Bowser and ridley similaritys
Male sexual organs(dont ask)
and thats about it
And even half of those are nothing alike.
Flame: Okay, yeah, Ridley can shoot fireballs in super metroid, Bowser has been seen shooting fireballs in Super Mario bros.
Eyes: Bwuh?! Let's compare:
Ridley's eyes
Bowser's eyes
Care to explain the similarities, except that they're both located in their heads and used to see?
Teeth: Both being carnivorous reptiles, it only makes sense that both have pointy teeth. Okay.
Claws: Yeah, exactly the same. After all, the muscular arms of Bowser, designed for crushing, and the skinny and agile limbs of Ridley, made for grappling, are pretty much the same and would probably be used in much the same way.
Enemies: ...a fat italian plumber versus the galaxy's most lethal bounty hunter. Yeah, right equal in this front.
Male: Are we even sure Ridley is what we understand by "male"? I at least know littlle about his physiology. I assume male because he's generally treated as a "he", but who knows.
Height: Well, they
are big.
Tails: Surely you aren't comparing that short stump Bowser calls a tail with Ridley's prehensile (and sharp, and probably main means of offense) appendix?
So, all in all, it's not just that Ridley doesn't deserve to be cloned off Bowser... is that he
can't. Hell, Mewtwo would be a better place to clone, he at least has the tailswipes!