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S.M.Town Live in New York 2011

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
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S.M.Town Live in New York 2011 – Words Cannot Begin to Describe The Experience

(I apologize in advance if my wording is jumbled or that I forgot certain stages. I’m extremely tired, ha.)

So it’s around the “two year anniversary” of my foray into Korean music. I was first exposed to the likes of Super Junior, Younha, and Big Bang in October of 2009, and have been growing and expanding in interest and taste ever since. October was going to be a huge month: my 18th birthday, a free K-Pop concert in New York, and S.M.Town Live in New York. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the free concert due to a change in location, so I greatly anticipated S.M.Town. Infinite amount of thanks to Judy-nuna for letting me experience this amazing event.

I’ve never actually been to Madison Square Garden (or New York, for that matter) so it was kinda funny getting lost wandering around because we weren’t actually dropped off the bus at the indicated location. Obviously walking around New York / Madison Square Garden, we met all the other people who would be attending the concert. I met fans from New England, Michigan, Florida, and Texas. Hell, I met a woman who flew to the United States three days ago from Japan to watch S.M.Town. This woman had been to previous S.M. performances in Tokyo and was already set on going to the SHINee concert in Japan in November and the Super Show in December. I never bothered asking her what her job / occupation was, but I know I would’ve wanted it if she could afford all this so carefree-ly. Once we were inside the general building, I really started to get hyped. “I’m really here, in New York, at Madison Square Garden?” “I’m about to see S.M.Town?” It didn’t seem real. Only until I sat down and took a look at my surroundings did I truly realize that I was here, I was ready, and I was about to have probably the best night of my life. It was just breath taking to look around Madison Square Garden and see these people of different ages, from different parts of the United States and the world, people of different races and ethnicities, all be gathered and united together for the experience that is S.M.Town. Even before the concert started, you could tell there was one group everyone seemed to be biased for: SHINee. Onew, Key, and Taemin fans, posters, and the like were everywhere. S.M. had a promotional video for their 2011-2012 global auditions, which showcased MV clips of their artists in conjunction with audition locations—they were very clever with this, by the way. BoA had the United States, Super Junior had China, and Girls’ Generation had Japan. But when SHINee came on, Madison Square Garden erupted into cheers. Of course, this commercial came on multiple times, and each SHINee response was just as loud as the previous. I thought a few people would lose their voice before the concert even began. After SHINee though, most of the remaining hype were from ELF and SONE members (myself included), Super Junior and Girls’ Generation fanbases, respectively. Speaking of those audition promotionals, not much love for BoA or f(x) was apparent, which made me sad. but that would change soon enough. Throughout the concert, you could tell that even within each group, the fans had one favourite overall. Super Junior’s Donghae, SHINee’s Key, and f(x)’s Amber all received massive cheers whenever they sang. Pretty amazing how all these people from all around had a single bias shared by nearly everyone else.

I have to give credit to everyone in S.M. Their English lines, no matter how rehearsed they were, still sounded good. Not counting the singers who already speak English like Tiffany, Jessica, BoA or Amber, some people really surprised me with the fluidity of their English. For example, Key did a lot of talking, and sounded nearly natural (probably because he was in New Jersey like two weeks ago). Kangta’s English also impressed me. Seohyun is just the most adorable person ever after stumbling around her English lines. She was supposed to say something like, “Hello New York, I’m really happy to be here.” But apparently forgot ‘here’ and was like “Uhhh. Um.” For like fifteen seconds. IT WAS SO CUTE. Also, around six or seven stages / performances in, something in the speakers messed up and knocked the pitch from the microphones way up. So everyone sounded much higher in range when they were singing / talking compared to their original (I know this was a speaker glitch and not a microphone / audio glitch because I Youtube’d the performances afterwards). For some people like Yesung, Onew, Ryeowook, Luna, Minho, and Amber, this didn’t really change anything but for pretty much everyone else, they sounded like four year old girls and chipmunks. Jonghyun, who usually has such a beast voice, sounded, well, underwhelming. Yuri, Taeyeon and BoA also got it pretty bad, throwing off their lower voices. Leeteuk and Yunho also sounded like chipmunks while talking, and I kinda laughed half the time. Enough about that though. Let’s get into thoughts on the performances, posted chronologically from debut.

