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Rip My Sheik Apart!


Smash Rookie
Mar 13, 2008
New Mexico


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2004
Winthrop, Massachusetts
Alright, well I only watched the Sheik vs. Wolf matches, becasue that's my Main and my secondary :-) ...but here's what I would say :

@ Sheik and Wolf --> For the love of god... STOP ROLLING EVERYWHERE. It may work agaisnt other rolling friends or to get a hit in every now and then, but with the amount that you guys are using it, it will only serve to make you predictable and higher level players WILL punish you for it. trust me, I know, I roll all the time, and get punished for it ALL THE TIME. rolling is useful, and has it's palce, but not when it's your only close combat mixup.

@Sheik : (general)

- You have to land those FTilts man...I saw a few, but you weren't able to continue them past 3 hits or so. Especially on space animals, once you catch them in that lock, you've gotta try to keep them there till about 60%+ . I would suggest going into practice mode and finding the perfect rhythm of tapping A so that you're not spaaaaming it, but are doing it fast enough to get maximum speed from the attack.

- Utilize your air game man. I saw very very aerial attacks from either of you, adn that is one of the best parts of Sheik's game.

- Charge your needles more. I saw a lot of single needle shots, which isn't BAD, but a fully charged shot makes someone take 18% damage for a single mistake. Also, don't fear the wolf laser spam, your needles have better range. Instead of charging into the ****, stay back, charge needles and pelt him with your own barrage...make him approach you.

- I never once saw you try to Vanish kill. Utilize it...Vanish is in her top 3 kill moves.

- You also need to be careful with recovering and coming back from the ledge. Is aw a lot of mistakes and they cost you big time. Try to be less obvious with where you're going to land.

- Also, you might want to play a few matches, just as Zelda. if you're going to be changing into Zelda in order to kill, you're going to need a better understanding of her to do so properly. If you've transformed and taken more then 30-40% damage to get the kill, your strategy has backfired and you've only hurt yourself in the attempt, whereas if you had stayed Sheik, you probably could have landed an USmash or a Vanish.


@Wolf :

- FOR THE LOVE OF GOD...STOP SPAMMING FSMASH! don't get me wrong, FSmash is a GREATmover since it has insane range and good knockback...but if you are whiffing half the time, and or being shielded (and trust me, you will be) , it really hurts you to spam it so much. Luigi for example, can perfect shield your FSmash and then Dragon Punch you to death every time, without question...so watch the FSmash spamming.

...I like to use FSmash as a punisher...look for air dodges, trips, bad edge recoveries ...ROLLING, but don't over utilize it as an approaching attack. If you are close to someone, honestly DSmash is a much better option and it's a much better kill move too.

- Same comment as to Sheik, Utilize your air game. Wolf's aerials are GREAT, and most of them have 0 lag when performed right. BAir is like auto-l-cancelled, all the time. it's the new Wall of Pain...seriously. use it to approach, use it to chase off the edge...USE IT USE IT USE IT!...it's also a good kill move. Fancy that right? A no lag, fast aerial that has killing power? Yeah...I never once saw you BAir...

(Edit : I watched again...you BAir'd once.)

...same with his NAir. It's a great approaching tool, NAir has no lag on landing either, which leads to some cool strings. Falling NAir to jab combo, falling NAir to Reflector then DSmash...all kinds of fun. FAir and UAir, same concepts...they have lag, but not if you execute them RIGHT after your jump. These moves are great for juggling, especially if you can read someone's air dodge and then punish them.

- Laser spam while standing still only gets you so far (unless you are playing vs. MK, in which case, spam away baby...). Instead of standing still, try short hop approaching with them.

- Your Jab combo *****...it has good priority, can be controlled/slowed down or sped up for mindgames, and is three hits one after the other...so people have a hard time spot dodging it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 1, 2008
only watched one vid at the moment but was focusing on sheik more than wolf.

sheik's aerial attacks may have been nerfed abit in brawl but they are still vital, add more into your game. also i noticed that the only times you did attempt aerials you weren't short hopping


Smash Rookie
Mar 13, 2008
New Mexico
Some great advice!

