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Redesigning previous rosters

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Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2013
Hey guys, let's make a roster! No, not another Smash Bros. 4 roster, we've already seen those. No, today we're going to be making a roster for the previous Smash games. Who do you think should have been in Smash 64, Melee and Brawl? The roster has to be the same size as it was in the original game, and due to the nature of this thread transformation characters are counted as a single character, which means that a) you're not allowed to replace transformations with an individual character and b) new transformation/tag team characters are fair game. You're allowed to change the number of representatives within a given franchise. Any major moveset changes may also be included, but only if it significantly changes the character.

I'll start

SSB: Mario, Pikachu, Luigi, Fox, Samus, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Link, Captain Falcon, Ness, Pokemon Trainer, Bowser.
Bowser is more important to the Mario franchise than Yoshi, and while he did represent his own series it wasn't really important enough to warrant an appearance in the game. Pokémon Trainer would serve as more of a mascot for the entire franchise, and have a more interesting moveset than Jiggly, who was really only included due to its nature as a secondary mascot in Japan and possibly its appearance in the animé (I can't be bothered checking the dates for this one)

Melee: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, Bowser, Link, Zelda, Ganon, Skull Kid, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Gen 2 Pokémon trainer, Kirby, Meta Knight, Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Fox, Wolf, Samus, Ness, Mr Game & Watch, Marth, Pit, Captain Falcon.
At this point, Yoshi has sort of established himself as a recurring character a little more, so he's back in. Dr. Mario has been kicked off the roster, because his inclusion made no sense at all. Skull Kid is now in the game to represent Majora's Mask. Zelda is just Zelda this time. And no, that's not a typo up there. I said Ganon, not Ganondorf. At this point Ganondorf has only actually had one appearance, so Ganon was still by all means the Big bad of the Zelda franchise. Pichu has been cut, and Jigglypuff is back in as well, since there's more room to justify her appearance. Pokémon trainer has been updated to represent Gold and Silver. A new Kirby rep has been added. I was debating whether to go for Metaknight or Dedede, since both are of equal importance imo, but went for Metaknight since he's the more popular character. Diddy Kong has been added as a new rep for DKC. I was debating whether to include Marth, because of Fire Emblem's lack of significance in the West, but decided to keep him. However, Roy has been cut, not jus because of Fire Emblem's arguable notability at this point of time but because unlike Marth, this was quite literally a case of Roy Debuted in Smash Bros. - his game wasn't even out yet. Pit has been added. Ice Climbers have been cut.

I can't be ****ed doing a Brawl one right now, so I'll write that one up later haha


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
Interesting choices. Here is mine

Mario, DK, Link, Samus, Kirby, Fox, Yoshi, Pikachu, Captain Falcon and Ness remain. While Little Mac and Bowser replace Jigglypuff and Luigi.
Luigi was a recolor of Mario and Bowser added more. And Pokemon was not that big back then.

Mario, DK, Link, Samus, Kirby, Fox, Yoshi, Pikachu, Captain Falcon, Ness, Little Mac and Bowser return. Peach, Zelda/Sheik, Marth, Mewtwo, Ice Climbers, and Mr Game and Watch are added like before. Jigglypuff is added in this game. Ganondorf comes in with an original move set. Ridley, Samurai Goroh and Wolf are added along with Diddy and Meta Knight.

All 25 Melee fighters return. Luigi is added in this game. Wario, Toon Link, Pit, ROB, Dedede, Olimar, Ike, and Lucas join like before. Pokemon Trainer joins but has Treecko, Prinplup and Typlosion.


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2013
Damn, how the hell did I forget Little Mac? ._.

Oh well, Brawl roster.

All the characters from Melee except Skull Kid and Ganon return. Ganon is replaced by Ganondorf, who by this point has had more appearances, and Skull Kid with Midna, since she's a more relevant "one-shot" character. Ice Climbers are now in the game. Wario, Olimar, Ike, Dedede, Lucas, Lucario and Sonic are added as before. Pokémon Trainer is again replaced by a new trainer. Snake never really made sense to me, despite really being an awesome addition. Sonic is still a significant part of Nintendo's history, though, being Mario's rival. R.O.B. isn't here this time, mostly just cause I hate the little ******. Little Mac and K. Rool are also added.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
There are no cuts between games in my rosters, so all SSB characters are in Melee etc.

