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Seasons of Smash I - 06/23/07

divine knight

Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
Alright, here you go everyone. The one place you'll find the results. So here they are:

SoS singles results
1) Delorted
3) Volasko
4) raynx
5) lennoc
6) divine knight
7) GK
8) Dragon hawk
9) IB
10) kio
11) run
12) db
13) rabbet
14) cure
15) Pointman rob
16) Medina

SoS doubles results.
1) team socialites
3) The gay vexjez
4) James jl
5) Raynxvolasko
6) Marco ambrose
7) Green party
8) Discovery channel
9) Team ****
10) Stos c3

It was a good turn out. SoSII will probably be sometime in the summer, i hope its as much as a success as this one was.

divine knight

Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
shout outs.

everyone: just want to thank everyone for coming out and the enthusiasm i saw that day. There were tons of people that were extremely helpful and that were vital to the success of the tournament as i could not have done it without them. You cats know who you are.

Jake: number 1shoutout. First of all, paris, you can be paris. But i promise you that i will usurp that title. It was actually a ****ty set we had, on my part, i know i can do better than that. So ive learned from it. And concerning doubles, we are truly ****. I think we're really ready for trans, we'll mess **** up. Andd i hope everyone spreads the word about our 'counter pick', lawl. I look forward to stealing more money from noobs with you in the near future <3 PS. Big brain academy is awesome

noah: youre a *****. ill get you next time. Either with an actually trained peach, or my confident fox. lol. all i can say is im waiting for my revenge.

connel: didnt face you, but glad you came out. It was good having you around and thanks for your help at the tourney.

Kio: tough matches man. we need more soon. and cant wait for our uploaded vids.

nate: didnt face you. but you indirectly helped me **** every jiggs that day, and for that i thank you :) and you were a ton of help man. thanks a lot for everything.

bernard: good matches. we have some of them recorded i think? maybe not. but i like facing your fox the most out of anyone. we need way more friendlies than we get.

charles: thanks for recording, didnt get to face you though. i want to see the progress of your luigi!

volasko: didnt face you. really wanted to. you were probably the biggest help for helping me transport the tvs. thanks a ton.

IB: i rememberd, my mm with you was vs your marth. lol, buut ill get more matches iin with you sometime soon. in fact, i mm you again, for whenever we see each other next. fox vs your falcon $3. and vs your marth too. for 3.

dragon hawk: didnt get to finish that match,. but it was boring anyway. kirby is Boring! next time, if you pick kirby i want to go luigi. it would be some fun, thne.

alphameric: you were really pro with your recording skills. Cant wait to see those vids.

adnan: dont even think you had a chance to play. but thanks for coming out all the same.

The people in my pool: keep it up you all. hope to see you at trans.

im ending this. im tired of giving shout outs and i was so busy running **** i can barely remember.

Deleted member

I'ma do shout outs now just cause

Daniel: Man, we **** teams. In the beginning we got noobed a little, but doesn't matter. We got our footing and we began to own hard. I love it. And I love how people think we're going to pick Poke Floats and they ban it but really we just don't play that stage anymore. Lolololololol. Anyway. I hope you enjoy your Big Brain Academy and I will enjoy my Harry Potter Wii. Good **** in singles btw, my heart was pounding the entire time. And for the record, I AM PARIS!

Noah: Haha **** those matches were good. Maybe the first one was a little "gay", and yeah, sorry. You still met me in finals and I guess we can leave it at that or we just play it out later. Anyway, ggs in singles and doubles.

Connel: you can't read this because you're at camp son

Nate: Hahaha I didn't play you! Curse was broken. Either way, <3 to you and it was fun.

Bernard: GGs in doubles man. Seems like we always have to play each other and it's never pretty. GG.

Charles: Didn't play you, and hopefully I will soon. I've heard good things.

Kio: Good **** in pools man, I didn't think you'd go Sheik and I was scared because that's a bad matchup but I pulled it out anyway.. gg's either way. Your falcon is beastly. LQ was fun too.

Imadh - doubles was sexy! We need to play more. You too Dzenan.

V - Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love you man. Pizza pizza was gay, wtf @ that guy. But seriously, you owned me in pools and I wanted revenge...but yeah, good **** in winners finals, that was a good set. I wish it was filmed. We gotta play some more soon. Oh yeah, and btw, we had to take 225 rental from the pot making noah and I pay it from our winnings so you owe us each 10 bucks because that's how it worked out.. anyway. GGs in teams and singles

Coolhat - yo! Your luigi has a lot of potential. Keep those mindgames up and keep coming out and I'm sure you'll be a force to be reckoned with soon enough. People hate luigi. You know that by now though. (my teammate mained luigi so I know his tricks) Nice screech.

Nick - You too. Both of you guys have a lot of potential. Try entering doubles with coolhat and see how a Jiggs / Luigi team does. They both do well in teams, try it out. But yeah, good **** in pools. gg

Adnan - I didn't get to play you :( The guy who came didn't help much. I'm sorry if we're still really skeptical of the tournament today.

Dragon_Hawk - Holy ****, you impressed me the very most today. I was wowed. I've never really faced good ICs, a pair that can desynch like you. I saw some ill ****. It's disgusting how good downsmash ***** them though. We will play at trans can! GGs man.

Homsar - stay the **** away from me man.

Church of smash - Add another commandment

Thou shalt enter doubles

You have so many of you! Why do only singles? Teams gets you better. Fact. <3 anyway though, you guys seem pretty cool. Teams is definitely the funnest aspect of smash.

GK: Peach has some ownage combos on FFers. We should do some dittos next time adn we can exchange tips or what not, but yeah. lakjfksdlgkdjhdjfgdf.

Jigten: farblmarobarfbarboquarb

if i forget anyone then i will edit

As for anyone else - GGs and we love you, thanks for coming and it was good ****

C 3

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I have sooooo many shoutouts, if I forget any, my bad :p

Coolhat: You amaze me bro. Your Luigi's technique is incredibly impressive. With a bit more experience and some strategy adjustments, you will be a dominating force. You beat Volasko, who came in 3rd in the tournament i'm really proud of you man. You're a great kid. We must play more often. I'll take you in the next ditto lol

Stos: LOL HAHAHAHA we were the illest team there, even though we lost both our matches. With more experience we may get somewhere, but considering brawl's comin out, i'm not sure it'll happen. LUIGI SPIKE!!!!! LOL HAHAHA we'll play again one day, you can try and get some revenge...............

Divine: Thanks a lot for hosting this tournament man. It was a great experience. I may not have made it very far, but the experience helped. THIS POOLS IDEA WAS BRILLIANT! it really shows the best of the best IMO. BTW, I accidently left headphones and an mp3 player there on a chair. Did you see it? please ask around, it's a charished Christmas gift, and i'd be so grateful if somebody returned it.

Raynex: You did really well man, you stepped up a lot in this tournament. See what happens when you don't go emo!?!?!?!? GOOD S**T HAPPENS!!!! listen to me more often and you will continue to be successful!!!! of course, not against my Luigi though, that's a different story

Delorted: Good playing today man, really impressive. I still haven't faced you with my improved Luigi, hope to pull out a victory.

Lanowen: You're a quiet guy buddy, but you're good. WE ***** in teams! we should have entered the tournament lol

Dragon_Hawk: David, you did so well man, don't beat yourself up too much. You impressed a lot of ppl, including myself. You massacred a lot of good players, and went 8 - 0 in your pool. THAT'S IMPRESSIVE! sadly, I was one of them......

Run: Hope to face you again. After all the times I asked u to play, I finally play you today lol i'd also like to face your luigi and see how I do.

Volasko: By far the most hilarious guy at the tournament. I don't know you very well, but you had me laughing for quite a while today, you're a good guy. I'd also like to face you soon, get revenge for my buddy coolhat! lol

Connel: You were by far the coolest guy at the tournament you can still beat my Luigi...... kinda depressing :p but I ***** your Doc Hope you have a safe camping trip and wish you all the best.



Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
dragon hawk: didnt get to finish that match,. but it was boring anyway. kirby is Boring! next time, if you pick kirby i want to go luigi. it would be some fun, thne.
ugh. would people stop complaining about how i'm boring? everyone can rant about how my kirby is repetitive all they want but really i have three usable moves (barring improvisation) and if what i'm doing is working what is my motivation to stop?

also... you're peach. how hard is it to knock kirby off and just edgeguard him lol? you have an 8-2 for a reason. :(

whatever. be luigi if you wish. i don't really care.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2006
Grand Finals :
, R02 , R03

Losers Bracket : Finals
, R02 , R03
, R04

Losers Bracket : Semi-Finals
, R02

Losers Bracket : Quarter-Finals
, R02

Losers Bracket :
, R02

Losers Bracket :
, R02

My apologies for the sound.
I had selected the wrong codec and compression rates for it, so it sounds like complete *** and is out of sync.


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
so I'm like late for everything right?


wasnt there for too long but w.e

Pointman: Haha we gotta play sometime, I heard about your match with David, he's one tough one to beat. Believe me. Good to see you.

Chaotic: Man, you embarassed me 1st stock D: standing still, fairing me like 3 times. I won that match, even though I decided to be a **** and get greedy. Which almost cost me rofl. Good Falcon and ****.

GK: That hat is pimp, straight up. Whoa whoa I was watching you play DK. You sure made it interesting. Me and Nate were laughing at the PF stage selection since like... yeah I think we all know where this is going. Nice Sheik and Peach. o__o I think I'm gonna have my hands full playing against you. Whenever that is.

Nate: Rofl, always good to see you man. We need more smashers like you, honestly. I saw that match against Noah from far.. man. Pretty scary. Speaking ownage, rofl. Lets talk about the guy I brought in. I like how you tell him how dumb his tournament idea was, walk half a meter away, and come back and attack him again. lol. See you at TransCan.

Volasko: I ****ing forgot to give you that 10 D: and also. that mm. We gotta play sometime. For real for real.

Bernard: Holy **** man, I think it's safe to say both of us weren't playing too impressive there D: Battlefield is extremely gay. Seriously. We gotta do battle somewhere else, lol. Next time.

Daniel: Care to explain to me why the hell you are so good on Dreamland? the **** was that combo?! Nice Fox o__o I didn't think it was that good. But man o_o. Great ****. Thanks for talking to the guy though, btw.

Jake: lol I know man, I know you didn't wanna sound like an ***, but I'll say it to you and I said it to him. He made things sound bad himself. As far as doubles go, maybe next time we could save everyone time and give you guys the money. Or maybe I should join the doubles tournament and ****. XDDD great **** with the tournament.

Andy: PENN WINS! **** Pulver. o_o oh yeah, smash talk. I heard you did poorly D: bad day? haha it happens. Hope to see a rebound in the next tournament, if we have one soon. I'll do my best to help out @ TransCan, man. OH THAT RHYMEZ.

Dzenan: Oh man, proud of you! Beating ambrose like that, taking 2nd place like that. Keep it up mang. We got the big cheese coming up so look sharp for that :]

Imadh: Nice stuff in doubles. Losing is part of competing. Remember what I said. What seperates pros from joes is how well you cope/deal with a lose. You did good anyway. Don't worry, we'll figure out those ICs.. lolgayvid.

James: :0 nice stuff in teams. You did well with Julian, lol. The Beauty and The Beast will see the light of day sometime. :]

Micheal: I think David's gay is rubbing on you D: get rid of it! Nice marth. You shoulda been up there for sure. Keep up that impressive improvement.

David: :]] Really proud of you, ***. I like how you had that mentallity of winning season before you went there and did sooo well. You really dont get the credit/respect you deserve. But you sure gained it from me after this tournament. Good job

C3: LOL! YOU FORGOT THE MP3 PLAYER THERE?! XD! I'll see you around and maybe I can play you liek I should have awhile back.

