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RMT/Warstory: Oh You Mad Cuz I'm Stylin' On You


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
So I liked Chibo's warstory, and I kinda wanted to post an RMT of this team anyway, and I happened to style on this guy really really badly in a PO tournament finals, and I figured it would turn into a decent warstory, so.....here's the team, and then I'll throw out the warstory. I don't care that this is the team I'm using in the current tournament, I just want to throw this out there and brag about winning some kind of tournament. =D

P.S. They're all named after touhou characters, and I think the names make sense…don't they?

Yuugi @ Dragon Jewel
252 Atk/252 SpAtk/4 Def
Quiet / Multiscale

Draco Meteor
Fire Blast
Aqua Jet

Similar to the old Gen IV antilead set, but multiscale makes it like 100 times better. Aqua Jet is significantly weaker compared to extremespeed, but it's important because of what it hits: Shandera doesn't get a free revenge-kill, as aqua jet takes off about 40% of its health, dorry takes about 40% from it, and it can finish off weakened ttar/garchomp/dorry all by itself or bring them down enough to be finished off by Hitmonlee. It can also pick off Gengar after it subs down a few times. It can only hit lati@s on the switch, but chansey deals well with them, and once they're wise to chansey alakazam doesn't mind absorbing trick and giving them a (usually) useless Focus Sash in return while outspending and KO'ing with Shadow Ball.

Ran @ Life Orb
36 Def/252 SpAtk/220 Spe
Timid / Drought

Nasty Plot
Fire Blast
Hidden Power Fighting

This is meant to be the anti-Hippo/ttar set. Defensive ttar are likely to be KO'ed by life orb+NP HP Fighting, and offensive ones are worn down on the switch by it. Generally I NP on the switch to scout which thing they have and to scout whether tar has leftovers or not; if they don't then I get scared and switch out. Hippo can't take fire blasts at all, especially boosted by LO, but if they run both I can sometimes have some trouble. Handily deals with a lot of stall, as +2 Fire Blast 2hkos Blissey and 1hkos both Nat+Buru with proper moves. Chansey is harder to take down but they basically all run toxic+seismic toss, which makes them perfect for venusaur. This is also my first answer to CM Rankurusu/CP Shinboraa, as it can 2hko both with Fire Blast when it's at +1 spdef, so assuming I don't miss either time Zam can come in and finish it off if it tries to continue setting up.

Yuuka @ Leftovers
16 HP/240 SpAtk/252 Spe
Modest / Chlorophyll

Sleep Powder
Leech Seed
HP Fire

Subseed Venusaur chosen for being arguably the best Gen 1 subseeder in sun. Sleep Powder lets him force a switch for the first sub, and subseed will wreck a lot of opponents (as long as sun is up). I'm thinking of running a more generic sun sweeper here, like SD/Growth Victreebel or SD/Growth Venu but I like the lategame support sleep+subseed provides. HP Fire beats out Nat who would otherwise wall this set completely. His typing and decent defenses let him be a nice roob/breloom check as well, as he can put them to sleep and drain their health, and it isn't weak to any of their coverage moves either, and hp fire isn't totally weak vs. them either. Max Speed lets it outrun Scarfed 115s, but those are rare so I might want to run more HP/Defense. With its current set though, as long as the sun is up, he can subseed stall a lot of potential revengers, as it can stall them out by throwing up substitutes and eventually finishing it off with HP Fire.

Eirin @ Evolution Stone
4 HP/252 Def/252 SpDef
Calm / Natural Cure

Stealth Rock
Seismic Toss

Generic Chansey but with SR over Toxic. It's nice to have SR on here because Espeon/Xatu don't usually enjoy trying to muscle through it (and if the espeon goes for a setup+pass I can generally seismic toss the recipient while laughing at it trying to muscle through my defenses) and it doesn't have a hard time sponging hits from most rapid spinners, as they're offensively lacking. Also scouts for which fighting type they have, which varies my response to it (breloom goes to dnite to absorb spore/tank a hit, then go to venusaur, while for roob i just go to venusaur or zam if i feel like i won't eat a payback in the lategame).