Super Smash Bros (12)
Mario, Link, Kirby, Samus, Pikachu, Fox, Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Captain Falcon, Ness, Luigi
IN: Bowser
OUT: Jigglypuff

Super Smash Bros Melee (25 - no transformations)
Peach, Zelda, Ganondorf, Mewtwo, Ice Climbers, Marth, Mr. Game & Watch
IN: Diddy Kong, Ridley, Wolf, King Dedede, Wario, Little Mac
OUT: Pichu, Young Link, Dr. Mario, Sheik, Falco, Roy

Super Smash Bros Brawl (35 - one transformation)
Ike, Lucas, Meta Knight, Olimar, Pit, Pokémon Trainer May*, ROB, Toon Link, Zero-Suit Samus
IN: King K.Rool, Falco
OUT: Lucario, Snake, Sonic

* Mudkip, Bayleef, Charizard

Super Smash Bros for Wii U / 3DS
IN: Palutena, Dillon
OUT: Wii Fit Trainer, Mega Man


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
Okay, this seems like a fun exercise.

SSB: The original Smash Bros. game contained 12 playable characters. I say that it is far too few for any one universe to get more than one rep.

=Captain Falcon
+Marth (Taking on the role of an unlockable character in lieu of Jigglypuff/Luigi)
=Mr. Game and Watch (Taking on the role of an unlockable character in lieu of Jigglypuff/Luigi)

Melee: The original 12 (er, my original 12) return. Melee had 25 characters (not counting transformations), so 13 newcomers are added.

+Ice Climbers
+King DeDeDe
+Wolf (Added instead of Falco - is as much of a clone as Falco was, however.)
+Luigi (Added instead of Dr. Mario - is basically a clone save for his side special.)
+Ridley (They wouldn't even have to change Melee's opening video - he already fights Samus in it.)
+Little Mac
+Snake (What? A Third Party this early? Yes. Kojima wanted him in Melee, so he got in.)

Brawl: Brawl had 35 playable characters (not counting transformations), so 10 newcomers. Luigi gets a complete overhaul - he gets the Poltergust 3000 to use as his primary weaponry. Wolf gets the less cloned moveset he has in Brawl. Samus gains her Zero Suit counterpart (which doesn't count towards the total characters? I'm a little unsure on the rules here). Ganondorf actually uses his sword and becomes decloned. Peach gets a few moves based on Super Princess Peach.

+Captain Olimar
+Diddy Kong
+Villager (Sakurai disregards his initial thought about Animal Crossing being too passive for a fighter a bit earlier)
+Midna & Wolf Link

This was way harder than I thought it would be.

Update: Adding a SSB4 section. Only redesigning what's been said so far, so it still works with the rules.

SSB4: Since my roster added Villager in Brawl, there's a discrepancy that needs to be fixed. All characters from Brawl return.

+Wii Fit Trainer (As completely off the wall and ludicrous as her addition was, I like it. Her inclusions is genius. Pure and simple.)
+Megaman (This game's 3rd Party Rep - one has been added every game since Melee.)
+Saki (Appearing as an AT in Brawl worked wonders for Saki: his popularity increased. And he was able to use that as a stepping stone to be playable in the next installment.)


Worlds Apart, But Still Together.
Jan 31, 2012
Ok. Sounds like fun.

SSB 64

In a position as director in a new IP, I'm only going to focus on big name characters that will get people to buy the game. No one is going to buy a game with obscure characters that no one knows. People will buy it when they see Mario and Link in the same game, fighting with each other. In this game, sales matter.

So look at the big name games. Mario, Link, Pikachu, DK, Kirby, Yoshi and Fox are all superstars of the N64, and Super Metroid was a huge game on the SNES.

So now let's look at characters in addition to this, because 8 characters is too small. What are some other big name characters we can use?

Princess Peach. Quite possibly the most well known female character in video game history. Peach gives young female players someone they would want to use, due to her appearance as a princess. Sure Kirby and Yoshi are cute, but 9 year olds love princesses. Unlock by completing Break the Targets with all 8 starters.

