Register now at: https://smash.gg/tournament/2ggt-abadango-saga/shop/2ggift-shop-3
$15 Venue Fee - Ends on Wednesday September 21st at 11:59 PM PST
$20 Venue Fee - Ends on Thursday September 22nd at 9:00 PM PST
Note: Registration for doubles ends on Wednesday September 21st.
The next 2GGT is here and it's time to raise your abadongers! Abadango will be making his way to SoCal and taking his shot at being the first person to win his own saga!
Abadango needs no introduction. One of the fan favorites in the smash community, his Mewtwo, MetaKnight, Pac-Man, and even sometime Wario brings the hype every time he steps up to the plate! Having wins over majority of the players and winning Pound 2016, Abadango is an encounter you want to avoid.
BUT WAIT! Abadango isn't the only person coming from Japan. We're happy to announce that Komorikiri is coming also! Easily consider to be one of the best Cloud and Sonic in the world, he's going to be breaking his limit and dash his way to victory!
Can he do it? Will he be able to win his own saga? Or will the curse continues? Find out next time at 2GGT!
eSports Arena
120 W 5th St, Santa Ana, CA 92701
Main Stream: www.twitch.tv/2ggaming
Secondary Stream: www.twitch.tv/fadgames
Door Opens 8 AM
Doubles Begins 10 AM
Wave A Singles (1-8) 12 PM
Wave B Singles (9-16) 2 PM
Top 48: 4 PM
Top 8: 6 PM
Special Event: 9 PM
Doubles & Singles Pools are not finalized until September 23rd.
Mewtwo Round Robin feat. Abadango, VoiD, Rich Brown, and pluto
Unlock WaDi, Mew^2, and Blue via the shop: https://smash.gg/tournament/2ggt-abadango-saga/shop/2ggift-shop-3
Carpool - Have 4 or more people in your carpool and get $5 back! Must message Champ before the day of the event!
Set up - Bring a Wii U + DLC + Adapter + Game and get $10 reimbursement!
Note: discount caps out at $15.
gets $15 back plus a free lunch for being a pool captain.
Refunds will only be available up until Wednesday prior to the event. No refund will be giving after that. No exceptions.
**Parking: **
** Rule Set **
** Prize Payout **
Register now at: https://smash.gg/tournament/2ggt-abadango-saga/shop/2ggift-shop-3