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RMT, I changed my strategy!


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
Well , it's been a lot of Hard Work, sweat and tears but, here it is my new smell-fresh team.

Blaziken/Drumstick2 Lv79 @Quick Claw
EVs: 252attk/252spd/6 spdef

Baton Pass
Swords Dance
Brave Bird

Blaziken is my powerful Baton Passer .A Thunder Wave cuts speed in half right? Well Electivire will help it outrun the quicker pokemon.

Gyrados Lv 42 @Life Orb(Anyone know another item I can use?)
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252attk/252 spdef/4 spd
Ability: Intimidate

Aqua Tail
Avalanche/Stone Edge
Dragon Dance

Alright, Rampardos was replaced but, Gyrados will be better for my team. Yes, it's another pokemon to help Blaziken out when Baton Passing when Electivire faints. It knows Dragon Dance in order to beef up its speed and moves.
Metagross/Scar Lv76 @Muscle Band
Ability:Clear Body

Meteor Mash
Rock Slide

I've decided to go with Rock Slide.

Porygon-Z Lv67 @Metronome
EVs:252spattk/252 spd/6 Def

Ice Beam
Tri Attack
Nasty Plot

*In training*
ElectivreLv 37 @Macho Brace
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 attk/ 252 spd/ 4 spdef

Ice Punch
Thunder Punch
Thunder Wave

Yes, Draginite was replaced, why? Because, my team isn't fully prepared for the Wrath of Milotic and, well with Electivre's Attk being so high, I made sure to teach it Thunder Punch. Thunder Wave is to protect Blaziken from any of its weaknesses while it's Baton Passing to any of my other pokemon.It knows Flamethrower now because, I'm EV training it with Krickitune until I get it at a High enough level that I can fish for Gyrados and Seaking until its EVs are maxed out.

Weavile Lv 35 @ Power Ankle
Nature: Adamant
EVs:252 attk/ 240 spd
Ability: Inner Focus

Shadow Claw
Poison Jab
Ice Punch
Swords Dance

Well I've made SOME changes.If someone has the TM Avalanche PLEASE TRADE WITH ME!!!!! I SWEAR, I WILL GIVE YOU A SHINY (CLONED) TENTACOOL!!!. PM me if you want to trade.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
Dig is absolutely terrible. Not only does it give the opponent a free turn to do whatever they want, it causes Weavel to recieve double damage if the opponent uses Earthquake while you're underground.

Do better.

Deleted member

dont double post

this team just is terrible(and i specialize in psychics)
Who the hell told you to even suggest dig
blaziken with swords dance is not gonna last a hit, and it barely has resistances. take it offf

Brick break
brave bird
it is not gonna match the speed of most psychics. dont even bother. trust me. i use 4 psychic sweepers(no comments please)
night slash
swords dance(its okay,he has immunity,rather low defence though)
iceshard/brick break

metagross power orb/choiceband/leftovers
meteor mash
brickbreak/the other 100 base fighting move he learns
zen headbutt/EQ/agility
BRAVE? it sucks as brave. dont train it anymore until you get an adamant or jolly, no brave
porygon z
fine except nature, should be timid with choice scarf maybe


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
thanks, I'll make changes and as for Weavile, I'm breeding it with an Smergle (EV trained) that knows...

Poison Jab
Shadow Claw
Ice Punch
Aerial Ace

I can get another Electivire since the one I have is a Female so I'll breed it so it can learn Ice Punch and Cross Chop ( I stopped at Lv42 when I realized Dig wasn't a good attack for Weavile. Electivre's Thunder Wave will help Blaziken outrun most pokemon and SwordsPass in peace. Also, that's why I have Weavile. I assume since you said nothing about Rampardos that you thought is was good right?

Deleted member

thanks, I'll make changes and as for Weavile, I'm breeding it with an Smergle (EV trained) that knows...

Poison Jab
Shadow Claw
Ice Punch
Aerial Ace

I can get another Electivire since the one I have is a Female so I'll breed it so it can learn Ice Punch and Cross Chop ( I stopped at Lv42 when I realized Dig wasn't a good attack for Weavile. Electivre's Thunder Wave will help Blaziken outrun most pokemon and SwordsPass in peace. Also, that's why I have Weavile. I assume since you said nothing about Rampardos that you thought is was good right?
I really havent seen rampardos much. I see that the only thing good about it is its huge attack at base 165, topping kyogre rayquaza and groudon, but sadly only 9 less than medicham.
I see potential for rampardos as a main sweeper, but for that, you would need a ninjask, but everyone hates those. rampardos is gonna be outrun by everything in this meta game, cept maybe snorlax. It also is gonna get 1 hit koed by many things that are super effective and it eill get 2 koed by normal hits. I'm not sure what to do with it


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
This team isn't for a Metgame. It's for any D/P Tournaments I might run into and for Pokemon Battle Revoluiton. Oh and I'll just sketch Agilty onto the Smergle I breeded with the orignal Torchic and get a Torchic (Adanant) with...