Bowser. Right up there with Peach and Mario in terms of recognition. A big name character who most people love. Gives the game a villain to use as well. Perfect for young boys because of Bowser's tough appearance. "I wanna be Bowser because he's big and awesome!". Unlock by completing Classic Mode once.

Mewtwo. At the time this game is released (1999), Pokemon RBY is a huge success. And I dunno about you guys, but if it wasn't Charizard everyone was bringing to show and tel, it was Mewtwo. Catching a Mewtwo was every 5 year olds dream at that time, and it was all everyone talked about at recess. This is such a no brainer. Unlock by completing Board the Platforms with all 8 characters.

11 characters does look really odd on the character selection screen. What other characters are left? Every big name franchise is already shown off, and we've got three massively popular unlockable characters that fans will adore. So what's left?

Enter Pit. Kid Icarus sold a million copies on the NES, which compares to Metroid. This cult classic game only targets a specific audience, but it targets a bigger crowd than someone from other games like Ness would. Would very much be a surprise character as well. Unlock by completing 1P mode on Hard mode or higher without continuing.

So my roster would be: Original 8, +Peach, Bowser, Mewtwo and Pit.


So now we're dealing with a huge game. Super Smash Bros. was a massive success and people want more. So let's give them more.

We still stick with the theme of Nintendo All-Stars. We also want characters that stand out from the rest, and bring something new that no one else can bring.

First off the bat, Peach and Bowser are promoted to starter characters. With only 13 months to develop the game, character increases are going to be minimal. Between the two years that the games came out, not much has changed so a focus is made towards characters who were turned away from in favor of what we put in the first game. Every new character is an unlockable, for a total of 10 unlockable characters, meaning a total of 20 characters.

Pit is unlocked by just beating Classic mode once, due to the surprise being gone now. Or you can play 100 VS matches.

Luigi. This is a no-brainer. Luigi's Mansion and Melee did come out close together, but using a vacuum does let Luigi stick out from the crowd, not to mention he'd be highly requested. Unlock with the normal 2 seconds on Mushroom Kingdom or 200 VS matches (Luigi is player 2 :p).

Zelda/Sheik. A transformation really allows the character to stand out, as would a sorceress and a ninja. Helps buff up the Zelda character count too. Unlock by completing Classic/Adventure Mode with Link or 300 VS matches (tri = 3).

Ness. Another cult classic character. Showing off abilities from his items obtained in Earthbound, alongside his PSI powers (not Paula's), Ness fits in as a conglomerate of Zelda, Game and Watch and Link in terms of abilities. Unlock by completing Break The Targets with 14 characters or play 400 VS matches (Omega is the highest level in Earthbound PSI, and it's the fourth level)

Marth: Sets a unique precedent in that he's a Japanese only character in an international game. But a primary swordbased character is something we have yet to see. Link uses a bunch of stuff, but Marth only uses a sword. Unlock by completing 500 VS matches (5 FE games at this point) or play the game for 20 human hours.

Captain Falcon. Now here's something a bit out there. Take a character who we only know from being in a race car, and pull a Fox and give him abilities his car gets, like boost power and health restoration. His game is very much based on beating up other fighters, so that wouldn't be lost in his character design. Complete Classic Mode in under 10 minutes or Play 600 VS matches (In F-Zero X, the top 6 racers are shown on the screen)

Mewtwo is unlocked by completing 700 VS matches or the Legendary Pokemon event match.

King Dedede. A character that fights with a hammer is a really unique addition, and he helps buff a very popular series' character count. Unlock by completing 800 VS matches (8 levels in Kirby's Adventure GB) or Complete Classic mode with Kirby on Hard mode.

Ice Climbers. A character who really shows off the historical side of Nintendo, and a tag team character really makes them stick out. Unlock by playing 900 VS matches (there are 8 "platforms" in Ice Climber plus one bonus level) or Classic/Adventure mode with 14 characters.

