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Review: Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Link to original post: [drupal=1337]Review: Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty [/drupal]

I absolutely refuse to be called a fanboy of anything! Unless it's Insomniac Games, of course. I've been a fan of Insomniac for as long as I can remember. I was a fan of the Spyro trilogy back on the Playstation, I was a fan of Ratchet and Clank on the Playstation 2 and I'm a fan of their latest series, Resistance, for the Playstation 3. When the PS3 came out, Insomniac started a new Ratchet and Clank series; Ratchet and Clank Future. The first game in the new series was Tools of Destruction, followed by a bridge game for the Playstation Network, Quest for Booty.

Although I am a fan of Ratchet and Clank, it wasn't until recently that I downloaded Quest for Booty from PSN. Fifteen dollars was a fairly large price tag for a game that I'd probably finish in a day. But a year after it came out, a friend of mine eventually convinced me to buy it. So I download it, played it, and then a few hours later I was done with it. And while Quest for Booty may not be a long game, it sure is a fun one.

Quest for Booty picks up where Tools of Destruction left off. I'm about to give away the ending to Tools of Destruction, so if you haven't finished it then I suggest you skip this paragraph. This is just going to be the paragraph where I criticize the story anyway. So after Clank was taken away by the Zoni in the cliff-hanger ending of Tools of Destruction, Ratchet has apparently enlisted the help of the pirates from that game in order to find an artifact that will show him where the Zoni took Clank. The game is more or less an extension of the pirate subplot from Tools of Destruction, with only the ending of the game contributing to the whole "finding Clank" main plot. While there may not be much to the main story of Quest for Booty, it does it's job and still delivers the amusement and humor of the Ratchet and Clank series. I played through that entire game with a smile on my face. Believe me, while the plot may not be deep, it sure as hell is fun to watch.

When it comes down to game play, on the combat aspect, it's exactly the same as it was in Tools of Destruction. No new weapons have been added, the interface is the same, nothing new here. But Quest for Booty doesn't focus on combat, this time around they've focused on platforming. At first I thought that Ratchet and Clank platforming without Clank would be kind of strange, but it works. Then again, I was able to manage without the lovable little robot in the spin-off Ratchet Deadlocked. But that's a different matter entirely because that spin-off focused on combat rather than platforming. Anyway, back to game play. So the platforming really isn't that different from previous titles, the only real difference is that you don't have Clank. Oh, but they did add in the ability to pick things up with your Omniwrench, they also give the over sized tool the ability to move things from a distance using a laser beam. So while the combat isn't anything new, the platforming that this game focuses on is fun and enjoyable.

To be honest, I enjoyed Quest for Booty while it lasted. I kind of like the idea of Ratchet and Clank episodic gaming. I wouldn't mind if Insomniac released two or three of these little bridge games between the real Ratchet and Clank games. But the real point of this paragraph (and this entire review) is to answer this: is it worth buying? Well, if you're a hardcore Ratchet and Clank fan then you've probably already downloaded the game, beaten it, and then upgraded all of your weapons to max. If you've never played a Ratchet and Clank and are simply interested in the series, please do not let this be your first title. Go on and pick any of the other Ratchet and Clanks, just don't pick this one. It's not that it's bad, it's just that it's a terrible place to start. But lastly, if you're a casual Ratchet and Clank fan like me, it all really depends if you think that it's worth fifteen hard-earned bucks. For me, I think I would have been a bit more satisfied with this game had the price tag been ten rather than fifteen. So if you really want to play this game, I suggest that you play through it on a friend's console rather than pay for it yourself.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 29, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
I loved Ratchet and Clank to an extent that no person can fathom. Ratchet and Clank: Up your Arsenal remains to be my number 1 game of all time. Deadlocked was a horrifying dissapointment for me.

This is a series I can call myself a fanboy on, as well. I loved the first trilogy, but haven't gotten around to Future yet, as I've just gotten a PS3, and I'm having monetary issues. But to put my obsession in a way that some people can understand, but not quite believe, (Unfortunately)

Back in Up Your Arsenal, I played the online mode nonstop. IMO, Up Your Arsenal had the best online mode of any PS2 game out there, and if you were to line it up with other multiplayer games out there...Well, I think it would shine pretty brightly among them still. Because I played the game non-stop, I eventually learned most of the glitches, most of the ridiculous ways to win in Assault, and a multitude of other strategies that would take me to the top. I was Number one in the national leaderboards for a week. Unit 2320. Too. Good.

Then Deadlocked came out, and my career in Up Your Arsenal died. For some reason, people found that trash to be more entertaining than UYA. I saw it as a horrifying step down, and gave up on Ratchet and Clank. It wasn't just the multiplayer. I hated the arena system. I hated those stupid drones that followed you. I hated everything about Deadlocked, except the Raptors. Future looked like such a return to form, and I really want to play it, despite it's lack of multiplayer. I need Insomniac. I NEED THEM TO LIVE.


Smash Rookie
Dec 18, 2008
i actually liked deadlocked, but thats may be because i played co-op with my brother. I never actually played the single player mode. But i've beaten every ratchet and clank except for the first one 100%


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I loved Ratchet and Clank to an extent that no person can fathom. Ratchet and Clank: Up your Arsenal remains to be my number 1 game of all time. Deadlocked was a horrifying dissapointment for me.

This is a series I can call myself a fanboy on, as well. I loved the first trilogy, but haven't gotten around to Future yet, as I've just gotten a PS3, and I'm having monetary issues. But to put my obsession in a way that some people can understand, but not quite believe, (Unfortunately)

Back in Up Your Arsenal, I played the online mode nonstop. IMO, Up Your Arsenal had the best online mode of any PS2 game out there, and if you were to line it up with other multiplayer games out there...Well, I think it would shine pretty brightly among them still. Because I played the game non-stop, I eventually learned most of the glitches, most of the ridiculous ways to win in Assault, and a multitude of other strategies that would take me to the top. I was Number one in the national leaderboards for a week. Unit 2320. Too. Good.

Then Deadlocked came out, and my career in Up Your Arsenal died. For some reason, people found that trash to be more entertaining than UYA. I saw it as a horrifying step down, and gave up on Ratchet and Clank. It wasn't just the multiplayer. I hated the arena system. I hated those stupid drones that followed you. I hated everything about Deadlocked, except the Raptors. Future looked like such a return to form, and I really want to play it, despite it's lack of multiplayer. I need Insomniac. I NEED THEM TO LIVE.
How interesting, UYA was my favorite too! Although I have to say that Tools of Destruction got close to beating it. As for my opinion on Deadlocked... it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't that good either. So I just labeled it a spin-off and left it at that. And by the way, go buy Tools of Destruction. Go buy it now! You won't be disappointed. And I too, need Insomniac to live. God I love their their games. I just wish they didn't sell the rights to Spyro.


Smash Ace
Jun 2, 2008
Houston, Texas
I thought Quest for Booty would've been a short game, so I downloaded it when it had it's price cut to $10 for like a week. It was really fun, and I loved the game play. It made me go back and play Size Matters again
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