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Samus/Zamus Transformation Discussion Thread

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Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Vault 101
Sakurai said that Zero Suit Samus is not a "pure" character addition, but instead, under certain "conditions", Samus will remove her power suit.

What could these certain conditions be? Some popular beliefs are...

- Zelda/Shiek Type Transformation
- Samus removes suit after Final Smash
- After taking a certain amount of damage
- After using a fully charged beam (shown in trailer)

What do you believe? Any new ideas?

I personally believe it has to do with the huge beam she unleashes in the trailer.

Discuss. ;)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 27, 2005
Tallahassee, Florida
-Can't be 'final smash'
Final Smash is an item and Sakurai knows that many people play with items off, it would make no sense to have an entirely new character that people would not see with items off.

I'd put my money on a zelda/shiekish transformation. It's possible that it's irreversable until samus dies.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2007
I think a Zelda/Sheik like transformation seems most likely.


Smash Ace
Dec 29, 2006
Final Destination
-Can't be 'final smash'
Final Smash is an item and Sakurai knows that many people play with items off, it would make no sense to have an entirely new character that people would not see with items off.

I'd put my money on a zelda/shiekish transformation. It's possible that it's irreversable until samus dies.
Don't forget that you'll probably be able to hold B before the battle to switch characters like you could with Zelda/Sheik.


Smash Cadet
May 30, 2006
I think it's this very topic -- the Samus/Zamus transformation -- that led Sakurai to cover Fox before Samus, despite Samus having appeared first in the trailers. I think he's planning a two-for-one veteran/newcomer update on Samus/Zamus, with the transformation dynamic covered. It would be a nice way to transition from veteran fighters to covering the rest of the confirmed newcomers.

Sounds like a Friday update, if you ask me. Hopefully this Friday. :grin:


Smash Ace
May 20, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
who says it has to be a transformation? why cant it be two characters?

not a pure character addition? well, if he added both characters of course zamus wouldnt be a PURE character addition. its a character hes already put in, in a different suit.

under certain conditions? i remember this statement and believe me, it never said anything about this being an in game mechanic. "under certain conditions" in my mind, means when samus finishes killing space pirates on zebes and needs a shower cos shes been in the same suit for quite some time. has anyone finished zero mission? towards the end of that game she takes off her suit cos she thinks the day is won, and then she gets attacked again and has to run round in her zero suit for a bit.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Go go dynamic!

That's starting to become a catchphrase.

I think ( hope ) that the "certain conditions" just have to do with how you unlock her. Or it could be some completely new in-game mechanic we don't know of yet.

The not so pure character addition could simply refer to the same way the Doc was not a pure character addition, since it's still Mario.
Maybe Zamus won't get an own portrait in the select screen and has to be selected by pressing A while spawning or something.
I wouldn't worry about any fancy-schmancy "only after Final Smash/certain damage" stuff. That would be just stupid.


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2007
[Hide my Location]
I remember seeing somewhere that Sakurai said he put Zamus in because of how popular Metroid has become and thus it needed more representation. If that's the case, how would making Zamus a transformation add more representation?

It'd be odd to make such a drastic change to an already existing character. If it's a non-Z/S type transformation then there's also the fact that having an originality like that would be a waste to put on an old character rather than a new one.

Sakurai said we could still play as regular Samus. Being forced to transform or having one of her Bs replaced doesn't sound like "STILL being able to play as REGULAR Samus" to me.

Lastly, if she was a transformation, I really think we would have seen the transformation in the second trailer, or seen Samus in action. Orl, at the VERY LEAST, not have Fox confirmed before Samus.
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