Hitmonlee @ Normal Jewel
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 HP
Jolly / Unburden

Fake Out
Hi Jump Kick
Mach Punch
Stone Edge

Unburden Hitmonlee is a nice sweeper, a little on the weak side since it isn't boosting its attack at all but still nice. Can't muscle through dedicated physical walls, but ideally those will be out of the way by the time the sweep comes around. Is unrevengeable short of cb scizor's BP, as mach punches draw a switch to either Zam or Venusaur, and ditto fails to outspeed after it gets its Unburden boost. I used to run Adamant but then realized that Jolly would let it outspeed EVERYTHING on a rain team even with rain set up, which lets it clean up quite nicely after some SR damage and life orb recoil. Blazikens can attempt to protect stall it, but they'll only outspend once they get to +3, so SE/mach punch on the first turn and then go for the HJK the next two turns. If they successfully protect 3 times in a row i sadface and then take an attack with Zam, responding with Psychic.

Alakazam @ Focus Sash
252 SpAtk/252 Spe/4 Def
Timid / Magic Guard

Shadow Ball
Focus Blast
Hidden Power Ice

Zam is a last-ditch check to things. Conveniently he also does a pretty good job against a lot of things common on Sand teams, in particular being a decent Garchomp check. Assuming 4 HP, it cleanly 1hko's Garchomp with hp ice, meaning it also 2hko's Yachechomp, and it naturally outspeeds non-scarfed versions. It can 2hko specially defensive Tar with Focus Blast (and 1hko scarftar with it, while outspeeding it too!) It also can switch in on defensive Gliscor who might hope to toxic/fling at Chansey, and it can also revenge Landlos and Dorry with HP Ice/Focus Blast when it's at full health. Also, if its sash isn't broken on the switch-in/revenge kill, then it can be healed completely by Wish and can withstand another hit with a fresh Sash. This also can lure Shandera and eliminate it if it isn't hit beforehand (which is pretty common actually), which is a nice bonus.

This is a pretty straightforward offensive team, Chansey is glue, yadda yadda. There's some stuff to fix, but unless you have a suitable Generation 1 alternative I won't listen to it because that's the theme of the team. :3

So, on to the warstory.

Battle between Sour Grapes and Alice Margatroid started!

Tier: Dream World
Rule: Unrated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Freeze Clause
Rule: No Timeout
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Self-KO Clause

Alice Margatroid sent out Yuugi! (Dragonite)
Sour Grapes sent out Azelf!
CHA is watching the battle.
Harry is watching the battle.

Turn 1: I see an Azelf, this is designed to beat sashed leads while only allowing rocks to go up. This is important because any lead that decides to set up won't break Multiscale, which is a huge pain in the *** for my opponent. ;)

Start of turn 1
The foe's Azelf used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around Alice Margatroid's team!

Yuugi used Draco Meteor!
Yuugi's Dragon Jewel raised Draco Meteor's power!
The foe's Azelf lost 99% of its health!
The foe's Azelf hung on using its focus sash!
Yuugi's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

All going as planned so far, I'm assuming that he has a ghost in the wings, but I go for the Aqua Jet anyway hoping he won't switch out.

Start of turn 2
Yuugi used Aqua Jet!
The foe's Azelf lost 0% of its health!
The foe's Azelf fainted!
Sour Grapes sent out Garchomp!

Here's the first threat that I see. Obviously it's hoping to scare me off with stabbed Outrage, but since I still have multiscale I'll withstand any non-banded hit, so I might catch the opponent being greedy and get some nice damage in on it still!

Start of turn 3
The foe's Garchomp used Dragon Claw!
It's super effective!
Yuugi lost 140 HP! (43% of its health)

Yuugi used Draco Meteor!
It's super effective!
The foe's Garchomp lost 70% of its health!
Yuugi's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

This is arguably the best case scenario I could've hoped for; I greatly weakened his garchomp, discovered his moveset based on his move choice (nothing else would use dragon claw on the first turn), and survived with plenty of health left! I figured this was the end for my Dnite, so I decided to use Aqua Jet to get some last damage in on it (since I have no steels on my team to switch in to that).

Start of turn 4
Sour Grapes called Garchomp back!
Sour Grapes sent out Zuruzukin!

