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Secondarying Mario (vids included)


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Hi, I'm a Diddy mainer (some of you might have heard of me, IDK), and I decided to secondary Mario. I like how he feels, he is very simple, nothing fancy, but mindgames. Anyway here are some of my videos, the person I'm playing doesn't own a wii so I'll try to get some matches of me versing a better opponent some time up. Feel free to criticize and give me some tips. The 2 main problems I find myself having right now is that I am making too many big mistakes, but still playing good and my second isn't a character dependent thing, I use to have the same problem with my diddy that a lot of times I can play bad people or good people, but I still lose (barely) no matter the skill level (unless they're beginner or pro).

There's a few matches in both of these videos:



Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
You need a lot of work on your Mario, you don't seem to abuse Mario's juggling or edgeguarding abilities hardly at all. Anyway, my advice is just read the stickies and watch some good Mario vids.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Judge Judy said some of what was needed to say.

Now then, I'm going to be completely honest with you. I have seen scrubs use Mario better than that. I'm not saying that you are a scrub in anyway, I'm just saying that you have no Mario knowledge at all if you're playing that way. Check out the stickies and all that, but keep in mind that Mario may not be for you.

Good luck though. Hopefully you do decide to stick with Mario for your secondary :)


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Not to get defensive at all or anything because I take your criticism very seriously, but I know for a fact that my Mario is...somewhat good... maybe my playstyle just weirds you out, but I've never watched a Mario vid, I've only played them and I've beaten a few top players at least once in the (online coming) AiB ladder at least once in a set. Also, I said this in the OP, but for some reason I stoop down or rise up to skill level of my opponent a lot (and I use to do this with my Diddy so it's probably a personal thing) and since this guy didn't have a wii then...yeah...you know where I'm going with this. All I know is, I win matches with Mario doing my own thing, I don't know what I'm doing, I don't know what I need to work on, the only thing I know is that I do beat my opponents (at least half the time) so like I said I'll try to get some more videos in of me versing better opponents.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
Sry, Skyler can come out kind of...blunt. Anyway, you just don't seem to be great at juggling or edgeguarding with Mario; I saw some decent moves, but you do need a lot of work. If you really want though, I can give you some tips and advice.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Sry, Skyler can come out kind of...blunt. Anyway, you just don't seem to be great at juggling or edgeguarding with Mario; I saw some decent moves, but you do need a lot of work. If you really want though, I can give you some tips and advice.

Agreed, I don't know how good Mario juggling is and how much it affects his game except for Uair. Edgeguarding, i just love FLUDD and cape too much, Uair and Bair seem to knock them high in the air a lot of the time so I like to stick with a reliable (sarcasm) fludd or cape, I'm unfamiliar with a backwards Uair so I don't know about that.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008

Agreed, I don't know how good Mario juggling is and how much it affects his game except for Uair. Edgeguarding, i just love FLUDD and cape too much, Uair and Bair seem to knock them high in the air a lot of the time so I like to stick with a reliable (sarcasm) fludd or cape, I'm unfamiliar with a backwards Uair so I don't know about that.
Just watch people like Boss and Monk and you'll get a better idea of what you should do; you've got some good concepts with Mario but you really need to see how it's all put together.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
If you really want though, I can give you some tips and advice.

10 chars.

Edit: Can you give me some links to some of their recent matches, the video archive seems to be outdated.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
Well, one nice tip against CF is that Mario's Utilt lock can rack up some serious dmg at low percents and Mario's Utilt true combos into Up B. Also, practice your cape aim and timing because that's the easiest and most effective way to gimp CF.

Edit: Can you give me some links to some of their recent matches, the video archive seems to be outdated.
Some of Monk's more recent vids: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=211176

Some of HeroMystic's vids: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=205064

Tlamb's opponents might not be great but he still did showed some impressive edgeguarding: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=213113


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
I'll try my best and tell you what to do during certain times.

First match
:21 You should've went for a u-air, and chained him
:30, N-air was an okay choice, but you could've got him into a utilt lock
:50 D-air is not a good move to use when edgeguarding.
2:33 You had time to Cape him for an easy gimp.
3:00 You should've went for anything u-air or d-air after that d-throw.

