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Rusl for Brawl (Twilight Princess)


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2007

To be fair, I'm a mere 30 hours into Twilight Princess, but I'm already well aware of who the greatest character in the game (and entire Zelda series) is. Ordon's great swordsman, Rusl, would be absolutely amazing as a character in Brawl. With a cast full of wandering heroes, bounty hunters and villains, who could argue that it would be nice to have a family man like Rusl, with a wife and kids, to balance things out. I've heard a few suggestions involving Twilight Princess characters, namely Midna and Zant. While these are interesting characters in Zelda, they don't seem to lend themselves very well as Smash Bros characters. Rusl, however, is a Twilight Princess character with some importance, being the man that taught Link all his tricks. He's great with a sword, he's agile, he can't fly.

I'm sure the "clone police" are already geared up for some serious calling out of my idea. Just because a character has some similarity to another, doesn't necessarily mean they'll completely copy their move set. Rusl is very different from Link. He's not into all that adventuring stuff Link is all about, and I'm fairly certain I've never seen Rusl use a bomb or a boomerang. He has no need for such foolish things!

Let's run down the facts:
- Rusl rocks.
- Rusl is an important character in Nintendo's latest Zelda title developed in-house (i.e. not by Capcom).
- Rusl wears comfortable open-toed shoes.
- On occasion, Rusl wears awesome armor.
- Look at that moustache!
- Rusl is like Link, but way better.
- Rusl is the Dr. Cox to Link's J.D. (NEW! 5/13)

Rusl for Super Smash Bros Brawl!

5/13 edit: Added necessary Scrubs references.



Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Yes... no.
That's a heartwarming argument you bring up for the old man, but his inclusion is next to impossible. There are a bunch of recurring characters from the Zelda series who are far more important, and considering it's not called Super Zelda Brothers, there won't be many more people from the series added. Sorry.


Smash Ace
Apr 14, 2007
Your Conscience
I thought Rusl was kinda cool in the beginning, but no one in that game comes even close to the awesomeness of the guy who runs the cucco flight minigame: Falbi. FALBI FOR BRAWL!

Seriously though, I don't think any TP characters will make it, and Rusl is actually pretty unimportant. He's no cooler than Orca from Wind Waker either...



Smash Lord
May 7, 2007
I thought about it a lot. Heck I lost sleep over it. So.....

Can I say yes.

Rusl wins my life.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Generic character, got injured with one fights with some monsters, and u never actually see him fight...

No chance...


Smash Lord
May 7, 2007
I'm gonna go with 98% chance on this one. I dunno, I just feel it. He is one of the most important characters to not only the plot of TP, but basically to the entire character development of Link. I mean, he's the closest thing to a father link has. Not to mention he tought Link everything he knows.

Do I think Link's father figure is gonna be in Brawl? Heck Yes!


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2007
I don't understand how you can possibly think that Midna and Zant wouldn't work.
And both Midna and Zant are far more important to the plot of Twilight Princess.
Plus they're unbelievably more interesting.. But that's of course just my opinion.

Anyway, I'm personally a Midna-hoper, because she's so cool, and has the most in-depht personality I'v probably ever seen in a Nintendo game.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Generic character, got injured with one fights with some monsters, and u never actually see him fight...

No chance...
Will have to utterly agree!
Rusl is NOT cooler than Link...
Rusl is NOT cooler than Either Zant or Midna(Would want to see Zant if Ganondorf doesn't make it)
Rusl is not cool at all actually! He taught Link the basics of swordplay not "everything he knows"
Throughout the Zelda games Link was getting better with the sword along his journey's and thus near the end of each game he could defeat foes that he could not in the beginning.
Last but not least...You REALLY believe he has a chance?!


Smash Apprentice
May 7, 2007
Joke thread?

It's not like I brought up a character from some obscure japanese-only release or far-fetched third party character. Rusl is a well-designed, well-developed character from one of Nintendo's most significant and recent Zelda games.

I think a few of you seem to be confusing generic with not dark. I know you like your characters dark and badass, but we have plenty of those. Rusl is an honest and compassionate guy who manages to be one of the most genuinely human characters I've ever seen in Zelda. This is exactly why he isn't generic. He doesn't have magic or superpowers, he can't fly, he doesn't look like he's straight out of an anime show, he's just a stand-up guy with fighting skills. This makes him unique, but right at home in Brawl.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
I agree, but one major factor in who gets into Brawl and who doesn't is.. importance. Did Rusl's position as a father-figure actually ever get clear in the game? I don't remember... other than that, he's little more than an NPC if you consider the big picture. Other characters like Midna and Zant were driving forces for the plot and will be widely recognized..
Please don't feel like I'm bashing Rusl or anything, I actually like the idea. It's just not going to happen because a bunch of other characters ( Midna, Zant, Tetra/Young Zelda, Vaati.. ) will be considered first.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2007
You see, I don't think Nintendo is basing all of it's character choices on popularity alone. I mean, where did G&W come from. Everyone has played the games, but not a single person suspected him to become a character in melee. I think the only thing Nintendo likes to do more than to please it's fans by giving them what they ask for, is to please their fans by totally surprising them with someone unthought of but equally amazing. People don't suspect Rusl, but he is an important cornerstone in Link's personality. Maybe, like Pit and Roy, Rusl will show up in smash bros because Nintendo wants the character to become more popular. Even if this thread doesn't gather any more support for Rusl in Brawl, at least it gives people another way to look at who might be in the game. I don't think popularity is the only factor. Go for the abstract. Wish for the unlikely. Anything could happen when Nintendo makes another smash bros.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Hmm, more or less. Another aspect is that characters are representatives. From what I read, the Ice Climbers were chosen from a bunch of characters to represent some sort of old-school NES games. Game&Watch was created to represent the series of minigame handhelds. The Zelda series has kind of enough representation... in Melee, it already has 5 characters. That's as much as the amount of Mario characters, and more than the Pokemon.
It COULD be that Rusl will be considered as a friend of Link's, but even if they're going there, Midna's the more plausible choice...


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Look, sakurai is chossing character by popularity, and if there important to the series, midna and zant were very important in TP (who knows if they will only appear in one game, or will continue to appear, who knows), they are the best candidates for zelda characters...

This guy was not only a secondary character, but he lacked a good role, and u never see him fight, and If I remember correctly, he got very injured with just ONE fight against monsters, cmon...

The guy with gold armor that showed link the advance oves could be a WAY better character than this guy...


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
... it could be argued that the skeleton dude has an even less important role in regard to the plot.
On the other hand, Rusl is a father-figure while the skeleton turns out to BE Link's father.. or at least an ancestor?

Someone totally unexpected would be the leader of the Moblins.
He speaks! Revolutionary! ... no seriously, that was pretty cool.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
I hate to say it, but HMS is actually a better choice than this guy.

Rusl really doesn't have a chance. He's an incredibly minor character whose only saving grace is that he's from the most recent Zelda game, which already has other potential characters (Midna mainly, but Zant would get in before this guy). He's hardly more important than Link's uncle in LttP. That and he doesn't strike me as very popular or a very interesting addition to Brawls cast.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
You see, I don't think Nintendo is basing all of it's character choices on popularity alone. I mean, where did G&W come from. Everyone has played the games, but not a single person suspected him to become a character in melee
Actually, the G&W was a big thing. It died down near GB release, but is uneniably a major factor to Nintendo's survival before DK and Mario.

So yes, G&W is more important, and I wouldn't be suprised if popular, than Rusl.
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