Yuugi used Aqua Jet!
The foe's Zuruzukin lost 11% of its health!
The foe's Zuruzukin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

I didn't understand why he switched out, maybe he figured I'd throw out an Extremespeed (btw aqua jet+extremespeed is illegal). As for sending Zuru in, I guess he figured that at -4 I would switch out, letting his zuru start setting up, which is pretty obvious... :/

Start of turn 5
Alice Margatroid called Yuugi back!
Alice Margatroid sent out Ran! (Ninetales)
Pointed stones dug into Ran!

Ran's Drought intensified the sun's rays!
The foe's Zuruzukin used Bulk Up!
The foe's Zuruzukin's Attack rose!
The foe's Zuruzukin's Defense rose!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Zuruzukin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

I figured I'd test whether it was offensive or defensive by throwing out a Fire Blast at it, since most people underestimate the power of LO Fire Blast in sun. This person certainly wasn't playing conservatively going with Garchomp right off the bat, so I figured I would probably 2hko it and catch him setting up with it instead of him going for drain punch.

Start of turn 6
Ran used Fire Blast!
The foe's Zuruzukin lost 64% of its health!
The foe's Zuruzukin was burned!
Ran is hurt by its Life Orb!

The foe's Zuruzukin used Bulk Up!
The foe's Zuruzukin's Attack rose!
The foe's Zuruzukin's Defense rose!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Zuruzukin's Shed Skin heals its status!
The foe's Zuruzukin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

We both got lucky there, but I figured that it was either not running max spDef or that I got a really high damage roll, and I also guessed right that he would be greedy and try to setup+Rest against me. The end result didn't matter, as it was definitely going to be KO'ed if it stayed in.

Start of turn 7
Sour Grapes called Zuruzukin back!
Sour Grapes sent out Garchomp!

Ran used Fire Blast!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Garchomp lost 29% of its health!
The foe's Garchomp fainted!
Ran is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sunlight is strong!
Sour Grapes sent out Heracross!

This is another surprise. He sacrificed Garchomp instead of revealing another member of his team, and then sent in a fire-weak Pokémon. …obviously it's scarfed, so obviously I have to get ready to eat a close combat, since this guy isn't trying to predict anything at all.

Start of turn 8
Alice Margatroid called Ran back!
Alice Margatroid sent out Yuugi! (Dragonite)
Pointed stones dug into Yuugi!

The foe's Heracross used Earthquake!
It had no effect!

The sunlight is strong!

…or use Earthquake. That's fine by me too. I figured that I'd rather keep my spAtk up if he switches in a wall than go for the draco meteor right away, so I go for a sun-boosted Fire Blast.

Start of turn 9
Sour Grapes called Heracross back!
Sour Grapes sent out Gengar!

Yuugi used Fire Blast!
The foe's Gengar lost 97% of its health!

The sunlight is strong!

Lucky me, look what he tries to switch in! I honestly have no idea why he tried this at all, but it makes things a lot easier for me since that would be a pain for Ninetales/Chansey to deal with.

Start of turn 10
Yuugi used Aqua Jet!
The foe's Gengar lost 2% of its health!
The foe's Gengar fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Sour Grapes sent out Heracross!

Another instance of why Aqua Jet has some general utility to hit ghosts that aren't burungeru. I keep it for Shandera so I can start stacking damage against it right away and go for the SR with Chansey, but this is the first time I've seen a gengar in a really long time, so I guess this is a niche use for it too. It's easy to pick off and he isn't too keen to switch something else in to eat a draco meteor. Sending Heracross in for the revenge, there's only one move he could be using, and I have only one rock resist...

Start of turn 11
Alice Margatroid called Yuugi back!
Alice Margatroid sent out Suika! (Hitmonlee)
Pointed stones dug into Suika!

The foe's Heracross used Stone Edge!
It's not very effective...
Suika lost 101 HP! (41% of its health)

The sunlight is strong!

Goddamn, hitmonlee's defenses are pathetic. At least I got him in safely and since I've already finished off a ghost I figure he doesn't have another one so I try to HJK his switch-in.

Start of turn 12
Sour Grapes called Heracross back!
Sour Grapes sent out Breloom!

Suika used Hi Jump Kick!
The foe's Breloom lost 60% of its health!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Breloom's Toxic Orb activated!
The foe's Breloom was poisoned!