Swords Dance
Baton Pass
EQ/ Brave Bird/Flare Blitz

I don't know really, while training with a Macho Brace Rampardos was able to outrun all of the Golbat and Sneasel in Snowpoint Temple when it reached Lv47 sooo.... but either way was I want Blaziken to be an Adamant or Jolly Nature. So either way, I'm starting it over.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
At what rate does metronome increase a moves power? Does it become choice band status after two uses or more? If it's only two it might be interesting to play with that for awhile.

Blaziken is not going to work as a baton passer. You said you would use Electivire to slow things down and let you baton pass. How do you plan on doing this? If you send out Electivire the opponet will most likely switch to a ground type. Rendering T-wave unnaffective.It's possible they will switch to a non ground type with EQ but you shouldn't bet on it.

Who is Blakizen going to baton pass to? Metegross? Electivire? It can't because they all share the same weakness to ground types.

You need to watch your typing. You have a 4X weakness to ground and a 3X weakness to fighting. Infernape and Garchomp would have fun with this. I would switch Rampardos for a Water or Grass type. Maybe switch Metagross for a ground type or a levitating Bronzong.

Don't start breeding or EV training until you're sure the pokemon will be on your team. You don't want to waste time with a pokemon and then find out you can't use it without gimping your team.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
Hmmm, you're right! If I were to switch out Rampardos for a Gyrados, would that be better? Becuase I have an Adamant Nature one in my PC. I see what you mean Chill, my team usually has common weaknesses. I need Weavile to Baton Pass to in case I run into a Psychic type when Blaziken's out and Metagross was the Main power house of my team. I'll keep Electivre to protect Gyrados's 4x Weakness and it's ability will speed it up in order to outrun most Pokemon. Porygon-Z is for Physical Walls like Rhyperior and Golem.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2006
Chernoble with my Spetsnaz unit
oh, i thought that you meant that vire and dos would baton pass after using t-wave and DD, so i was like wtf? and yeah now i see that you EV trained gross for both defences.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2006
Smogon (PM FC: 4256-7740-0627)
Can't edit my post but I'm ditching Porygon -Z for Roserade. Why? Because Porygon- Z was taken away from me in the GTS and I didn't have any other Upgrades or Dubolus Discs so I can't evolve another one. But I breeded a Modest Budew. Oh and I replaced the Blaziken with a Garchomp because Baton Passing is risky, VERY risky.

Here is my team now

Garchomp Lv49 @ Lucky Egg( Training) I'll give it a Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 attk/ 252 spd/4 def
Ability: Sand Veil

Fire Fang
Swords Dance


Gyrados Lv 51 @ Expert Belt
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252attk/252 spdef/4 spd
Ability: Intimidate

Aqua Tail
Dragon Dance

Alright, Rampardos was replaced but, Gyrados will be better for my team. I'm going to teach it Dragon Dance and Give it an Expert Belt. I just fonud out that Avalanche always goes last.

Metagross/Scar Lv76 @Muscle Band
Ability:Clear Body

Meteor Mash
Rock Slide

Nothing much ,Defensive Bomb.

Roserade Lv 62 @ Wise Glasses (I took a break from the others to EV train this one)
Nature: Modest
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs/ 252 attk/252 spdef/ 4 spd

Sludge Bomb
Extrasensory(PP mawed)
Shadow Ball
Leaf Storm/ Energy Ball

Special Sweeper for those tough defensive walls.

ElectivreLv 55 @Macho Brace
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 attk/ 252 spd/ 4 spdef

Ice Punch
Thunder Punch
Thunder Wave

Yes, Draginite was replaced, why? Because, my team isn't fully prepared for the Wrath of Milotic and, well with Electivre's Attk being so high, I made sure to teach it Thunder Punch.

Weavile Lv 57 @ Power Ankle
Nature: Adamant
EVs:252 attk/ 240 spd
Ability: Inner Focus

Shadow Claw
Poison Jab
Ice Punch
Swords Dance

A physical Sweeper...
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