Machamp has a chance to 2HKO Crobat with Stone Edge and Bullet Punch. Ice Punch is admittedly much more common, but he still 2HKOs with that. If you miss a Hypnosis (64% of missing at least one of two), you lose.
I don't think I noticed it last time, but you have Fire Punch slashed in for Flygon. Why? Your team has Gyarados problems, and no Scizor problems.
How often do you use Rest on Suicune? Compare that to how often you wish you had HP Electric or HP Grass.
Sub Gengar is sex. You might want to fiddle with the EVs; it's inefficient, since you lose to non-HP Fire Gengar. You could lower your speed to just enough to outspeed +speed Infernape or Modest Starmie or something to give yourself more bulk.
Your team doesn't do too well against stall. Flygon hits like a girl and is walled by Hippowdon and Skarmory to an extent. Bronzong, too. Suicune gets phazed out whenever you try to do something. Registeel doesn't do much. Blissey laughs at Gengar. Metagross is walled so badly by Skarmory it's funny.
CroCune ***** your team, you have to resort to PP stalling with your own Suicune.