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Sandstorm Team


Smash Apprentice
Jul 14, 2007
Well, I tried to use as many Rock-pokémons as possible. :p Sandstormboost ftw.

Tyranitar - Sandstream
Quiet | Over 401+ HP, 158 Speed, some sp.atk and some atk.
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt

The perfect starter for a sandstorm team.
Dual attacking for some **** walls, mainly Skarm and Bliss. But this is power. : D

Rhyph33r10r - Solid Rock
Adamant | Max attack and max HP. Eh, 4 def. :p
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Megahorn
- Substitute

ZOMG!!1 Solid Rock+Sandstorm=1337h4xz0r!! I've actually seen it take about 50% damage from a Weavile with CBed Ice Punch. O.o Full HP, 0 defence-EVs. It's insane...
Yaya, the sandstormboost.. I love Perior and Tar on the same team. ^^

Ya, my whole team was supposed to build on these two. So I tried to find some cool fillers.. :p

Forry - Sturdy
Impish | Max HP, some defence and some attack.
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Rapid Spin
- Rock Slide

Bah, something I had to put in for some of the physical Fighters. Rapid Spinner, and can set uo some stealth rocks. :]

Relicanth - Rock Head
Adamant | Maxl HP, max attack. Probably 4 defence :p
- Head Smash
- Aqua Tail
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
@Choice Band

Gawd, it's cool in sandstorm teams! o.O A dualtank+a überattacker! STABed Head Smash + CB without recoil is insane!!

Bastiodon - Sturdy
Careful | Max HP, a some defence and a little sp.defence. I'll have some attack, to.. :3
- Curse
- Metal Burst
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Haha, something I actually just wanted to use for fun. ^^ Send in against something crap, Curse and something with either EQ or a Fighting pokémon'll come in. Then I'll have a huge defence AND sp.defence. Then it should survive, even STABed EQ. Metal Burst him and laugh.

Omastar - Shell Armor
Modest | Max Sp.Attack, a lot of HP and probably some sp/def.
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Ancientpower
- Mud Shot
@Choice Specs

Haha, something I never thought would work. CSpecs+STABed Surf is pretty powerful.. Mud Shot and Ancientpower is.. Eh, fillers. Ancientpower get's STAB! PWND!!! Well, even without STAB, Ice Beam is more powerful. e_e So I guess I could use it on things like.. Articuno.

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
Hmm... Three Pokes from my recent RMT are on your RMT...

Well, I tried to use as many Rock-pokémons as possible. :p Sandstormboost ftw.

Tyranitar - Sandstream
Quiet | Over 401+ HP, 158 Speed, some sp.atk and some atk.
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt

The perfect starter for a sandstorm team.
Dual attacking for some **** walls, mainly Skarm and Bliss. But this is power. : D

Good. Most people would expect a Stone Edge, Earthquake, or Crunch from Tyranitar.

Rhyph33r10r - Solid Rock
Adamant | Max attack and max HP. Eh, 4 def. :p
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Megahorn
- Substitute

ZOMG!!1 Solid Rock+Sandstorm=1337h4xz0r!! I've actually seen it take about 50% damage from a Weavile with CBed Ice Punch. O.o Full HP, 0 defence-EVs. It's insane...
Yaya, the sandstormboost.. I love Perior and Tar on the same team. ^^


Ya, my whole team was supposed to build on these two. So I tried to find some cool fillers.. :p

Forry - Sturdy
Impish | Max HP, some defence and some attack.
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Rapid Spin
- Rock Slide

Bah, something I had to put in for some of the physical Fighters. Rapid Spinner, and can set uo some stealth rocks. :]


Relicanth - Rock Head
Adamant | Maxl HP, max attack. Probably 4 defence :p
- Head Smash
- Aqua Tail
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
@Choice Band

Gawd, it's cool in sandstorm teams! o.O A dualtank+a überattacker! STABed Head Smash + CB without recoil is insane!!


Bastiodon - Sturdy
Careful | Max HP, a some defence and a little sp.defence. I'll have some attack, to.. :3
- Curse
- Metal Burst
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Haha, something I actually just wanted to use for fun. ^^ Send in against something crap, Curse and something with either EQ or a Fighting pokémon'll come in. Then I'll have a huge defence AND sp.defence. Then it should survive, even STABed EQ. Metal Burst him and laugh.