Julian: :0!! Admit it, you rather be on my side than David's >_> lol nice work on teams. I see improvement from you, actually. keep it up man.

Marco: MARCO! O_O lol wow man you came. Awesome. haha so how did you like it? I bet you were owning people left and right XD or maybe not. It really was good to see though, really.

Christian: HOLY **** THAT LINK! lol man I shoulda stopped talking **** after you took the lead. roflrofl. I tried to make it interesting but meh, you still won. Nice man, I like how you made some sacrifaces to come out man. thumbs up high to that. holla at me through facebook when you have some room for me to play wiht you :]

And Church of Smash, n___n I thought we would outnumber you guys, You guys are definitely an interesting group. I like how you guys manage and stick for one another. Real team effort from you guys. But who is your leader? GKing? Alpha? or Pointman? lol.

Our challenge will be postponed, lol.

ARGH I WISH I WENT! Stupid work .__. oh well.

Deleted member

alpha, who is in CoS? How many people are in it? Who's your best? Why don't you guys practice doubles? O_________________________O


Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2007
Ajax, Ontario
According to the facebook group, theres 25 official members.

Theres really only about 13-14 that are active enough to go to tournaments and stuff though.

GK seems to place highest in tournaments, but playing amongst ourselves, its really quite even most of the time so it's hard to definitively say who's best.

Also we have several teams but everyone is too cheap to pay the entry fee

Chaotic Yoshi

Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2001
Also we have several teams but everyone is too cheap to pay the entry fee
cheap like a fox!

(double pun intended, possibly triple pun)

Don't worry guys, we'll be partaking in far more events once brawl rolls around. Looking forward to that first tournament. Are the rest of the GTA switching over to brawl?


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
I think Nate's words echo'd out a lil TOO far into the ears of others.

I'm telling you I am not gonna stop playing this game until Brawl is actually tournament friendly and such. Which is a long while from now. So enough of this "We'll play seriously when brawl comes out"


Save your johns for TransCan, man.

But yeah lol with so many guys you should really consider playing doubles. It has a whole new element to the game: Team Chemistry.

C 3

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Someone please get Brawl and unlock Luigi. Tell me how he is, if he sucks cont C 3 out (original thought, will probably change later on). Also, Tyrant Wolf, what's your name in real life?


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Someone please get Brawl and unlock Luigi. Tell me how he is, if he sucks cont C 3 out (original thought, will probably change later on). Also, Tyrant Wolf, what's your name in real life?
Add - Naan

Adnan :0 lol.

ALSO who is coolhat? seen him around like the forums but irl. What area does he live by? lol.


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Thanks a **** load Alpha, the vids are great. One thing that's strange though, each match freezes atleast once and some of the match gets cut out. Not a big deal, but you know. Big thanks though, really appreciate it. Are you putting them up in the video section?


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2006
No problem.
I noticed that one video pauses at the beginning, no idea why though. It could have to do with youtubes new uploading/conversion system.

As for the video section, it's up to you guys if they should be put in there.

PS: tgbx vs raynex on corneria = TOO good lmao


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2007
Mississauga, ON, Canada
Add - Naan

Adnan :0 lol.

ALSO who is coolhat? seen him around like the forums but irl. What area does he live by? lol.
byahhhh. I went to SoS came in 4th in my pool, i live by goldenorchard and bloor, in sauga. main luigi. I go to applewood (your ex-school? lol). I'm a little 14 year old white kid

C 3

Smash Ace
Jan 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
byahhhh. I went to SoS came in 4th in my pool, i live by goldenorchard and bloor, in sauga. main luigi. I go to applewood (your ex-school? lol). I'm a little 14 year old white kid
That's my boy coolhat!!! you came in 4th man? wow I didn't know. Great job man! you should have been 3rd *shakes fist at Volasko* lol :p


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
byahhhh. I went to SoS came in 4th in my pool, i live by goldenorchard and bloor, in sauga. main luigi. I go to applewood (your ex-school? lol). I'm a little 14 year old white kid

O_O POST ON THE TT! (t.o thread lol)

We gotta play sometime.
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