A few questions:
How should I handle an Fsmash approach like that? Or when it's used as defense for that matter? If I'm jumping in to avoid the blasters, I get hit by the fsmash when I land.

Also, if wolf's in the middle of the stage using the blasters, how should I outrange the blasters? They'll hit all the way off the edges, and I can't generally out-needle him if he's making it hard to charge the needles with the blasters.

Finally, any suggestions as to how to work more airgame in? I'm more or less comfortable in the air (except for fast-falling... I don't seem to have that under my fingers yet), but I have trouble trying to airgame a player who's on the ground. If I'm facing a player who wants to stay firmly grounded, how can I use my airgame to my advantage?

Thanks for all the help!


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2004
Winthrop, Massachusetts
How should I handle an Fsmash approach like that? Or when it's used as defense for that matter? If I'm jumping in to avoid the blasters, I get hit by the fsmash when I land.
If he's approaching with FSmash, just shield grab him, elbow him in the face once and use a throw of your choice. Then it's up to you whether you want to try an aerial, or chase him on the ground to follow up.

If he's constantly blastering, Spot dodge works wonders, and remember, you can jump and feint attacks to goad a reaction out of him...or if its a flat level, fire off a few needles in the air to pelt him at an angle. Jumping over the blaster and into his shield is exactly what he wants you to do...so don't do it. Playing an aerial game vs. a grounded opponent is BAD, so try to goad him into attack, or force someway for you to approach.

You can also, just slowly walk forward and perfect shield all of his blasts. Wolf's blaster is slow, so it'd be easy to encroach on him if you can get the timing right. Also, don;t forget about that chain, could jump over the blaster and toss the chain out as you land, try to catch him like that...never tried that before (I dont play vs. many Wolfs)

Also, if wolf's in the middle of the stage using the blasters, how should I outrange the blasters? They'll hit all the way off the edges, and I can't generally out-needle him if he's making it hard to charge the needles with the blasters.
Same as above. MAYBE if you are close enough, you can roll around him during the lag of his blaster attack and then grab, or mindgame to bait out an attack and Spot dodge it before punishing him. Sheik's Bair is a good spacer too, so it's possible that you might be able to drop a BAir into his shield without taking an attack. Again, I'd have to play a really laser spammy wolf to know for certain, which I never have, so its going to take some experimentation on your part to see what works.

(Maybe others can offer better advice)

Finally, any suggestions as to how to work more airgame in? I'm more or less comfortable in the air (except for fast-falling... I don't seem to have that under my fingers yet), but I have trouble trying to airgame a player who's on the ground. If I'm facing a player who wants to stay firmly grounded, how can I use my airgame to my advantage?
Grab and toss up, FTilt setups, basically anything that will put him above you, platforms, throws, USmashes...you'll need to capitalize on when he's there. With Wolf though, you need to be careful, casue his BAir is Beast, and his Nair has good priority too. With Wolf, really...a large part of beating him (as with other space animals) is FTilting him to high damage and then smashing him away and trying to gimp. either that or switrch to Zelda and out-camp him till you can hit with a kill move.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
You're playing to a more limited moveset than Drephen, but you're not being smart about it.

Actually, both of you seem to be operating on a couple of simple if->then conditions.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2004
Winthrop, Massachusetts
You're playing to a more limited moveset than Drephen, but you're not being smart about it.

Actually, both of you seem to be operating on a couple of simple if->then conditions.
...you're talking about the two people int eh videos right? and not my advice to him?

I don't play a lot of Wolfs, but you have some recent really good Wolf experiences, wanna help out with where I've failed.

(It's hard to equate in all reality, becasue the Wolf player isn't really playing a top level game either...)


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Yes, I was talking about the videos. I don't even know how I could criticize you based on advice, LOL.

A grounded Wolf is a dead Wolf, easy tiltlock setups and you don't have to worry about all his auto-canceled aerial traps and zoning.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 10, 2004
Winthrop, Massachusetts
Yes, I was talking about the videos. I don't even know how I could criticize you based on advice, LOL.

A grounded Wolf is a dead Wolf, easy tiltlock setups and you don't have to worry about all his auto-canceled aerial traps and zoning.
Well it could be BAD advice... :-P
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