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Rob Tips

Crazy Hobo

Smash Cadet
Jul 2, 2006
I have trouble with Robs in general. I rarely beat them, even if they're horrible. Do I simply need to laser spam more? Also, what killing move will be most effective?


Smash Rookie
Oct 23, 2008
never be agressive against a standing ROB, or he will either dSmash you or gimp you with a grab and walls of pain.

laser spam, SHDL is your best friend, to rack up damage, and to refresh your moves (you wil need them fresh if you attempt to kil him lower than 150%).

trying sending ROB into the air (upsmash, boost smash, utilt is usually a bad move, but it works ok on ROB to send him into the air), if he is above you, he pretty much can't do anything but dodge, since his dair is so slow.

watch out for bair when ilusion recovering, and for fSmash when you ilusion recover to hit him and not the ledge. you can ilusion cancel to play with his mind a bit, but it only has mild usefulness.

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
as a ROB user, spam the crap out of lazers to annoy the crap out of him, don't try to dair when he's on the ground cause you'll get shieldgrabbed but if they jump up and try for a nair your dair does go through it if you time it right.

upsmash is by far the best killing move, although sometimes spikes work, because even though he can upB back, you can just spike him two more times if you have too and it is hard to avoid when you are coming back up.


Smash Lord
Jul 23, 2006
Provo Utah
Learn ROBs laser and gyro throwing animation and your reflector will be you best friend. In the air ROB is some what limeted by hi slow moves when you come from under neath and behind him. His nair, bair, and dair all come out really slow and you can easly punish him with a Bair.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 17, 2004
Your best bet is to catch him off guard with a forward smash around 100%. Do not approach a camping ROB, his down smash is broken like your chain grab. Your ace up your sleeve should always be your back air. When most ROB's are coming back on the stage use a few back airs to keep him honest. Now after the 2nd time keeping him off stage, turn your back to him making it look like your going to do a set of back airs again, then turn around and him him with a forward smash.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
Yeah, basically, camp like there's no tomorrow, save the up-kick for 130 to 150 depending on the level, don't try to go toe to toe with him. You CAN beat him vertically with your nair and dair, so take advantage of that if he leaves ground.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Canada, ON
I think you have to play against type. Spamming laser is of course one thing, although Robot has its own laser which can make things messy.

There's this certain distance from Robot where it totally sucks - out of range of A attack options, and it can't start any B moves that you can't punish.
Falco is normally 'off' in that range, but against Robot, it's what works. I'd estimate it's just the size of being 'inside' FD's diamond. Falco has physically weak attacks except for his ace moves - at least compared to Fox - but he's still a space animal, and has good options in this range. Not the least of which is reflector.

I'd bet you could still do the SHDL here, if you're confident. It'll be tense, but I know Robots hate this range more than you.


Smash Cadet
Apr 17, 2008
Libertyville, Illinois
(utilt is usually a bad move, but it works ok on ROB to send him into the air),
First of all, I extremely disagree with this. I think utilt is a great falco move that's quick with tons of priority, which isn't used enough.

On topic to the thread:
When ROB is on the ground, his tilts outrange you. When you find yourself in the situation where you both are on the ground and you're near/on his tilt range, I reflector. I feel like ROBs are very sesceptable to the reflector and space back quite a bit; I usually approach at this time.

Unlike other people said, I feel that when ROBS are above you they know they're at a disadvantage. Most of them bair for spacing as it comes out quickly and is difficult to punish when they're descending. Learn the range to the bair so you can send an upsmash right into his anus when he lands.

When you fly off the stage, three things will happen (in my cases).
1) They will run off and try to gimp you
2) The ROB will stay on the edge and SH-bair you when phantasming back onto the ledge, usually killing you.
3) Shoot a laser/top

Because of this, when I feel like they're not going to try and gimp me I immediately reflector after being hit to avoid any projectiles. I always phantasm on the ledge, because ROB's bair outprioritises it if tried to phantasm on the stage.

I kill robs in usually two cases. One, I punish their landing/them in the air. Two, after being tripping I predict an fmash based off of where they rolled from previous times they were tripped.

SHDL, and good luck.
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