Smash Ace
For those of you who have't read what happened: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=15070780 will catch you up.
It's fairly accurate safe for the ending. I want to call your attention to a Melee rule taken from Cactuar himself:
I wrote this before I read the linked thread, so some of it will be the same. With that said...
It's fairly accurate safe for the ending. I want to call your attention to a Melee rule taken from Cactuar himself:
Was there a rule violation? Yes! Doesn't matter what happened to cause it. Moving on.Tournament Hosts should keep the following in mind:
4. No more than the previous match should be replayed in the event of a rule violation. It is recommended that any disputes be brought promptly and quickly to the Tournament Host’s attention. Special exceptions may be made to this rule per your discretion.
I wrote this before I read the linked thread, so some of it will be the same. With that said...
In regards to ROM5:
A good many people are posting their thoughts on ROM 5 and what happened. Some were there, some weren’t, but I haven’t seen anybody address certain things that I wanted addressed. With that said, here are my thoughts on ROM 5 and what happens after.
RULE CONFUSION: I’ll get this one out of the way because it’s something I'm a little confused about as well. ROM 5 was an Apex qualifier; which, in my mind, meant that it would use the same ruleset as Apex. According to the rules listed on the Apex website, “A player/team may not counterpick to the stage they last won on.” In winner’s finals at ROM 5, M2K had last beaten Unknown on FoD so would have been well within his rights to take him back to FD. However, ROM listed Standard DSR in its ruleset, not modified DSR meaning that “A player/team may not counterpick to a stage they have won on.” This is where the rules between Apex and Rom differed. To me, what happened in winner’s finals is understandable because of this. Did M2K lie? Idk, I was playing a friendly on another tv. All I can say is that perception is different for every person and you’ll never get the story of what exactly happened from anyone so there’s no point in trying to figure it out. Ok, my confusion is in regards to Apex. Which DSR are we going to use? I’m going to be a TO assistant at the event and I want to be 100% positive in the ruleset so that one person’s ruling doesn’t differ from another’s. I’m well aware that there have been several Apex meetings so those in charge are probably on the same page and have probably already talked about this, but if you guys haven’t, please do so.
To Mew2King:
I want you to know that I say this with the best intentions. There are no ill feelings with these words and I wish you the best of luck going forward. In fact, I don’t want anybody to post anything in response to this section. Please do me that favor guys.
At this point, you are the boy who cried wolf. These situations continue to arise, and you are always at the center. No matter what your true intentions or thoughts, you’ve reached the point where people are not going to side with you. You’ve been playing this game for a very long time. You, of all people, should be familiar with what is or is not frowned upon in the community. You should know the rules, the stage lists, and the ins and outs of the system. Why? Because you are a role model in this community. Because you are highly skilled at this game so many people play.
I watch people crowd around you just to watch you play, just for the chance to play you, just to ask you a question about a match up. You need to straighten up and be someone that people can look up to. You don’t know what I would give to be in your position. Actually, I can think of about 10 people right now that would love to be in your shoes and be able to train the next generation of smash players and to carry this game that we all love to new and amazing places.
Just to reiterate some things I told you at the event. YOU DON’T HAVE TO PLAY ALL THE TIME. Get some sleep, get some food, and hang out with people. The best part of tournaments is being able to just spend time with this amazing group of people that are drawn together by a common bond, and you are missing out on that. BUTTON CHECKS. Don’t do it. By button checking, you are stalling the game unnecessarily and there are rules in place to prevent unnecessary stalling of matches and, up until now, you’ve gotten away with it. I hope that, as time goes on, TOs start to call you out on this and prevent it because it isn’t needed, it kills hype, it kills momentum, and it hurts the community. I’ll get into this more in another section so people can respond to it. NO JOHNS. Stop making excuses for everything. Sometimes, you just get outplayed. Deal with it. If you have johns, keep them to yourself. Stop being a punchline for smash jokes by making excuses. Maybe we should stop calling them johns and call them jasons just so it’ll sink in. LISTEN TO THE T.O. Consider it a privilege to attend a tournament and not a right/expectation (That goes for everyone).
Other notes:
BUTTON CHECKING: This isn’t Marvel. You can’t button map in melee. The buttons do the same things they’ve always done. The –only- time you should be allowed to do these ‘button checks’ are when you switch to a different controller in the middle of a set. These should be called ‘controller checks’ instead and anything else should be considered stalling and dealt with immediately.
RULE CHECKING: If, at any point, there is a rule discrepancy among players, 2 things should happen. In such an event, the TO should have ultimate authority on the matter regardless of the posted ruleset. Looking things up takes time and that can kill momentum, so if the TO decides on a direction, the players should follow that direction. Part of going to a tournament is agreeing that you will do as the TO says. It’s automatic. ROM 5 was the perfect example. When Alukard decided that the final game between M2K and Unknown needed to be replayed he was –correct-. Regardless of what you think, regardless of what I thought at the time (I was honestly highly upset with him), he was right. The rules confirm this. With that being said, should he have floated the bracket to allow Unknown to fight M2K instead of KK? Personal opinions aside, I don’t see a problem with it. M2K agreed to it, Eggm agreed to it. Guess what, that’s the definition of our gentleman’s clause!!! It’s the reason we have it! If players agree, all other rules are trumped (not with splitting, gtfo if you thought of that.). Turning a best of 3 into a best of 5, playing on a banned stage, etc. The fact that Alukard got agreement from the players means it was perfectly fine for him to change the bracket at that point even if you do not agree to it.
SPLITTING: It sucks, I’d love to just DQ people who decide to split, or ban them from the next major tournament like MLG has done in the past. But, there will always be ways of doing this without getting caught. ROM 5 was a good example; Unknown and KirbyKaze were in the same vehicle. What was to prevent them from playing their hardest but splitting the money on the way home anyway? Nothing. To be honest, splitting shouldn’t be an issue. When did money become more important than having your name next to a number 1? Where did pride go? If someone asked me to split, I would take it as them being scared, saying that they don’t think they can beat me. I want to prove that person right. They should be scared, I’ll not only beat them, I’ll turn it into a combo video. Know what else doesn’t make sense about splitting? It’s -double elimination-!!!! In grand finals set 1, there’s always someone that only has to win 3 games. The other person has to win 6. See where I’m going with this? Why split when you have the advantage? If anything, you should only agree to split at set 2 of grand finals. I hate that I have to say that.
To summarize everything up, I want to post something that everyone should be familiar with. This is taken DIRECTLY FROM THE ROM 5 THREAD (Pay special attention to what is in bold):
Players are responsible for their own general welfare in regard to the tournament environment. In other words, players are responsible for:
1. Stage List and Rule Set Familiarity
2. Venue and Entry Fees
3. Arriving On Time
4. Maintaining Personal Hygiene
5. Controllers and Character Knowledge
6. Minimizing Whining
Tournament Hosts should keep the following in mind:
1. Tournament sets are usually based on bracket positions, which may be seeded at your discretion. If your tournament is to be run in any other format, you must advertise it accordingly.
2. Some kind of stalling prevention is highly recommended. Since a definition of stalling is too potentially ambiguous here, all instances of stalling are determined by you.
3. Unnecessary delays in a set should be discouraged. These delays can occur before (players not playing the set), during (players taking an unnecessary amount of time to counterpick) or after (players not reporting results) a set. The tournament Host is recommended to keep tabs on set status and completion.
4. No more than the previous match should be replayed in the event of a rule violation. It is recommended that any disputes be brought promptly and quickly to the Tournament Host’s attention. Special exceptions may be made to this rule per your discretion.