Smash Hero
Donphan @ Rocky Helmet
Adamant | Sturdy
HP 252/Atk 252/Spe 4
~Rapid Spin
~Ice Shard
~Stealth Rocks/Stone Edge
Spin-lead. Set up SR while posing the threat of removing any their hazards. Earthquake is a reliable stab with ice shard coving flying/dragon types. i've been using Stone Edge for an offensive Donphan set to surprise flying-type leads. So far i've been using rocky helm with major success by switching in on physical attacks (fake out, u-turn, etc.) to punish/retaliate. Works amazingly, actually, though it cuts her survivability a bit.
Mismagius @ Leftovers
Timid | Levitate
HP 160/SplA 96/Spe 252
~Calm Mind
~Shadow Ball
~Hidden Power (Fighting)
Slight revamp to my team, Mismagius serves several roles, including spin blocker, fighting/normal/ground type attack absorber, and set up sweeper. The idea is pretty much come in on something I can absorb (fighting/normal/ground) and then start setting up subs/CMs. Shadow Ball/HP Fighting provide perfect coverage, meaning I can hit everything for at least neutral damage. Leftovers are obvious with the sub to heal my health back. So far this thing has won me several matches simply by letting me avoid attacks/set up an unstoppable calm mind sweep.
Sawsbuck @ Big Root/Leftovers
Careful | Sap Sipper
HP 252/SplD 72/Spe 184
~Horn Leech
~Leech Seed/Aromatherapy
After some extensive testing/trials, i've added Return to the list and cut a support move to allow Sawsbuck to retaliate against grass its fellow types more effectively. Thunderwave is a good support move as it lets Archanine/un-boosted Hitmonlee sweep later in the game. Horn Leech/Leech Seed still gain from Big Root, though Aromatherapy over Leech Seed in the last slot is a nice clerical role, but cuts the effectiveness of the item. in this case, leftovers would be the preferred item.
Hitmonlee @ Normal Gem
Adamant | Unburden
HP 4/Atk 252/Spe 252
~Fake Out
~Blaze Kick
~Close Combat
~Rock Slide
Decided to stop pus*yfooting around and actually play DW till its officially released. Fake Out+Normal Gem+Unburden = too good. I still need to be careful when setting up, but often i can get a guaranteed sweep off of him. He's still walled by Slowbro/Bulky Psychic types, but some creative rock slides/strategic switches work in his favor since his speed without the boost is still significant.
Arcanine @ Life Orb
Adamant | Flash Fire
HP 4/Atk 252/Spe 252
~Flare Blitz
~Close Combat
~Wild Charge
~Extreme Speed
Physical sweeper. Run adamant to boost atk power. Flare Blitz is a powerful stab move. Close Combat and wild charge give it powerful coverage as well with base 120 and 90 power moves, respectively. Finally, extreme speed is a powerful priority move rounding off the set nicely, hitting everything but ghosts. Life orb gives extra power at the cost of HP, but there's less of a chance of being stuck with choice band.
Raikou @ Air Balloon
Rash | Pressure
SplA 252/SplD 4/Spe 252
~Shadow Ball
~Aura Sphere
~Extrasensory/Hidden Power (Ice)/Signal Beam
Standard special sweeper with a slight twist: air balloon. With air balloon, i can switch in on ground type attacks (i.e. earthquake) as well as losing his one true weakness (pretty much meaning he can only be 2HKO'd generally). He'll out speed most pokemon and hit hard. An issue I'm having is that HP Ice on this set would be perfect, but I'm basing it off of my IRL event Raikou which has HP Dark instead. In all instances, HP Ice is the better move, and should be used if just focusing on PO/Simulated battles, but Extrasensory is a good alternative as it hits fighting- and poison- (often linked with grass-types) types. Signal Beam is another alternative for hitting grass-types, but otherwise its coverage is redundant, with aura sphere for dark-types and shadow ball for psychic-types.