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Saki's ZSS (Help)


Smash Lord
Mar 10, 2008
Laurel, Md
Snakee must have made you pick up zss

But um as a lucas main....NEVER SPAM YOUR LASER LIKE THAT lol.
Do you want us to stay at 0% from your lazer?

keep practicing.

Saki Zatoichi

Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2008
Laurel, MD
Nah, I've been using ZSS before C3. That's why I wanted to know if those videos of Snakeee VS M2K were recorded, so I could watch them.

The new Fatal Frame came out awhile ago in Japan, and you can unlock a ZSS alternative costume. And well, I love Fatal Frame. >_>

Edit: Played a Zamus online tonight, learned a couple of things. Like D-Throw > Uair.


Smash Hero
Jul 7, 2008
First off, Dthrow -> Uair is not a guaranteed strike, as they can airdodge it long before you can hit. Use it judiciously and with great care. Now onto the video.

-I wouldn't recommend using triple Dsmash, as they escape halfway through the third, which makes the Fsmash that you followed it up with each time, redundant. On the topic of Fsmash, you use it way too often. The community here is of the opinion that it her second worst move, it starts laggy, ends laggy and you can't follow up out of it, which is counterproductive. Use it very sparingly, out of a single Dsmash if at all.
-At the start of the match, I'll assume that it was a failed glide toss, but yeah, glide toss either forward, down, up or take to the air. I'll also assume that the self-gimp at 0:31 was due to latency. If not, your Up+B is always at hand.
-I see you using Dair as a form of recovering back onto the ledge. I'd advise against this, as it has a very long ending animation, which would leave you vulnerable to attack, against Lucas, an Usmash and a stock.
-I see lots of full hops to missed attacks. Try fast falling short hopped aerials, it's a lot more effective. Short hop your paralyser shots as well.

All in all, less grabbing, more short hopping, less fsmash, more down tilts. You've got a good hand at some of the basics, but there's still a long way to go. Keep at it.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
-Master her recovery
-Use less F-smash(Preferable none)
-Use the items better(Learn stuff like sliding toss and etc)
-Practice some better follow ups to your paralysing techniques
-Don't spam F-smash it really is a bad technique
-Use more Side-B I mean really just go nuts and spam it like crazy
-Dont use your AAA combo when their far away from you


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
Calgary, AB, CA
hi saki...glad to see you're picking up ZSS.
-less fsmash...side b is better
-no up throw
-follow up your dsmash with something



Mar 16, 2007
Don't punish with grabs. Punish with dsmashx2, then follow that up with aerials.

Use Plasma Whip to space and pressure.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
-Master her recovery
-Use less F-smash(Preferable none)
-Use the items better(Learn stuff like sliding toss and etc)
-Practice some better follow ups to your paralysing techniques
-Don't spam F-smash it really is a bad technique
-Use more Side-B I mean really just go nuts and spam it like crazy
-Dont use your AAA combo when their far away from you
What he said. Use your neutral b less maybe 2 stocks per life if your trying to pressure the person to shield so you can grab them.(Dont use this move on lucas or ness or any1 that can reflect easily.)

sometimes is better to stun twice and down tilt try to keep your pursuit as much as you can.
The Front Smash does not exist!(only use this move if your opponent is so pesky and has about 175 damage and you dsmash him twice its a sure kill)

and definitely use up tilt and down tilt more often.

the only thing i dont agree with sesshomaruonay is spamming side B alot its probably one of the slowest moves and very punishable most of the time with speedy characters. And don't mention snakeeee he is to pro he can do w/e he wants. :) like that meta pwnage on lylat cruise.
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