Hours
This is where I start to get the hang of things, Get a few combos going, start using somewhat advanced tactics, But still not very good, or consistant.

Melee, 30 Hours
Oh, here we go. This is where it starts getting Impressive, Or at least its no longer embarassing :p
I fight very well, and am able to use a wide variety of tactics and techniques, But Im really starting to take advantage of the AI. I also Started Using Vanish as a KO move, and to juggle, And I started picking up on other ATs, Such as powersheiling, and wavedashing, I never trained my wavedash, because I suspected it would be removed in brawl.

Melee, 40 Hours
Ok, Its been said that Ive Mastered Fighting AI at this point. Ive figured out a few new tactics, And I've become alot more flexible in how I apply them.
I know exactly what roy Can and cant do, How long his sword is, etc.
Basicly, I have a move to counter every one of his.

Brawl, Zero Hours
Uh oh. This one was HARD.
I had just finished subspace emisary, and only had played as sheik for like 10 min or less. So I was Really weirded out here.
AI was better, A LOT better. Um some of my moves had been altered, and The ariel combat mechanics had been seriously enhanced.
I didnt do as well as I had hoped. Alot of my combos were now nonexistant.
All in all. I did horible, and Brawl is alot different than melee :p

Brawl, 10 Hours
LOL, Yeah, I just recently Reached 10 hours of brawl. Yeah, I Don't play very much Smash bros. I mean, It took me six months to get my first 30 hours on melee, so... yeah.
Anyway, Im starting to get the hang of it, But Im not getting sweet combos like I used to. And Short-hopping is a lot easier :) And of course vanish is even more awsome. I'd say, Im About as good as I was @ 20 hours in melee. Which is really bad compared to my 40 hour skill level.
Its hard, Cuz I wanna play brawl... But I really wanna play some single player games. And LAG is annoying as heck. All this crazy lag kills sheiks finesse.

Anyway, so thats as far as Ive gotten.
I dont know if you all enjoyed it, But I at least hope you found it interesting.
Hopefully soon Ill be able to record my next video. :)

Sooo, Leave me any tips you have, so I can get better faster :p
Or whatever.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Wow, CPU Marth is pretty terrible. He needs to learn how to full Dancing Blade and auto-sweetspot the ledge.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
Alas, our grandchildren will tell us what crappy video games we have. The computers kill themselves, and the graphics suck(not really, but by the time were all old ppl itll have to be really really good). I don't think playing computers makes you worse, however the computers tend to make really dumb decisions along with many super smart ones. You can't mindgame a computer, it just doesnt happen. Sometimes they block a move with reflexes faster than a real human ninja(they still exist you know). Or sometimes they walk into a mine, fall too their death, fail to finish a combo, etc. =D


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
BAY AREA, California
I'd say use the Up-Smash more sparingly. I noticed you liked to approach with it, which isn't too good of an idea even if you know that it'll hit a computer. Use the Chain to recover more vs. Vanish, it's faster and more efficient. Don't use the D-Air unless you REALLY needed to. Feel free to throw in some D-Tilts, Jab-Cancels, and play around with the side-throws more.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
^StealthSushi is right(is he ever wrong??) the upsmash is one of the easiest moves to punish against a decent player... However it is an amazing move to KO with when you know it will connect. Like it says above, jabcancel to grab to foward back throw works really well, you can always folow up with an aerial if your goodabout it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 13, 2008
I'd say use the Up-Smash more sparingly. I noticed you liked to approach with it, which isn't too good of an idea even if you know that it'll hit a computer. Use the Chain to recover more vs. Vanish, it's faster and more efficient. Don't use the D-Air unless you REALLY needed to. Feel free to throw in some D-Tilts, Jab-Cancels, and play around with the side-throws more.
U-smash eh? When is the best time to place an Usmash then?

And Ive noticed that with the chain and vanish thing, Im just still not 100% used to having the tether recover I guess.

And as far as throwing... I always seem to Dthrow, That used to be reflex in melee, with her chain grab. And now I also Main pikachu, who now has a chaingrab with Dthrow as well. So every time I grab, Dthrow is the automatic responce.
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