Hello again :D
As you may be aware I created the other stage topic the Yoshi storybook.
I've got another idea that I was not sure weather to show.
But people from another forum I go to loved the idea, I thought i'd share it here eh?
Route 118 is located in Honen (sp?) in Pokemon Ruby, Saphire and Emerald.
It is a Sea route with all sorts of Pokemon including the fabled Lati@s's.
Of course some of the Pokemon shown, don't actually appear in the region but it adds to the creativity.
The stage mostly takes place on the gigantic Pokemon Wailord of the 3rd Gen.
Wailord swims through the Route with a Sea filled background.
Random Bird Pokemon also make appearences in the stage and land on the Wailord even! But they don't do anything in paticular.
Periodically Sea Pokemon will appear in the fray and attack the players, such as the 2 previously Pokeball Pokemon Staryu and Marill...
..But if you get in the way of a Gyrados's Dragon Rage you'll be sorry.
Whats this!? The Wailord is sinking into the Water! What do you do?
Aha! A School of Lapras appear! Ride on them until the Wailord re-surfaces!
Well how did you like that? Any comments or Critisim?
Also the players I drew were Kirby, Yoshi, DK and Ike
As you may be aware I created the other stage topic the Yoshi storybook.
I've got another idea that I was not sure weather to show.
But people from another forum I go to loved the idea, I thought i'd share it here eh?

Route 118 is located in Honen (sp?) in Pokemon Ruby, Saphire and Emerald.
It is a Sea route with all sorts of Pokemon including the fabled Lati@s's.
Of course some of the Pokemon shown, don't actually appear in the region but it adds to the creativity.

The stage mostly takes place on the gigantic Pokemon Wailord of the 3rd Gen.
Wailord swims through the Route with a Sea filled background.
Random Bird Pokemon also make appearences in the stage and land on the Wailord even! But they don't do anything in paticular.

Periodically Sea Pokemon will appear in the fray and attack the players, such as the 2 previously Pokeball Pokemon Staryu and Marill...

..But if you get in the way of a Gyrados's Dragon Rage you'll be sorry.

Whats this!? The Wailord is sinking into the Water! What do you do?

Aha! A School of Lapras appear! Ride on them until the Wailord re-surfaces!
Well how did you like that? Any comments or Critisim?
Also the players I drew were Kirby, Yoshi, DK and Ike