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Smash Sweetheart
Aug 19, 2007
I mained ICs in melee, loved how they played, had a love/hate relationship with Nana, adored the chain-grabbing and dash-dancing made me feel like a god.

I don't play ICs in Brawl.

I wanted to at the start but the new physics engine really messed with my head and I was drawn to begin playing with Ness instead. Please, don't hate me.

I now find myself struggling for a main and have two hammer-wielding, parker-wearing eskimos begging to be picked.

Tips for getting me started, techniques I should learn straight away. Anything useful really.

Help greatly appreciated =).



Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Ontario, Canada
wait.. you have like.. Posts: 218, iv seen you around the forums ever since brawl came out and now you ask this? and havent even solved it? wow shocking. LOL


Smash Sweetheart
Aug 19, 2007
I know it's bad and that I can learn ICs on my own but it would help a lot if I just got a head start. Psy.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
I personally think it would be best to learn normal fighting with them before you start learning their techniques, because you need to know that too, and once you learn desyncing and chain grabbing stuff you'll be so used to doing those you'll forget to use other attacks, then against, that's just how i was.


Smash Cadet
Jun 17, 2008
Well, here's how I started learning Ice Climbers. Keep in mind this is what worked for ME, you might change it up and do it differently.

1) I played the Ice Climbers synced. Might sound strange but we it helped me got a feel for all their moves, the timings, and the reach. Sure it's not playing them to their full potential, but we have to start somewhere.

2) I looked through here, our very own Ice Climber forum and looked at different possible "chains" and "moves" that could be done out of grab combos. Some easy ones to start with are the down throw chain and the Down throw -> forward air. Some easy "grab combos" to learn are:
a) Down Throw -> Forward Air
b) Down Throw -> Blizzard-> Forward Smash (will not always work).
c) Down Throw -> Squall Hammer -> Forward Smash

This video, which I'm sure is in the sticky helped me a lot:

3) I started learning alternating throws. The timing with these are tricky and can mess you up, so the only thing to do is go into practice mode and practice until your index finger hurts from pushing Z. Remember, when grabbing, Nana will attempt to as well so let the animation end and let her catch up a bit before throwing.

4) I started learning desyncing and different methods of approach. I'm still working on this, but I like to alternate SH blizzards and occasional ice blocks. Forcing the opponent to come to you and letting them make a mistake is very nice.

I'm assuming you know this, but desyncing is just using one move during another move's ending lag.

Easy desyncs to learn off the bat are:
a) When the match starts, hold a command and Nana will do it when Popo will not.
b) When an aerial connects, Fast Fall and input a command while you hit the ground
c) Blonde Roll, just Z/L and back simultaneously. I think this was in melee too so it should be easy.
d) Dash Dance
e) Pivot.

Still learning which ones I can do at the current situation and how to apply them well so I can get that grab in, but it's a start.

If none of this helps you, then I'm sorry. :p


Smash Champion
Apr 16, 2006
Raleigh, NC
There's a guide stickied at the top....


Still, master physical combat first. Then learn basic desynchs. Then learn their basic grab combos. From there, move to the more advanced desynchs/grab combos.
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