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Rolla Monthly 2013 Results


Smash Rookie
Nov 21, 2012
Wildwood, MO
Thanks for being patient, TioPro won't let me upload results directly from the client, so I had to do it manually.

Melee Singles Results:
1: DarkAtma ($132.00)
2: RFrizzle ($66.00)
3: Bieber ($22.00)
4: Metroid
5: Shinobi
5: Karl
7: Hart
7: Hylian
9: Roux
9: Eo
9: Vista
9: King Siegfried
13: Alex
13: Colby
13: MattC
13: Goat
Melee Doubles Results:
1: DarkAtma and Shinobi ($42.00)
2: Bieber and Hart ($21.00)
3: King Siegfried & Fishburne ($7.00)
4: RFrizzle and MattC
5: Eo and Roux
5: Bread and Karl
7: Platypus and Goat
Project M Singles Results:
1: Strong Bad (40 FlatAmount for place 1)
2: Metroid (20 FlatAmount for place 2)
3: DarkAtma (5 FlatAmount for place 3)
4: Fishburne
5: Vista
5: Hylian
7: TMacc
7: RFrizzle
9: Oscar
9: Anthony
9: Karl
9: Jack
13: King Siegfried
Project M Doubles Results:
1: Darkatma & Vista ($40.00)
2: Strong Bad & Hylian ($20.00)
3: metroid & Tmacc
4: RFrizzle & Cookiemonsta
5: King Siegfried & Fishburne
5: Reno & Colton
Brackets: http://imgur.com/a/0xBcB
May be a bit small, but I had no other option since Tio won't upload the results.
Thanks everyone for coming, shoutouts later.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
ggs every1 i played glad i was able to pull it out w/o having to use dk. wario's gonna be really useful in some matchups so i'm training him up b4 big house

gj frizz for gettin 2nd i knew you had it in you

good seein everyone again for the first time since august
fun times brian ur the worst for enterin melee tho
vista/atma im salty me and jordan lost dubs we're comin for u next time, still workin on my dubs wario.

as far as the next romo goes i can't go on either the 5th or the 12th, so anything other than that and i shouldddd be able to go. if pm is still $5 don't expect me to be there though. im not greedy or anything its just really stupid to earn less winning every month than the guy getting 2nd in melee & i'd much rather be able to contribute to the gas fund for my carpool.

SS4 Shinobi

Smash Cadet
May 22, 2010
Columbia Missouri
i agree sb everything should be 10 bucks. The team placing 3rd in melee doubles didn't even get their money back! meh. can we change that vista? ten bucks per player in teams wud make since
i had a fun time. hangin with fellow smashers is a rare occurrence for us (me only) columbia smashers.
-JACE NEEDS TO COME NEXT TIME! otherwise pretty soon my kirby is gunna be able to beat him!

-Goat: Nice playin with u again, i know ur placement at this might make u think otherwise (really tough competition) but u got noticeably better since whenever i played u last. i remember ur neutral game and recovery were ur biggest problem areas last time i played u and i didnt notice that much at all.
-Frizz: can't wait to play u again frizz! i like playing against u, i do wish that i didn't have so many falcon demons...haha. really nice job gettin 2nd, KC REPRESENT
-atma: always super fun playin teams with u binyan. i could play friendly teams with u, paul, and hart forever.....and ever.
-paul: puff's gay main fox. also we can't let frizz take a diarrhea on us again. and get hart back in the swing of things. u had to save him more than me!
-hart: loved playin friendlies with u. u should practice by urself more. i know u've heard it a million times, but do it! it's soo worth it and makes u ten times more confident and a better player. also get paul to attain some sort of dignity and switch to fox. :)
-Karl: always fun. didnt play u too much until the friendlies at the very end but whatevs. also just edgeguard fox with up tilt! XD but seriously i'll shine ur ass err time u jump off :)
-metroid: i never got to play u! i need to next time for sure! nice job getting 4th!
-Eo: nice ****in job in teams holy **** u did so well! also it seems that fate has us without fail play each other in loser's. meh. see ya next time
-vista: u ran off and i never got to play u! nice job runnin the tourney btw, it was much fun.
-roux: hope ur not disappointed in urself for them suicides. i now i have bad tournies. nice comboes in teams though! i was really surprised at how well u and chester were doing. u guys had paul and hart on their toes!
-king siegfried: u turned it on with peach in our pools match! im scurred....also r u watching book 2 korra??? ****s about to go DOWN in the next episode!

glad to see some new faces! make sure to come to these tournies, u'll learn so much and become a much better player.
AND WUTS UP WITH PIECE OF **** ASS ROLLA STEAK AND **** NOT BEIN OPEN 24 7? that was so lame afterwards!

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
I don't know about $10 each dubs for locals, but I definitely need to stress that if your lowest placing doesn't even get money back, DON'T PAY THEM!! That money should go toward 1st and 2nd (Do 65/35 or 66/33 if the numbers turn out nice), it doesn't make any sense to place in the money and still not even break even. Almost every new TO does this because they just trust what tio does (which leads to doing 70/20/10 too, which the community almost NEVER uses).

SS4 Shinobi

Smash Cadet
May 22, 2010
Columbia Missouri
Where can I find info on the new Rolla monthly??
yeah OhBizzle, the new thread wasn't put on the Midwest region category for some reason :( but here it is
I hope u can make it with such short notice. where do u live? it's definitely a lot easier to get info on Missouri tournies on facebook. there is a St Louis melee group, Kansas City melee, and Columbia Melee. U can join any of them to keep closer in touch with local smash stuff
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