That's a lot bulkier than it should be, so I assume it's a subseeder or something else that's stupidly defensive. Since it's defense-minded with Poison Heal, I figure it's safe to hjk again and KO.

Start of turn 13
Suika used Hi Jump Kick!
The foe's Breloom lost 39% of its health!
The foe's Breloom fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Sour Grapes sent out Heracross!

I figured that he would CC to KO here, so I went to Alakazam to scout its move and (hopefully) absorb a CC and scare it off with Psychic, but he decided to be a little tricky instead…

Start of turn 14
Alice Margatroid called Suika back!
Alice Margatroid sent out Satori! (Alakazam)

The foe's Heracross used Stone Edge!
A critical hit!
Satori lost 250 HP! (99% of its health)
Satori hung on using its focus sash!

The sunlight is strong!

Stone Edge hurt, but my sash kept me alive, he probably expected me to go to Dnite again. Since he was stuck on a non-stab move though I knew that going to Chansey was safe.

Start of turn 15
Alice Margatroid called Satori back!
Alice Margatroid sent out Eirin! (Chansey)
Pointed stones dug into Eirin!

The foe's Heracross used Stone Edge!
A critical hit!
Eirin lost 327 HP! (50% of its health)

The sunlight is strong!

The crit wasn't something I was hoping for, but I figured that in the end it wouldn't really matter much, since I could wish+seismic toss to wear it down.

Start of turn 16
Sour Grapes called Heracross back!
Sour Grapes sent out Zuruzukin!

Eirin used Wish!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Zuruzukin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Here's derpmon for round 2 of trying to set up. I knew that it couldn't muscle through Dragonite since it had stayed in on Ninetales before, so I knew it was running Rest and probably dual stab instead of being a 3-attack bulk up set. I decided to go to Dnite to get it back to full health and prep it to fire off a draco meteor.

Start of turn 17
Alice Margatroid called Eirin back!
Alice Margatroid sent out Yuugi! (Dragonite)
Pointed stones dug into Yuugi!

The foe's Zuruzukin used Bulk Up!
The foe's Zuruzukin's Attack rose!
The foe's Zuruzukin's Defense rose!

Eirin's wish came true!
The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Zuruzukin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Everything was pretty much going as expected, and I figured draco meteor would be strong enough to finish it off if it tried to attack me or continue setting up. I also knew that I could definitely survive even a +1 Ice Punch/Stone Edge because I was at full health AND also had multiscale, if for some reason I didn't guess right about the set it had.

Start of turn 18
Yuugi used Draco Meteor!
The foe's Zuruzukin lost 45% of its health!
Yuugi's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

The foe's Zuruzukin used Rest!
The foe's Zuruzukin went to sleep and became healthy!

The sunlight is strong!

Too bad Draco Meteor wasn't enough to finish it off. :( Since I know i can switch in whatever I want I go to Hitmonlee, as HJK is the only way I'm going to muscle through it (I'm not going to rely on Zam's Focus Blast to do anything like that).

Start of turn 19
Alice Margatroid called Yuugi back!
Alice Margatroid sent out Suika! (Hitmonlee)
Pointed stones dug into Suika!

The foe's Zuruzukin is fast asleep!

The sunlight is strong!

Luckily there isn't any Shed Skin shenanigans going on here, so I can safely fire off an HJK and either catch his heracross switching in or finish off zuru, as that's all he has left at this point.

Start of turn 20
Sour Grapes called Zuruzukin back!
Sour Grapes sent out Heracross!

Suika used Hi Jump Kick!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Heracross lost 46% of its health!

The sunlight is strong!

His heracross is weak, and he knows that he's low on options. I know he's going to stick to a stab move, and though Dragonite resists them both and is bulkier I'd rather not switch him into a Stone Edge, so I finally send in my (previously unrevealed) Venusaur to take the CC/Stone Edge.

Start of turn 21
Alice Margatroid called Suika back!
Alice Margatroid sent out Yuuka! (Venusaur)
Pointed stones dug into Yuuka!

The foe's Heracross used Close Combat!
It's not very effective...
Yuuka lost 129 HP! (42% of its health)
The foe's Heracross's Defense fell!
The foe's Heracross's Sp. Def. fell!