Kangta: S.M. needs to kick it into high gear with Kangta. You either reunite H.O.T. somehow, or you work with solo stuff. Kangta is such a good ballad singer, but the Korean version of ‘Breaka Shaka’ was equally as powerful (I can’t find a version on Youtube!). Kinda wish we got to see more of Kangta, but as such, there isn’t much else to say.

BoA: So back when I said I was mostly anticipating Super Junior and Girls’ Generation, I probably lied, in the sense that BoA’s performances stood out to me as the most powerful. I mean, I can’t say I didn’t expect less from someone who has been in the music industry for the last decade and is considered one of the ‘Queens of Korean Pop’. While BoA’s English has improved since her U.S. debut back in 2007, it’s always the best to listen to the natural Korean songs. “Hurricane Venus” and “Copy & Paste” were absolutely amazing. BoA really knows how to work the stage, and as a veteran, is really talented with singing and dancing. I wish BoA the best of luck in filming for her Hollywood movie debut!

TVXQ: The “Kings of S.M.Town” did not fail to exceed everyone’s expectations. Since JYJ were the main vocals of TVXQ, Yunho and Changmin were powerful in their choreography, so much that when they started introducing themselves they were panting heavily. Of course, this doesn’t stop Changmin’s awesome belts. I’d probably say “Maximum” and the short “Mirotic” performances were the most exciting because of the choreography and Changmin’s vocals. It’s funny to see that Changmin no longer points with his index finger when belting. I would say TVXQ made the most out of the harnesses / “flying” since their songs were probably the most energetic voice-wise and dance-wise. As I said before, I couldn’t really take “Keep Your Head Down” seriously because of the speaker glitch. But as veterans, their ability to sing amidst such intense choreography was very well executed.

Super Junior: Ahh, Super Junior. First off, it’s saddening to see Super Junior reduced to less than 13. With Kibum and Siwon acting, Kangin and Heechul in the army, and the Han Geng situation, only eight members were performing. I’d say the best performances were “Sorry Sorry” and “Mr. Simple”. This isn’t to say the others were bad stages. They performed pretty much every major hit aside from “Knockout”, really. I will say I was disappointed in the “Don’t’ Don” stage because Changmin didn’t show up and belt his head off, but the addition of Henry with his electric violin was beast. Also, Ryeowook seems a lot taller when you’re standing like 25 feet away from him. But Ryeowook is still probably the best live singer of Super Junior. Maybe that’s because of his voice, I don’t know. Also, Sungmin did the nicest thing in one of their stages, where he took a fan’s camera and took a picture of himself singing for the fan. How sweet, right? So obviously, Leeteuk did the same, except he laid down at the edge of the stage so a bunch of fans were around him and took the picture that way, and Leeteuk did this multiple times. Shoutouts to copying Sungmin, hmm? Oh, Donghae’s live singing also impressed me, especially since he mostly covered Siwon’s lines. Henry, Zhou Mi, and Super Junior M also made a showing with “Perfection”, but I was really hoping for “Super Girl”, but they didn’t perform that.

Girls’ Generation: Girls’ Generation gonna bring the heat! Needless to say, I probably screamed the most during their performances. So. Good. Their English performance of “The Boys” was legit. I really liked “Ha Ha Ha”, but the speaker glitch (once again), made their voices higher than usual, which lowered the appeal. Every performance, “Gee”, “Run Devil Run”, and “Oh!” were absolutely wonderful. My inner SONE has been brought out after watching them live. Taeyeon was at one stage about 25 feet away from me. She is so much prettier in person, even though I was relatively far away. Words cannot describe. I also got to see Hyoyeon’s dance swag up close. Also, I swear, Sooyoung looks so much prettier, and she was in a car accident a couple weeks back. Sunny’s “New York let me hear you scream!” was adorable. If the girls persist in learning English, I’m pretty sure they can dominate the international market.

