Smash Journeyman
This thread is for anyone in RI who wants to join us in going to APEX2. I've been in collaboration with Travis and Derrek and we've decided to start making plans.
As of right now, the cheapest hotel we've found is 58 dollars a night. I refuse to reserve it just yet, because being that its this early, the likelihood of a date change for it is quite possible.
Now, logically we are talking about five people per room, five people per car. I can drive, Derrek can drive, so thats 10 people. I wouldn't be apposed to bringing more if more people have cars and are willing to drive. the way I see it, as long as we keep it in fives, everyone will pay the same amount. 58 dollars five ways is not a lot. We will be there for two nights, thats 116 dollars. That's less that 25 dollars a person per night. Considering gas money, we are probably gonna be looking at 40 dollars per person for the hotel. 40 dollars will get you a ride and a hotel room for both nights. You can worry about venue/food/whatever your'e entering on your own.
Again, I'd like to keep this in multiples of five and if you're willing to drive you'll be provided with the gas money. Obviously with only two cars thats only 10 people. I think we can do better.
The Hotel will allow only 4, but that was no issue for ROM so I think five is enough. I have a lot of TV's I can bring so anyone who wants to go just worry about bringing a setup, I'll provide TV's. I know this is a little early, but ROM almost didn't happen for me because of ****ty planning. So lets do much better this time.
If you'd like to contact me, PM me. My AIM is Kojimafan89 so that works too.
Edit: If you'd like to join us and are not from RI, you are welcome to, but we won't be picking you up. We are all leaving from a certain address on the day so you'll have to meet us there.
Also, the 40$ per person will be paid in full BEFORE the cars are started, or you will not be coming.
People going so far:
3. Joerson, RI
4. Derrek, RI
5. ZoSo, RI
2. Hailey, RI :FULL:
3. ---
4. ---
5. ---
DRIVER C: Anthony, RI
2. Zach, RI
3. Jeremy, RI
"Calling Shotgun Rule": Shotgun will be determined by a 1 stock pokefloats match. Otherwise, someone suck it up.
"Calling a Bed Rule": All the drivers automatically get a bed. Other bed can be shared and it will come down to rock paper scissors. Driver can share if they want but they don't have too. Everyone, bring your sleeping bag just incase.
As of right now, the cheapest hotel we've found is 58 dollars a night. I refuse to reserve it just yet, because being that its this early, the likelihood of a date change for it is quite possible.
Now, logically we are talking about five people per room, five people per car. I can drive, Derrek can drive, so thats 10 people. I wouldn't be apposed to bringing more if more people have cars and are willing to drive. the way I see it, as long as we keep it in fives, everyone will pay the same amount. 58 dollars five ways is not a lot. We will be there for two nights, thats 116 dollars. That's less that 25 dollars a person per night. Considering gas money, we are probably gonna be looking at 40 dollars per person for the hotel. 40 dollars will get you a ride and a hotel room for both nights. You can worry about venue/food/whatever your'e entering on your own.
Again, I'd like to keep this in multiples of five and if you're willing to drive you'll be provided with the gas money. Obviously with only two cars thats only 10 people. I think we can do better.
The Hotel will allow only 4, but that was no issue for ROM so I think five is enough. I have a lot of TV's I can bring so anyone who wants to go just worry about bringing a setup, I'll provide TV's. I know this is a little early, but ROM almost didn't happen for me because of ****ty planning. So lets do much better this time.
If you'd like to contact me, PM me. My AIM is Kojimafan89 so that works too.
Edit: If you'd like to join us and are not from RI, you are welcome to, but we won't be picking you up. We are all leaving from a certain address on the day so you'll have to meet us there.
Also, the 40$ per person will be paid in full BEFORE the cars are started, or you will not be coming.
People going so far:
3. Joerson, RI
4. Derrek, RI
5. ZoSo, RI
2. Hailey, RI :FULL:
3. ---
4. ---
5. ---
DRIVER C: Anthony, RI
2. Zach, RI
3. Jeremy, RI
"Calling Shotgun Rule": Shotgun will be determined by a 1 stock pokefloats match. Otherwise, someone suck it up.
"Calling a Bed Rule": All the drivers automatically get a bed. Other bed can be shared and it will come down to rock paper scissors. Driver can share if they want but they don't have too. Everyone, bring your sleeping bag just incase.