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Recoil manipulation: Boing! A Guide to "recoil-effects" (in progress.)


Frame Savant
Jun 20, 2008
Kent Lakes, New York
I'm in the process of rewriting this, simplifying the lexicon I've been making up, and making changes as I find out new effects, application, or find errors that need to be corrected (there are a few). Hopefully this can become a presentable guide that won't get flamed too much.


I want people to know how to use recoils and potentially perform some of the tricks I've discussed. Whether you think b-sticking is worth it or not is irrelevant here as I will give the non-b-stick version of everything as well. SOOOOO

I'm making a guide.
Starting with the basics. I'll explain all about recoil specials and how to perform them with and without the b-stick. This is the more vital information. I will get to more complex uses of recoil soon. Like... if you've read anything I post, I'll get more advanced. Then again, I know this first part will help people out.

Recoil techniques Tutorial

First off, there are a lot of misconceptions about "recoil-effects", and that actual info on this is either to limited or to general. So I'm gonna give the general overview of recoil effects, how they occur, how to perform them, and how to chain them together.

Recoil occurs when natural momentum is combined with the momentum altering properties of certain specials. The momentum used to create these effects may come from one of two sources: Control stick input when out of hitstun, and momentum from a recoil special just performed. This means you can't get sent flying and whip out a reverse magnet pull. If that were true, the "chain" effect would make Lucas god tier. I sh** you not, he would be impossible to kill unless you died before you could airdodge to buffered PsiM.

Normally you move and say, pkf in the same direction. You stop moving and pkf, because the natural momentum and the pkf recoil act to cancel eachother out. Recoils are possible because the control stick can alter the direction of the pkf without altering natural momentum (this is made much easier with b-sticking), B-reversing. This lets you redirect the "special" momentum effect to amplify and either boost or reverse your momentum.

The b-stick works so well because the control stick holds priority. This accounts for its ability to autoRAR as well. So if you hold the control stick forward and b-stick back, what you are doing is doing a pkf back and instantly b-reversing it. B-sticking is not the only the only way to perform these.

Each move will provide a different recoil effect. Pkf produces a very strong initial recoil with a slight lift effect. Its lack of a vertical momentum canceling property is extremely important.
PsiM has that property, and can be held, allowing it to perform the "pull" techniques. However, it has a much weaker recoil on its own, and its wavebounce pales compared to pkf.
PKFreeze also can bounce, its a decent one, but its PKFreeze so whatever. PKT cancels horizontal and vertical movement so it cannot perform recoil specials (ledge-specials are possible though).


Special Move Terms
PKF: PK Fire PsiM: Psi Magnet ZJ: Zapjump ZH: Zaphop MP: Magnet Pull
PKT: PK Thunder FR: PK Freeze

wb: wavebounced wl: wavelanded r: wave reversed jc: jump-canceled
^: chained (recoil sharing)

What are the types of recoil effects and how are they performed?

Recoils all follow a few basic rules.

1. There are 3 distinct types of recoil: Bounces, Pulls and Zaps.
Bounces are created through Control stick input. Ie. holding forward, SH and pkf.
Pulls on the other hand are recoil specials that immediately follow the burst of momentum from a previous recoil. Ex. You wavebounce a pkf and magnet pull. The magnet pull is actually a waveland PsiM, but it functions differently because of the pkf recoil. A pull cannot also be a bounce and vice versa.
Zap recoil only occurs with PKF. It occurs when a jump or double jump is canceled into a pkf. The DJ effect is a massive amplification of vertical momentum. A zap effect can occur with the pull or bounce effects.

2. There are 3 notable recoil effects: Wavebouncing, Wavelanding, and Wavereversing. A "pull" can be a WB despite the name.
Wavebounces reverse momentum.
Wavelandings amplify momentum.
Wavereversals reverse momentum and (always) direction faced. They also cancel momentum and in general are strange creatures.

3. The direction faced is independent of momentum. It changes the input needed. So you can be facing the opposite direction you are moving and still wavebounce.

* Again directions are relative to initial direction of motion. Ex. b-stick forward is b-stick in the direction you are moving, and vice versa, whether you are facing forward or back.
** Adjustment to the b-stick is needed for PsiM (downish) and PKFreeze (neutralish).
*** The direction PsiM faces in can be altered mid recoil.
**** If I say b-reverse, I mean hit the control stick the opposite direction of the last input. Is that too confusing?

I. The “Bounce” effect: the 4 possible (start) horizontal momentum effects. The standing pkf is not included here for obvious reasons. The control stick is held in the direction of motion initially for these.

1. Standard: no wavebounce
Effect: “special” forward with no major “bounce” effect.
Input: b-stick forward

2. Wavebounce (WB):
Effect: “special” forward and “bounce” back
Input (b-stick): hold forward, b-stick back
Input (b-button): Flick control stick back and pkf, b-reverse. Kinda tough... b-stick has a

3. Waveland (WL):
Effect: “special” backward and “bounce” forward
Input (b-stick): hold forward, b-stick back w/ b-reversal Or let go of the control stick and b-stick back
Input (b-button): flick control stick back to pkf.