Second match
4:40 You could've WoP him with b-airs leading to a gimp, or at least so it seemed.
5:15 F-air was a bad move to use, don't use it too approach it's too laggy and easily punishable.

Third match
7:35 You were being too predictable with your rolls, and the Falcon punished you for it.

Fourth match
1:44 You should've aimed for the ledge, to lead to the K.O
IMO Your best match, you had a lot better approaching, spacing, edgeguarding everything.

Fifth match
2:38 Nice gimp, lol.
3:38 Your face does neutral air, lol.
4:15 lol d-tilt.

Sixth match
5:57 When he was jabing you could've used up B out of shield
7:08 I'm going to presume you meant to do a RAR b-air. If you meant to do a f-air then again it's too laggy to be used as an approach.

Overall work on your approaching, more b-airs, less rolling (retreating d-airs works just as good, if not better alternative to rolling.) Basically just work on your spacing, and everything else Judge Judy, and SkylerOcon stated.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
I'll try my best and tell you what to do during certain times.

First match
:21 You should've went for a u-air, and chained him
:30, N-air was an okay choice, but you could've got him into a utilt lock
:50 D-air is not a good move to use when edgeguarding.
2:33 You had time to Cape him for an easy gimp.
3:00 You should've went for anything u-air or d-air after that d-throw.

Second match
4:40 You could've WoP him with b-airs leading to a gimp, or at least so it seemed.
5:15 F-air was a bad move to use, don't use it too approach it's too laggy and easily punishable.

Third match
7:35 You were being too predictable with your rolls, and the Falcon punished you for it.

Fourth match
1:44 You should've aimed for the ledge, to lead to the K.O
IMO Your best match, you had a lot better approaching, spacing, edgeguarding everything.

Fifth match
2:38 Nice gimp, lol.
3:38 Your face does neutral air, lol.
4:15 lol d-tilt.

Sixth match
5:57 When he was jabing you could've used up B out of shield
7:08 I'm going to presume you meant to do a RAR b-air. If you meant to do a f-air then again it's too laggy to be used as an approach.

Overall work on your approaching, more b-airs, less rolling (retreating d-airs works just as good, if not better alternative to rolling.) Basically just work on your spacing, and everything else Judge Judy, and SkylerOcon stated.
Thanks for the advice, IDK many of Mario's frame stuff so the b-up out of shield thing will be helpful. Can you tell me things that I do well, if I do anything well, or maybe I'm just all over the place with things that I do go?


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Hmm, if I recall correctly you used N-air out of shield which was a good option. I kinda forget about the matches though. Watch your fourth one and see how well you did compared to the others, and kinda ask yourself 'What did I do in this match that made it so much better?' kinda thing, lol.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
lol, I was referenced.

In any case, I haven't watched your vid, but according to the others (who I trust), you got plenty to work on. No worries though, everyone has to start somewhere.

I know I couldn't pick up Diddy right off the bat.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
lol, I was referenced.

In any case, I haven't watched your vid, but according to the others (who I trust), you got plenty to work on. No worries though, everyone has to start somewhere.

I know I couldn't pick up Diddy right off the bat.
Everyone keeps saying this, but Matt is the only one to actually give me advice =/, but yes I know I have work to do on my Mario that's why he's my secondary and hardly one.

Matt: I really don't know what I did, I think I just made less mistakes. For example, I didn't fair approach once, I know Fairing is a bad idea for anything on stage because of the lag, but I'm a Diddy mainer and we don't RAR or Nair as much as you guys do, sometimes when i do these I accidentaly DI and keep it pressed as I move forward, Diddy I don't have to worry about that because Diddy's nair isn't used for approaches. Also, I didn't make any stupid edgeguarding mistakes that make me SD (and I even do this with Diddy sometimes =D)


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Well I'd watch your vids, but to be honest I'm just too lazy, lol.

I'll take a look at them later when I'm just screwing around.
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