I barely know her too, but she's basically a combat chick and magic girl all rolled into one. She's the kind of character that would basically create herself and give her plenty of options that would be considered canon on her terms. If not her, we need another female. We need more female characters in this game. Mostly to show dumb (exploit deleted) like Anita Derpkisian that women in video games are actually kick *** people. Which given the current female lineup there is only one that actually shows competance and confidence, which is Zero Suit Samus (not her power suit counterpart). The rest are either sitting ducks if you get too close, can't fight head on, require mind games to do anything, or are so fragile that looking at them will kill them. So. . . Yeah. Not looking so good on the female side of the game, y'all.
So there's many reasons to want Shantae versus just the "I really like them is all." reason. Which is a good reason too, but. . . You can't put a price on rubbing a neo-feminist's face in their own sexist and self-defeating stupidity. Moar kickass and competent females pls.