*********NEW HP SCHEDULE*********
Melee Doubles - 12:00 - 3:30
Melee Singles - 1:00 - 3:30
Smash 4 - 1:30 - 4:00
**LUNCH BREAK** - 3:30 - 5:00
Giant Melee Side Event - 4:30 - 6:30
PM Doubles 5:30 - 9:00
PM Singles 6:30 - 9:00
Okay. So you may have noticed a few changes. We intend to run Doubles for both games as well as a side event. And there's a break. Side event starts during the break because it isn't as important, but you still have time to eat. Now that that's out of the way, It's Time For Real Talk.
So Here's What's Gonna Happen
If you didn't notice, Melee starts at
NOON CST. Don't like it? Oh well. Deal with it. No one likes it when events run too late and starting our main game at 2 pm every month is unacceptable. I'm tired of it. Brannon is tired of it. We want to run a very streamlined event with very little holes.
With that in mind, here are a few
guidelines(read: I will Destroy you if you try me):
1) Please do not leave the venue to go eat while you are entered into an event that's running. It's fine if you need to walk outside and smoke or whatever. But please do not stay outside for more than 15 minutes, and let us know. If you
ABSOLUTELY need a break longer than this,
let one of us know. Other than that, there is a nice 90 minute break after melee is over to go eat. Noon is not early. You have plenty of time to wake up and eat breakfast and get here in time to sign up. Speaking of getting here on time....
2) I do not care who you are, the brackets are STARTING at the time listed. That means if melee doubles starts at noon, you better get there
before noon in order to sign up. It doesn't matter if you're Alectris or David or Tope. If it's 11:59 and you just parked your car in the parking lot you better hustle your *** inside. None of us want to be there until Midnight. If there aren't enough people to run the bracket at the designated time, it will not be delayed. It will be cancelled.
3) If you get called for a match and you aren't there, and we can't find you, you're getting DQ'd. Right into losers. No Johns. Please pay attention(or
tell us if you go somewhere) and you won't get bodied. This is also related to...
4) Reporting your matches. Not that this is a huge problem, but I mention it because it is an easy and obvious way to keep everything running smoothly. If you win your match, walk up to anyone (Me, Ryker, Met, KJU, GingerJesus, Dron) and tell us. Hell, walk up to the laptop with the bracket and report it yourself. I do not want to see a match that got called 30 or 40 minutes ago be unreported. I will slap the mess out of you.
5) SETUPS. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. If you people don't bring at least one setup per vehicle. You don't want to know what I will do to you. At the very least I will hate you for making the tournament run slower. If this new schedule is going to work, we need plenty of setups. 12 that can play melee and can switch over to PM would be great, we should have at least 6 from Mobile for Melee/PM and 2 for Smash 4. Speaking of Smash 4, I do not intend to run it at all if we don't have at LEAST 3 setups. There are enough of you. Bring a TV. Bring a console and game with **** unlocked. It's not hard.
If everyone can bring a setup or two, get there on time, and not just disappear randomly, then this is going to work just fine, and the tournament will run perfectly. Do not take any of this personally. We want to run PM Doubles. It hasn't been around ever since smash 4 came out. We want to run a side event. It's fun (Giant melee is awesome I promise).
Thank you for reading and please tell people about the schedule swap and there won't be any problems.
Tentative Giant Melee ruleset in the link at the top.
See you next week.