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Scv: Hard


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Sveet's Combo Video: Hardcore American ****, Dude


This is a video to teach the tech (unlike the video named thus by Viperboy).

Information on the tech:

You can only press L/R 20 frames before the tech should happen, or else you cannot use the button again for 60 frames (this means, when you miss a tech and start getting comboed, dont keep trying to tech, just wait and tech after 60 frames). You also cannot attempt to tech during the hitlag, or you cannot tech for 60 frames (like with meteor cancels). This leaves you with two options, to attempt to tech 20 frames before you are touching the wall after an attack (don't forget about hitlag) or to tech after the hitlag is over and before you leave contact with the wall (i did this twice in the vid, see puff and ganon in BtT).

This video is available to download from myself via the hub.

Also, this is my first video.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
Nice video, maybe you could have it updated to give general ideas of where each char should press L/R when coming from below a stage. I know when I do it, I usually look for a general "area" of where I should press L. Works like a charm ^.^


Smash Cadet
Oct 17, 2007
Nice video, maybe you could have it updated to give general ideas of where each char should press L/R when coming from below a stage. I know when I do it, I usually look for a general "area" of where I should press L. Works like a charm ^.^
its a timing thing, 20 frames b4 you are hit. with fox/falco just press it as you are going up from your upb or as you start to move from your sideb. for characters that move up fast like marth, just press it as you press upb. maybe if i make SCV: HARD2 ill put an "area' thing in. this was my first vid and i really dont know how to do that lol. maybe ill mess around in video editor and do it.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
its a timing thing, 2 frames b4 you are hit. with fox/falco just press it as you are going up from your upb or as you start to move from your sideb. for characters that move up fast like marth, just press it as you press upb. maybe if i make SCV: HARD2 ill put an "area' thing in. this was my first vid and i really dont know how to do that lol. maybe ill mess around in video editor and do it.
Yeah I know about how the timing works, but I'm saying maybe for example on FD, you can take each char, set up the mine, and proceed to ledge tech with each, and then put in in a slower time frame. This slow down can allow the visual learners a better idea of when they should tech. I thought of this because last year when I was learning how to wall tech, I remember seeing a video with a Captain Falcon in it and the words "Press L about here" when they were explaining how to wall tech. I'm thinking it was the AHtPV in the General Melee Section. One second, I'll go look.

EDIT: Hmmmm I can't seem to find it. Ah well, hopefully someone here knows which video I am talking about. :)


Smash Cadet
Oct 17, 2007
Yeah I know about how the timing works, but I'm saying maybe for example on FD, you can take each char, set up the mine, and proceed to ledge tech with each, and then put in in a slower time frame. This slow down can allow the visual learners a better idea of when they should tech. I thought of this because last year when I was learning how to wall tech, I remember seeing a video with a Captain Falcon in it and the words "Press L about here" when they were explaining how to wall tech. I'm thinking it was the AHtPV in the General Melee Section. One second, I'll go look.
yea, and its how i learned too, kinda. my friend told me to press at a certain spot. i didnt realize it was because you had to press it before you were hit, i thought it was because you had some time pressing down the button or something like that lol. then i read somewhere that you cant press it in the hitlag, cause i always thought that was when you had to press :/

maybe ill borrow my friend's AR and show some of them frame by frame.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
First post again Gerbil?
Oh cool.
I'm awesome. But it does appear like I'm on SWF constantly... but I'm really not lol.

Some call it luck, I just call it perfect timing. ^.^ (I so saw this quote somewhere, it seems fitting for this moment)


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
Or, if you had a friend, you could just have them play Peach. Then you could just practice teching the downsmash.


Smash Cadet
Oct 17, 2007
Or, if you had a friend, you could just have them play Peach. Then you could just practice teching the downsmash.
peach's downsmash is a lot easier to tech because you dont need any form of SDI in order to tech. Dsmash pulls you into the stage and you tech like normal. id rather get a friend to play marth and fsmash me all day, or ice climbers cause their dsmash lasts a while.
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