Mr. Game & Watch. A character showing off another unique side, this time using a bunch of items. Helps make a character that sticks out, especially due to his monotone, 2D image. Unlock by playing 1000 VS matches (the most points you can get is 1000 points in GW games) or Completing Classic mode with every other character.

tl'dr. My original 12 + Luigi, Zelda/Sheik, Ness, Marth, Captain Falcon, Dedede, Ice Climbers and Mr. Game and Watch


Will edit with reasoning later but characters are:

- Ganondorf
- Pokemon Trainer
- Meta Knight
- Villager
- Olimar
- R.O.B
- Diddy Kong
- Wario
- Mach Rider
- Balloon Fighter
- Wolf
- Lucario
- King K. Rool


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I'll bite

SSB 64
Original eight remain the same; Mario, DK, Samus, Link, Yoshi, Fox, Kirby, Pikachu.
Secrets are: Luigi(who stays), Meowth(who replaces Jigglypuff as a more iconic, more relevent Pokemon character in the anime), Bowser(who replaces Ness), Diddy Kong(Falcon).

Starting off with more famous characters that most people know. DK gets a new rep, Pokemon gets a more appropriate replacement mon, Mario gets three reps(not including Yoshi)

Here is where I'd add the lesser known characters; the above all appear as normal.
Mario rep: Wario(replaces Doc) and Peach appear.
Zelda: Ganondorf and Zelda appear.
Pokemon: Mewtwo appears.
DK: Dixie Kong (instead of Pichu)
Starfox: Wolf (replaces Falco)
Kirby: Dedede (instead of Young Link)

New series:
Golden Sun: Isaac, (instead of Game and Watch)
Fire Emblem: Marth, Roy(once I discovered Fire Emblem was a thing)
Retro series: Kid Icarus! Pit gets in over Ice Climbers because honestly...I never would have thought of them as cool as they are

The above appear again(no cuts!) alongside:

Mario: Toad (instead of Wario appearing here)
Zelda: Toon Link
Pokemon: Blaziken for a 3rd gen rep, Lucario for a 4th. I'm ashamed to say I never would have thought of Pokemon Trainer.
DK: King K. Rool (instead of Diddy showing up here)
Metroid: Ridley (instead of Snake; I wouldn't have added third parties)
Kirby: Metaknight
Starfox: Krystal. Instead of Wolf debuting here. (who debuted instead of Falco)
Fire Emblem: Ike

New Series:
Pikmin: Olimar
Animal Crossing: Villager (instead of Sonic)
Ice Climbers; once I did the research
Duck Hunt: Duck Hunt Dog (instead of Pit debuting here)
Earthbound: Ness(only just debuts ;;;)
Sin and Punishment: Saki(instead of Dedede debuting)

In other words Game and Watch and Falcon wouldn't have been in the game yet if I was in charge, and Pokemon Trainer wouldn't be even considered.
Doc, Young Link, Pichu would never have happened and Lucas still wouldn't be in either. Puff wouldn't never be considered.

Thank goodness I'm not in charge.

Next game would probably include: Falcon(instead of Villager debuting), Game and Watch(Wii Fit Trainer), Bowser Jr. (Megaman). I'd also consider Charizard as a new rep for this game due o his immense past popularity.


Smash Champion
Jun 14, 2013
To be completely honest, I'd just make all of the rosters the same as they were. :p

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Interesting idea. I'll bite.


Unchanged: Mario, Luigi, Link, Samus, kirby, Fox, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Pikachu, Ness

Change: Take out Jiggs and Falcon, replace them with Mewtwo and Marth, plus add James Bond and Pit.


Unchanged: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, kirby, Link, Zelda/Shiek, Ganondorf, Pikachu, Mewtwo, Samus, Yoshi, Ice Climbers, Mr. Game and Watch, Marth, Roy, Ness, Fox, Falco, Donkey Kong, Pit

Change: Take out the James Bond,Doc, Pichu, and Y. link while adding Charizard, Skull Kid, and Diddy Kong. Add King Dedede, Deoxys, Ridley, Captain Falcon, Chrono (Chrono Trigger)


Unchanged: Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach, Link, Zelda/Shiek, Ganondorf, Samus, Ridley, Fox, Falco, Kirby, King Dedede, Metaknight, Marth, Ike, Ice Climbers, Falcon, Yoshi, Donkey King, Disdy Kong, Pit, Mewtwo, Wario, Zero Suit Samus, Pokemon Trainer, mr. Game and Watch, Lucas, Pikmin and Olinar, Wolf, Toon Link, Snake, Sonic,

Changed: remove Ness, Deoxys, put Charizard in PKMN trainer, Chrono, and Skull Kid and replace them with Masked Man, Lucario, and Toon Zelda/Tetra. Also add Isaac, Little Mac, King K. Rool, and Palutena.