Omastar - Shell Armor
Modest | Max Sp.Attack, a lot of HP and probably some sp/def.
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Ancientpower
- Mud Shot
@Choice Specs

Haha, something I never thought would work. CSpecs+STABed Surf is pretty powerful.. Mud Shot and Ancientpower is.. Eh, fillers. Ancientpower get's STAB! PWND!!! Well, even without STAB, Ice Beam is more powerful. e_e So I guess I could use it on things like.. Articuno.

An Infernape with:

Flare Blitz
Close Combat
Grass Knot

Could demolish this team.

Breloom has Seed Bomb to kill Rhyperior (eventually ;)), Omastar and Relicanth, while whatever Fighting move it has can kill Tyranitar and Bastiodon.

All of your Pokes except Forretress are weak to the common Earthquake and Fighting move. They're even a bigger threat considering the fact that none of your Pokes resist either type.

6.5/10 :ohwell:.

It's a good team, but the common weaknesses drag it down, and lower the rating.

Until wii meet again,
Wii4Mii 99


Smash Apprentice
Jul 14, 2007
Actually, my Bastiodon will counter most ground and fighting-types.

I'm actually aware of the weaknesses. Bastiodon do have a important role in my team. But yeah, no teams will have 6 EQ's and Fighting attacks, so I don't think I've that many problems. The first rounds, Forry will counter most physical pokémons completely, so my really. I only need to get my opponent to send in something my Bastiodon can wall, which is a lot.

And Relicanth would probably survive atleast 2 EQs and sweep with some STABed moves. :p

But yeah, Infernape.. I know that Rhyperior probably will survive one attack from it, but I could actually need something to counter it a little better. Any suggestions?

Gah, maybe Gengar > Omastar.. It does counter the things I need to be countered..

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
Actually, my Bastiodon will counter most ground and fighting-types.

I'm actually aware of the weaknesses. Bastiodon do have a important role in my team. But yeah, no teams will have 6 EQ's and Fighting attacks, so I don't think I've that many problems. The first rounds, Forry will counter most physical pokémons completely, so my really. I only need to get my opponent to send in something my Bastiodon can wall, which is a lot.

Well, it's 4x weakness to those moves will be a problem, but with Curse, it may survive a bit longer. Once Bastiodon dies, however, your team will fall apart to Ground/Fighting moves (except Forretress and Rhyperior will likely survive ;))

And Relicanth would probably survive atleast 2 EQs and sweep with some STABed moves. :p

Yeah, you're probably right. But it has a 4x weakness to Grass.

But yeah, Infernape.. I know that Rhyperior probably will survive one attack from it, but I could actually need something to counter it a little better. Any suggestions?

Here's some caculations I've come to:

Neutral nature, 0 SpDef EVed, 252 HP Rhyperior...

UnSTAB Grass Knot needs 245 in the SpAtk stat to guarantee a OHKO.
STAB Grass Knot needs 163.
UnSTAB Surf needs 327.
STAB Surf needs 217.

This is with Solid Rock factored in, but not the Sandstorm boost.

Gah, maybe Gengar > Omastar.. It does counter the things I need to be countered..

Yeah, and it can serve as the Special Sweeper like Omastar
Until wii meet again,
Wii4Mii 99


Smash Apprentice
Jul 14, 2007
Like I said, I don't expect my opponent to use that many powerful EQ's, and Bastiodon will probably counter the most powerful of them.
But hey, don't underestimate Bastiodons defences.. O: They pwn, and with both the sandstormboost and the curse it will probably survive a lot.

Forry counters the physical grass attacks, while Bastiodon do counters the most specials.

And yeah, I guess I'll use Gengar.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
Well, I tried to use as many Rock-pokémons as possible. :p Sandstormboost ftw.

Tyranitar - Sandstream
Quiet | Over 401+ HP, 158 Speed, some sp.atk and some atk.
- Substitute
- Focus Punch
- Ice Beam
- Thunderbolt

The perfect starter for a sandstorm team.
Dual attacking for some **** walls, mainly Skarm and Bliss. But this is power. : D


Rhyph33r10r - Solid Rock
Adamant | Max attack and max HP. Eh, 4 def. :p
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Megahorn
- Substitute

ZOMG!!1 Solid Rock+Sandstorm=1337h4xz0r!! I've actually seen it take about 50% damage from a Weavile with CBed Ice Punch. O.o Full HP, 0 defence-EVs. It's insane...
Yaya, the sandstormboost.. I love Perior and Tar on the same team. ^^


Ya, my whole team was supposed to build on these two. So I tried to find some cool fillers.. :p

Forry - Sturdy
Impish | Max HP, some defence and some attack.
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Rapid Spin
- Rock Slide

Bah, something I had to put in for some of the physical Fighters. Rapid Spinner, and can set uo some stealth rocks. :]

Replace Rock Slide with Stone Edge, Rest, or Substitute.