SHINee: These boys were undisputedly the star of the show. SHINee or at least a member appeared every three or four stages. As such, much screaming and fangirling was heard throughout their performances. In particular, Key was the standout, being on so many special stages (mentioned later). But overall, the emphasis was placed on Key, Onew, and Jonghyun, since Taemin has his dancing and Minho has his rapping. Awesome mesh of voices by the aforementioned trio, and their "Lucifer" performance was the most exhilarating. I think they had the most consistent performance levels overall, and were just very, very popular. SHINee's on path to a bright future.

f(x): The underrated maknae’s of S.M.! I love them so much! All of their performances were fantastic! “La Cha Ta” and “NU ABO” especially! They didn’t get quite the applause the other groups got, but that’s okay. As the years go on, f(x) will become one of the older / middle groups, and I have no doubt their popularity will keep increasing. Amber’s still going strong with her rapping, and Luna’s voice sounds even better in person. Since most of the f(x) stages were in the beginning, I got to enjoy them the most, since they avoided the audio shenanigans.

Special Stages
Kangta&Sulli: Let me start by saying that Kangta is an A-class actor. His face from getting the microphone out of the mailbox was priceless, and so was the microphone-from-jacket part. Onew’s cameo was also hilarious, tripping himself on stage got a good laugh from the audience. Supposedly Kangta and Taeyeon were to sing this ballad duet but I’m glad I got to see more of Sulli. Sulli’s vocals have grown so much since f(x)’s debut, I can’t wait to see what they’ll do in the future.

Jessica&Krystal: The Jung sisters covered Ke$ha’s “Tik Tok”. There really isn’t much to say. It’s a catchy song, and their English is already good enough to pull it off. Dere’s something to be said about Krystal’s pronunciation of “t” sounds but that’s quite alright. Very charming performance.

Key&Krystal: “My First Kiss” emphasizes Key’s English. And Key does a good job of mixing the dancing and singing. Youtube their previous performances of this stage, and then imagine if it was polished up to near perfection. That’s what this special stage was.

Kyuhyun&Seohyun: “Way Back Into Love” was originally covered by Taeyeon, Jessica, Kyuhyun, and Donghae more than a year ago, but this maknae rendition was adorable. Kyuhyun and Seohyun’s voices compliment each other very well. Seohyun’s English pronunciation is still flawless, while Kyuhyun still says “shed” like “****” from the original cover, haha. Probably the most notable part of this performance was the ending when they held hands and Seohyun put her head on Kyuhyun’s shoulder. Needless to say, Madison Square Garden went “Awwwww…” for about ten seconds.

Dance Specialists: (Eunhyuk, Taemin, Luna, Hyoyeon, Yuri, etc.) These people know how to dance! Not much else needs to be said, powerful choreography, and Taemin is really approaching Eunhyuk’s level. The only complaint is that I wish BoA showed up, too.

Rap Specialists: (Eunhyuk, Shindong, Minho, Key) These four entered from the back of Madison Square Garden, so naturally everyone in those sections were flipping out when they showed up. I couldn’t quite hear what they were rapping, everyone was cheering 24/7, haha. After listening to “The Boys”, I’m pretty sure Yuri and Tiffany could’ve performed in this stage as well. Rapping isn’t just for males, S.M.

Aside from the speaker shenanigans, this was a beautiful set of performances and I had the best time. My only regrets are that I didn’t have a more specialized camera for pictures / recordings and that I wasn’t able to stay for the Girls’ Generation fan meeting. There’s always next time, I suppose!

Shoutouts to Judy-nuna, my KPop family on Smashboards, and of course, S.M.Town / S.M.Entertainment. Many thanks to all of you. <333

Thanks for reading. :3


Feb 6, 2009
Kesha is actually fairly closely related to k-pop, ironically. She helped write Run Devil Run, among other songs.


The Ultimate Sore Loser ♡
Nov 20, 2007
I'm filling in for my mom at the inn we run~
Loved the account~ Made me jealous enough to bang my head on the desk, lol. 25 feet is a relatively small distance, dude. That's amazing.

Good to see SHINee have some sort of spotlight, too. They really deserve it, as I feel that they always have the most complicated choreography in the K-POP industry, and the right beats to go with it. As much as I (really) love TVXQ and SuJu, they'd better watch it, lol.

And I wholly agree that BoA needs more love for these concerts. She's still rockin' a ton o' swag, ya' know?

Great job, maknae :]

I hope there will be another L.A. concert in the next few years. I joined the K-POP wave two months too late.
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