Deleted member

SSB64: Replace Jigglypuff with Pit
SSBM: Jigglypuff is introduced, Replace Dr. Mario with Wario, replace Pichu with King Dedede, replace Young Link with Diddy Kong
SSBB: Replace Lucario with Mewtwo, replace Toon Link with The Villager

Other than that, I am really satisfied with how the rosters for each game has turned out.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
James... Bond?​

I know Goldeneye was huge at the time... but... but... but...​
Strange yes but considering Goldeneyes's popularity at the time, it would have been interesting and a great way to capitalize on the franchise. While I don't have a source, some believe that James Bond, Bowser, Marth/Sigurd, and Pit were planned for SB64. No sucre but I've been hearing that off and on since Brawl.

Deleted member

Strange yes but considering Goldeneyes's popularity at the time, it would have been interesting and a great way to capitalize on the franchise. While I don't have a source, some believe that James Bond, Bowser, Marth/Sigurd, and Pit were planned for SB64. No sucre but I've been hearing that off and on since Brawl.
I saw in Did You Know Gaming Smash Bros. Part 1 that the development staff wanted to see Rare's depiction of James Bond. Though, that isn't saying much in my opinion.


Deaf Smasher
Oct 24, 2009
Okay, I'll bite


Keep everyone the same, but remove Luigi and Jigglypuff for Bowser and Pit. Falcon, Ness, Bowser, and Pit are the unlockables in this game.


Everyone from 64 returns. Bowser and Pit remains unlockables while Falcon and Ness are bumped to starters. Luigi, Peach, Ganondorf, Sheik (yes Sheik, not Zelda in this game), Marth, G&W, Ice Climbers, Mewtwo, and Falco are all added.

Roy, Pichu, Young Link, Falco, and Doc has been removed from the roster. Little Mac, King Dedede, Charizard, Wolf, and Diddy Kong has all been added.

Wolf, Luigi, and Ganondorf are the only clones in this game.

Starters: Mario, DK, Link, Samus, Yoshi, Kirby, Fox, Pikachu, Falcon, Ness, Peach, Sheik, Ice Climbers, King Dedede

Unlockables: Bowser, Pit, Ganondorf, Mewtwo, Marth, Luigi, G&W, Charizard, Wolf, Little Mac, Diddy Kong


Everyone from this game returns. Falcon and Ness becomes unlockables once again along with Little Mac being starters.

Zelda, Falco, Ridley and Isaac has all been added to the roster along with Brawl newcomers: Meta Knight, Zamus, Wario, Olimar, Ike, Lucario, and Sonic. Ganondorf is once again a clone, but with tweaks.

Therefore, Falco, Luigi, Wolf, and Ganondorf are all semi clones.

Red, Snake, Toon Link, Lucas, Ivysaur, and Squirtle has all been cut

Starters: Mario, DK, Link, Samus, Yoshi, Kirby, Fox, Pikachu, Peach, Zelda/Sheik, Ice Climbers, King Dedede, Little Mac, Ike, Olimar, Isaac

Unlockables: Bowser, Pit, Falcon, Ness, Luigi, Mewtwo, Ganondorf, Marth, G&W, Charizard, Wolf, Diddy Kong, Meta Knight, Wario, Falco, Lucario, Sonic, ROB, Ridley

Wii U/3DS

Everyone from Brawl returns (yes, I said EVERYONE. Problem?). Toon Link, Snake, and Lucas were added to the roster. Lucina, Bowser Jr, Blaziken, Shulk, Dixie Kong, Takamaru, Lip, Palutena, Dillon, and Mii are added.

The original 4 unlockables and Diddy Kong are now starters.

Ganondorf FINALLY gets an sword added to his move and is still a semi clone. Luigi, Falco, Wolf, Lucas, Blaziken, and Ganondorf are semi clones.

