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Returning to PA, looking back on my FL experience.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
It feels like I just arrived in Florida for my internship. But that was way back in January. Yet here I am, less than 2 weeks away from leaving Florida(may 21st)and heading back to my home, Pennsylvania. I've had a remarkable experience down here, not just with the internship itself, but with the Florida smash community. Your all amazing people, and I will miss all of you. MLG Orlando was a godsend for me. I had no clue mlg was going to pick up brawl when I arrived, let alone host the first event 10 MINUTES from my apartment. Besides MLG, I was able to make several smaller CFL tourneys (2 WATOs, VSA tampa, A gainsville tourney, and several UCF tourneys/smashfests).
Over the past few months I've also realized how much farther I've advanced as a player. I'm shocked by the results. I'm more confident then ever before in my abilities, and during my time here I've played against some of the greatest players in the game, along with many other less heard of, but still extremely talented, players(UCF im talking about you).

The Florida smash community has helped me so much in terms of my skill, confidence in myself, and my ability to stay calm and stay focused in matches. Big shoutout to you guys for that.

Special shoutout to Hbox Kyon and ActionB for all the smash practices at Juan's place, and just hanging out in general.

Juan, if you ever up in my area and need a place to stay, mi casa es tu casa.

When I'm back in PA, I won't forget you guys, and I'll do my best to succeed back in the Atlantic north region.

I'll see some of you guys at Columbus, and some others at APEX. For the rest of you, I'll see you around when I'm back in Florida for vacation.

M@v, signing out.

P.S if anyone wants to get some last minute playing in before I leave, I'm off Thursday and Friday.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 10, 2010
European Alaska
Best of luck to you man. I enjoyed watching you play ith Trump at VSA, and I wish you the best.

SN Viper

Formerly 9th in FL PR
Mar 31, 2010
Lake Alfred Florida
M@V i was hoping to be able to play you one day. as a Falco main my self i looked up to you as a player good luck in PA. oh and update the da.mn Falco Tourny results thread already.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Funny, How i'm from PA and live in Florida now and I don't know you.
I think its mainly because whenever your back at Pittsburgh, I'm in State college. lol.

M@V i was hoping to be able to play you one day. as a Falco main my self i looked up to you as a player good luck in PA. oh and update the da.mn Falco Tourny results thread already.

I appreciate that. The tourney thread will have to wait until friday though. I have plans tomorrow, and I was at a smashfest for like 6 hours tonight.
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