Relicanth - Rock Head
Adamant | Maxl HP, max attack. Probably 4 defence :p
- Head Smash
- Aqua Tail
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide
@Choice Band

Gawd, it's cool in sandstorm teams! o.O A dualtank+a überattacker! STABed Head Smash + CB without recoil is insane!!

Intresting, I've never seen a Relicanth used like this before, I've really forgotten about this pokemon, but still good.

Bastiodon - Sturdy
Careful | Max HP, a some defence and a little sp.defence. I'll have some attack, to.. :3
- Curse
- Metal Burst
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake

Haha, something I actually just wanted to use for fun. ^^ Send in against something crap, Curse and something with either EQ or a Fighting pokémon'll come in. Then I'll have a huge defence AND sp.defence. Then it should survive, even STABed EQ. Metal Burst him and laugh.

Give it a Shuca Berry to reduce its 4x Weakness to EQ and then, use Metal Burst to return the damage you recive.

Omastar - Shell Armor
Modest | Max Sp.Attack, a lot of HP and probably some sp/def.
- Surf
- Ice Beam
- Ancientpower
- Mud Shot
@Choice Specs

Haha, something I never thought would work. CSpecs+STABed Surf is pretty powerful.. Mud Shot and Ancientpower is.. Eh, fillers. Ancientpower get's STAB! PWND!!! Well, even without STAB, Ice Beam is more powerful. e_e So I guess I could use it on things like.. Articuno.

Ancientpower can be used for Articuno. But its movepool is reduced to not much if you have the Choice Specs.
Overall- 7.9/10, why, because this team is a Perfect Sandstorm, but most of them can be OHKO'd by Grass Rope- Rhyperior, T-Tar , Omastar and Relicanth, why? Beacuse with T-Tar and Rhyperior, Grass Rope's base power becomes 120 and there's a 4x weakness with R-Canth, Rhyperior and O-Star, then with about two EQs or One Close Bombat, Bastiodon goes down and one or two Stabed Fire Punch/Blasts will KO Foretress. Not to mention that if a Pokemon KO's T-Tar, they can change the weather conditions and take away the Spdef boost, also, don't give all of your pokes Leftovers, that's usually banned in most tourneys.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 14, 2007
Since when wasn't it allowed to use Leftovers on every pokémon? Guess that would be in some n00b-tourneys. I've played a lot of tournaments, and none of them has ever had that rule.

Don't underestimate the sandstorm-boost. And like I can't expect a Grass Knot anyway.. But yeah, I'm still aware of my weaknesses. That's why I'll switch Omastar for Gengar. I haven't just decided what set yet..


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
Since when wasn't it allowed to use Leftovers on every pokémon? Guess that would be in some n00b-tourneys. I've played a lot of tournaments, and none of them has ever had that rule. The item clause is what I'm talking about.

Don't underestimate the sandstorm-boost. And like I can't expect a Grass Knot anyway.. But yeah, I'm still aware of my weaknesses. That's why I'll switch Omastar for Gengar. I haven't just decided what set yet.. The thing is, a lot of pokemon can learn Grass Rope and you wouldn't even know it , it might be a pokemon you'd expect Emergy Ball from .
If you get a Gengar, give it a CS so it'll be able to outrun pokes that take advantage of the damage it takes from the Sandstorm.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
Sandstorm needs to special walls. Making all of our pokemon the rock is uh, "unsmart". Blissey or Cresslia are a must on a sandstorm team. Empoleon is decent but not as good as those two.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Hippowdon is a good choice, seeing as it has Fire, Thunder, and Ice Fang.

Well, I mean, that's what I use really....

Wii4Mii 99

Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
but the fangs aren't amazing

hippowdon has better things to do
Yeah, Hippowdon can be a Physical Wall with 108 base HP, 118 base Defense, Slack Off, and a resistance to the common Rock move, like Stone Edge. He can also learn Curse to boost his Defense even more.

Until wii meet again,
Wii4Mii 99
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