Starters: Mario, DK, Yoshi, Bowser, Link, Samus, Kirby, Fox, Pikachu, Falcon, Ness, Pit, Peach, Zelda/Sheik, Ice Climbers, King Dedede, Diddy Kong, Little Mac, Ike, Olimar, Isaac, Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Lucas, Blaziken


Marth, Luigi, Mewtwo, Ganondorf, G&W, Wolf, Charizard, Falco, Lucario, Meta Knight, Wario, Ridley, ROB, Sonic, Toon Link, Snake, Megaman, Palutena, Dixie Kong, Dillon, Takamaru, Lucina, Shulk, Bowser Jr, Mii

Whew, that's a lot of work.


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
Alright here comes my version of this ~

Super Smash Bros 64

It's very similar to the original, except a few changes that would be necessary for this point.
Mario as the Nintendo Icon got Mario, Luigi and Bowser, and you could count Wario too, but around
after this he would make his own Series, and counted out as a Mario Rep...

The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time was a best seller, so Link and Ganondorf would do the series Justice.

Pokémon also was a bestseller, and with the new Movie back then, Mewtwo was feautured to be one anticipated Pokémon, and very much popularity, so I added it.

Since Sakurai Created Kirby, I feel it's just right to add King Tripple D.


Super Mario: Mario, Luigi, Bowser
DK: Donkey Kong
TLOZ: Link, Ganondorf
Kirby: Kirby, King Dee Dee Dee
Pokémon: Pikachu, Mewtwo
Earthbound: Ness
F-Zero: Captain Falcon
Yoshi: Yoshi
Wario: Wario
Star Fox: Fox McCloud

Changes from the Original:
Jigglypuff is Cut and replaced by Wario.
Bowser, King DeeDeeDee, Mewtwo and Ganondorf is Added.

I forgot to add the Unlockable Patterns so here goes:

Luigi, Wario, Captain Falcon, Ness, Bowser, King Dee, Mewtwo and Ganondorf are Unlockables...

More Info:

I don't think Jigglypuff should ever been made. Since she is nothing big in the Anime anymore, and Kirby is the solid role as the Pink Round Puff...

Super Smash Bros Melee


Mario would receave Peach instead of Wario (who takes a break, Since he is less needed than Peach for this)
Diddy Kong enters the Game as Donkey Kong would deserve a second Rep.
Star Fox getting bigger and bigger, getting Falco Lombardi on board.
New Natural choice from Zelda would be Zelda/And Shiek as making her more special.
Ice Climbers makes it in as the NES Rep.
Pit Also turns up as a retro rep, making tribute to Metroid, Zelda and Kid Icarus from Same Year.
F-Zero GX gets some promotion with it's final games boss, Deathborn.
Fire Emblem makes it in and Marth uses the Sword for Justice.
And we welcome Mr.Game and Watch to the cast.


Super Mario: Mario, Luigi, Bowser, Peach.
Yoshi: Yoshi.
DK: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong.
F-Zero: Captain Falcon, Deathborn.
Star Fox: Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi.
Earthbound: Ness.
IC: Ice Climbers.
Kirby: Kirby, King Dee Dee Dee.
Metroud: Samus Aran.
TLOZ: Link, Zelda/Shiek, Ganondorf.
Pokémon: Pikachu, Mewtwo.
G&W: Mr.Game and Watch.
KI: Pit.
FE: Marth.

Changes from the Original:

Roy, Young Link, Dr.Mario and Pichu was never added
instead: Diddy Kong, Deathborn and Pit.

More Info:

Wario is taken out, since he would represent a Mario Clone, So was taken out for the Sequal.
(I know that sounds weird, but that would make up for not having all those other "Clones" in Melee)
Deathborn was picked out to promote F-Zero GX ONLY.
Pokémon would get a New Rep, but there was not much to go on since there was so many Pokémon to choose from...

Super Smash Bros Brawl

Brawl was more to expand the game as much as Possible, so.
Mario universe stays the same.
King K. Rool is added to please the fans.
The unexpected popularity of Skull Kid secured him the spot, also easy concept to think of with the new implement of "Final Smash".
Wario has Returned, and now as his own franchise and not being a Clone.
New Series like, Golden Sun, Pikmin and Animal Crossing gets their rep.
Also Re-Turning Punch-Out get's Little Mac to promote the game.
Star Fox's Rival Wolf takes the advantage to join the cast.
Fire Emblem's Newest lord Ike jumps on board.
Kirby's Father and a huge fan-demand on Meta Knight.
Pokémon was in need for another rep since last game and we give 3. With Pokémon Trainer.
Rest of the Series stays the same...

