the theme is johto trainer because this is very similar to the team i used to play way back in pkm gold all those years ago, its just been updated for the times.
typlosion: rash: 252S.ATK, 252Spd, 6HP @ choice scarf
eruption, overheat, hp(ice), focuspunch
okay this hurts allot, hp(ice) to deal with dragons and overheat for late game or if health isnt high enough for a full power'd eruption. a true go for broke pokemon.
gengar: timid: 252S.ATK, 252Spd, 6HP @ wise glasses
HP(ice), thunderbolt, shadowball, energyball
a very fast sweeper, takes cares of many fears no one. covers quite a few bases aswell.
tyranitar: adamant: 252ATK, 252Spd, 6Hp @ life orb
earthq, stoneedge, crunch, dragondance
no explaination (team mascott)
garchomp: jolly: 252ATK, 252Spd, 6HP @ life orb
earthq, dragonclaw, swordddance, firefang
so the johto trainer found one on his travels into other regions, this is pkm is more of a filler if anything but he does get the job done. Ive grown quite fond of him and i owe many of my wins to him, works well with tyranitar.
weezing: Bold: 252hp, 252def, 6 S.atk @ black sludge
will~o~wisp, painsplit, flamethrower, explosion
wall..pain in the ***
Suicune: Bold: 252hp, 252def, 6 S.atk @ leftovers
surf, icebeam, rest, calm mind
wall..pain in the ***
typlosion: rash: 252S.ATK, 252Spd, 6HP @ choice scarf
eruption, overheat, hp(ice), focuspunch
okay this hurts allot, hp(ice) to deal with dragons and overheat for late game or if health isnt high enough for a full power'd eruption. a true go for broke pokemon.
gengar: timid: 252S.ATK, 252Spd, 6HP @ wise glasses
HP(ice), thunderbolt, shadowball, energyball
a very fast sweeper, takes cares of many fears no one. covers quite a few bases aswell.
tyranitar: adamant: 252ATK, 252Spd, 6Hp @ life orb
earthq, stoneedge, crunch, dragondance
no explaination (team mascott)
garchomp: jolly: 252ATK, 252Spd, 6HP @ life orb
earthq, dragonclaw, swordddance, firefang
so the johto trainer found one on his travels into other regions, this is pkm is more of a filler if anything but he does get the job done. Ive grown quite fond of him and i owe many of my wins to him, works well with tyranitar.
weezing: Bold: 252hp, 252def, 6 S.atk @ black sludge
will~o~wisp, painsplit, flamethrower, explosion
wall..pain in the ***
Suicune: Bold: 252hp, 252def, 6 S.atk @ leftovers
surf, icebeam, rest, calm mind
wall..pain in the ***