If you are facing a Robin who is spamming, then you should be letting him dig their own graves by wasting their charges. Before you say that they regain the ability to use their special moves and levin sword after only a short period of time, consider the fact that they just lost the ability to use their special moves and stronger smash attacks. That is your time to get in and strike.
The rule of both playing as and against a Robin is to think in the long run. While Thunder and Arcfire allow Robin to cover multiple angles at one time, they have to be careful about how use each of them or else they are goingbto be in trouble. Thunder is an extremely versatile projectile that gives that makes Robin a threat at mid and long ranges, and Arcfire sets up many of Robin's most damaging combos. Losing either if those means that Robin loses a vital part of his offense until the tome comes back, meaning that you are free to turn up the pressure. If he loses both tomes at the same time, god help him. While losing his other specials and the Levin Sword don't cause as much of a problem to his offense, it is still a good idea to keep an eye out for when he loses those moves and how you can take advantage of Robin without them.
Another thing to note is that when Robin runs out of charges, the Levin Sword and Tomes that she drops actually count as items, which means that Robin is able to catch them and throw them at you for extra damage. A good Robin player will always try to grab it if they are able to before it disappears, and a bad Robin player will ignore and let it disappear. If your in a position where you can grab the items, you should always be attempting to take it so you can give the Robin players a taste of their own medicine. That advice is good even when facing good Robin players.
Edit: As for Link, everybody here seems to ignore the fact that his options up close are actually pretty good. Just because most people on FG play him in a campy way doesn't mean that it is the only way he is able to be played.