Super Mario: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser.
DK: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, King K. Rool.
TLOZ: Link, Zelda/Shiek, Ganondorf, Skull Kid.
Metroid: Samus Aran.
Kirby: Kirby, Meta Knight, King Dee Dee Dee.
SF: Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Wolf O'Donell.
Pokémon: Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer, Mewtwo.
F-Zero: Captain Falcon, Deathborn.
FE: Marth, Ike.
KI: Pit.
IC: Ice Climbers.
Earthbound: Ness.
G&W: Mr.Game & Watch.
Yoshi: Yoshi.
Wario: Wario.
GS: Isaac.
Pikmin: Captain Olimar & Pikmin.
AC: Villager.
P-O: Little Mac.
Changes from the Original:
R.O.B, Jigglypuff, Toon Link, Lucas and Lucari was Never added.
Neither was Sonic or Snake because there is NO 3RD PARTY AT ALL...

More Info:

Wario Needed to return.
Meta Knight, King K. Rool, Skull Kid and Isaac are all added due to popularity.
Olimar, Villager and Little Mac to represents their franchises.
Rest Stays as there was no need for more.

Super Smash Bros Wii U/3DS

Toad is the hot new Mario Addition, due to all the recent appearences he makes.
Dixie Kong enters to promote Tropical Freeze.
Tingle has become the last Iconic Zelda character that would make sense. (Since he "has" 2 Games)
Wario invites Ashley to show of the "Wario Ware" Side of things.
Metroid gets a Second rep as it has deserved long ago, But issues regarding a big purple dragon led the devoloping team to make Sylux and not a blue latex Samus.
Palutena promotes the Kid Icarus: Uprising.
Bandana Dee joins as the 4th Kirby Rep.
Krystal is the most requested Star Fox char, and made her debut.
Wii Fit Sold enough to make a rep.
With newest Black & White out, Zoroark would be a great fit.
Newest Clasic is Lip, from Pon De Lip.
Fire Emblem's newest lord Chrom, and female Lucina takes the stage.
F-Zero's Samurai Goroh makes the appearence.
and Animal Crossing's own Tom Nook is here.

Super Mario: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Toad, Bowser.
DK: Donkey Kong, Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, King K. Rool.
TLOZ: Link, Zelda/Shiek, Tingle, Ganondorf, Skull Kid.
Metroid: Samus Aran, Sylux.
KI: Pit, Palutena.
Kirby: Kirby, Bandana Dee, Meta Knight, King Dee Dee Dee.
SF: Fox McCloud, Falco Lombardi, Krystal, Wolf O'Donell.
Pokémon: Pikachu, Pokémon Trainer, Zoroark, Mewtwo,
AC: Villager, Tom Nook.
FE: Marth, Chrom, Lucina.
Earthbound: Ness.
Pikmin: Olimar.
F-Zero: Captain Falcon, Samurai Goroh, Deathborn.
Wario: Wario, Ashley.
IC: Ice Climbers.
G&W: Mr.Game & Watch.
Yoshi: Yoshi.
WF: Wii Fit Trainer.
GS: Isaac.
P-O: Little Mac.
PDL: Lip.

More Info:

Tingle is added since, There was never a Toon Link, so no Vatii. Since Skull Kid was added, Ghirahim would never be added since it would make Zelda overpopulated with Villains. and Tingle did have 2 Games for himself.

Deathborn was never drawn back, and the Series was/is most likley dead, but Samurai Goroh makes it in to please the true F-Zero fans.

Not many new series are added, but a few.

NO 3RD PARTY, and the Game looks pretty good, anyways... I loved Sonic and Snake don't get me wrong.
And I'm actually looking forward to Mega Man. But looking on how they could how done it. I think they should
left it all alone...
What I said about Ridley was just a joke, but yeah, Sylux would be a more "Sized/Fitting" Character.
And that ends up my Rosters.
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