The sunlight is strong!
Yuuka restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Perfect, at this point I can fire off a hidden power Fire while outspeeding his heracross due to Chlorophyll. If Zuru switches in I can set up Leech Seed and go to Hitmonlee and spam HJK, since Hera can't switch in on another HJK and derpmon can't ko Hitmonlee without setting up first.

Start of turn 22
Yuuka used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
The foe's Heracross lost 53% of its health!
The foe's Heracross fainted!

The sunlight is strong!
Yuuka restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Sour Grapes sent out Zuruzukin!

He stays in and eats a sun-boosted HP Fire for his trouble. There isn't much he could've done at this point, perhaps he figured that he could get a hit in on Venusaur and finish it off? Either way he's down to his last mon, while all of mine are still alive.

Start of turn 23
Yuuka used Leech Seed!
The foe's Zuruzukin was seeded!

The foe's Zuruzukin is fast asleep!

The sunlight is strong!
Yuuka restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Zuruzukin's health is sapped by leech seed.

I get the leech seed off, which is the best choice at this point because I know that if zuru wakes up it's going to go for crunch, and that at this point in the game that I need a steady way to drain health in case HJK misses or he KO'es Hitmonlee on the switch with a predictive Drain Punch or something else unexpected like that.

Start of turn 24
Alice Margatroid called Yuuka back!
Alice Margatroid sent out Suika! (Hitmonlee)
Pointed stones dug into Suika!

The foe's Zuruzukin is fast asleep!

The sunlight is strong!
The foe's Zuruzukin restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Zuruzukin's health is sapped by leech seed.

Luckily he stays asleep, which makes this a lot easier for me. Hitmonlee gets much-needed health back, and zuru is weakened to the point that an hjk will finish it off.

Start of turn 25
Suika used Hi Jump Kick!
It's super effective!
The foe's Zuruzukin lost 81% of its health!
The foe's Zuruzukin fainted!

Alice Margatroid won the battle!
Alice Margatroid: gg
Sour Grapes: ah well

Straightforward battle, my opponent was of questionable quality, but it lets you see this team in action. Please give me some good rates, and thanks for your time.

xLeafybug =D

Smash Master
Mar 22, 2009
Brampton, ON, Canada
From what I can tell, Sun is there to clear SS/Rain for the most part. But I didn't design the team, so I could be wrong. Sun Teams generally aren't the best anyways.


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
Why doesn't your team take advantage of Sun more?
Sun is basically there just to clean up sand/rain, though Ninetales' Fire Blast is one of the strongest non-boosted attacks out there, and is very useful for breaking down balanced teams. Sun sweepers also kinda suck when there isn't any sun, so I didn't want to make a team that relied on the weather to be successful, since ninetales is easily worn down. If I did want to do that though, I would throw Sunny Day on Zam over one of his coverage moves (probably Shadow Ball) and replace Chansey with Victreebel at the very least, since +2 sucker punch and +2 weather ball is too good to pass up.

From what I can tell, Sun is there to clear SS/Rain for the most part. But I didn't design the team, so I could be wrong. Sun Teams generally aren't the best anyways.
Yeah, I thought this could go one of two ways:

1: Full sun offense
2: Balanced, but with sun

I wanted a weather changer and ninetales is the only one available. Defensive ttar are all over the place now, and it's ridiculous how many there are, but I'm honestly considering replacing both of them for something else that can set up and power through stall. Venusaur is greatly underestimated though as far as offensive teams are concerned, as it's really like a bulkier, slightly slower Jumpluff, and it can actually hit things pretty hard with HP Fire, 2hko'ing stuff like landlos if the sun is up. It can sleep something threatening, including ScarfChomp and subseed stall even things like scarfed Lati@s and Shandera.


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
What's with Ninetales's weird EV spread?

Why not give Chansey 252 HP to increase the amount that its Wishes heal?


Smash Hero
Nov 18, 2008
in Makai
1: Ninetales has HP Fighting, and most things at 100 Speed don't run a speed-lowering IV, so I threw the remaining EVs into defense just because there isn't really any other place to throw them.

2: 50% boosts to defenses makes running max in both defenses much more viable. 32 more HP in a wish doesn't do that much good.
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