4. Wavereversal (WR):
Effect: “special” back and “bounce” back and slightly up. A pseudo-recoil.
Input (forward b-stick): hold forward, b-stick forward w/ b-reversal
Input (b-button): cannot be done effectively.

II. The “Pull” effect: b-stick effects directly after a pkf or PsiM “bounce”. You start these facing backwards unless you follow a turnaround magnet pull. The control stick is neutral at the start of these. "Pull" is extremely important due to its conservation of momentum, which allow for the "chain" effects (see forthcoming section).

1. Standard "Pull":
Effect(pkf): turn around and pkf.

2. Wavebounced “Pull”:
Effect (PKF): see the bounce effect.
Effect (Psi-M): Magnet Sling? (MS, I’ll think of something better maybe): reverses
momentum and direction faced while magnet pulling.
Effect (PKFreeze): see the bounce effect.
Input (b-stick): b-stick back, b-reverse

3. Wavelanded “Pull”:
Effect (PKF): WLPKF: somewhat more powerful PKWL.
Effect (PsiM): Magnet Pull. B-stick can be straight down or down and slightly forward.
Effect (PKFreeze): meh
Input (b-stick): b-stick back
Input (b-button): flick control stick back and pkf

4. Wavereversed “Pull”:
Effect (PKF): WRPKF w/ More pronounced effects.
Effect (Psi-M): reverse magnet pull
Effect (PKFreeze): Stupid suicide nonsense.
Input (b-stick): b-stick forward, b-reverse

III. The “Zap” effect: whereas the bounce and pull effects modify horizontal momentum, the zap effect modifies the INITIAL momentum of a jump. The exact zap effect varies based on the jump type. Because PsiM, PKT, and PKFreeze all reduce or cancel vertical momentum they do not demonstrate the zap effect (not to say that there is no effect to Jump-canceling these).

1. Zaphop: To full hop I generally use the jump button, to short hop, I use tapjump.
Effect: The PKF starts on the ground and pkfs at the peak of the hop. You cannot alter the movement with the control stick.
Input: 1st jump and PKF while on the ground. Can be a short or Full hop.

*Zaphopping is something those who use tapjump do without even knowing it. It doesn’t have the flashy look of a zapjump but nonetheless zaphopping is an incredible tool. I’ll go more into detail later but in short: minimizes lag, cleanest execution of recoil techniques, lowest magnet pulling possible, lag canceled reverse magnet pulls… Things that are next to impossible with a normal SHWBPKF.

2. Zapjump: there are many wacky control schemes for this. I have tapjump on, z set to jump, x set to grab, and C-stick specials.
Effect: BOING!
Input: DJ + pkf

3. “Wavezap”: the effect of combining a “bounce” or “pull” effect with either zap effect. The “zap” also magnifies the horizontal recoil effect, leading to the glory that is the Wavelanded Zapjump. This term is also used to describe a ZJWBPKF but I feel that’s way too specific.
Effect: Zapjump/hop and also perform a standard recoil. The total momentum for this setup is a function of both the jump and the horizontal movement, so the factor by which the jump is increased is the same as that which the “bounce” or “pull” is increased by.
Input: Simultaneously zapjump/hop and WB, WL, or WR. If the zap immediately follows a recoil, use the pull input, if it relies on your normal forward momentum, use the “bounce” input.

A. Wavebounce “zap”
Effect: well documented everywhere in the Lucas forumn

B. Wavelanded “zap”:*
Effect: jump an enormous distance forward and upwards, pk-fire in the opposite direction to create the WL effect. If it’s a hop… ignore the “enormous” part.
Input (b-stick, bounce): this has to be almost instantaneous and in this order. Smash and hold the control-stick in the desired direction of motion (forward), jump and b-stick back, b-reverse.
Unlike WB wavezapping, I can’t do this with tapjump.
Input (b-stick, pull): if you start a zapjump from a pull, moving the direction you want, this is much easier. Just b-stick back and jump (no control stick input). Tap jump for reduced finger gymnastics! Timing is key here.
Input (b-button): Smash and hold control stick forward, jump, b, control stick back. *I find this to be much more difficult

*It is advisable to always perform a recoil pkf towards the stage before ZapWavelanding towards the stage. If you can do this without falling below the blast line it will make for a MUCH easier zapjump as all you have to do is jump and b-stick back (or tapjump up + b-stick back) as soon after the initial pkf recoil as possible.

IV: Recoil "chains": The "pull" effect works because a recoil special has enough force to spawn another recoil. The chain effect simply is that this may be continued as long as Lucas maintains this momentum (and is up in the air). Recoil chains create new strategic possibilities as well as some of the flashiest effects in the game. Their are several rules and concepts that you should know regarding recoil "chains".

1. Chain composition: A chain always starts with a pkf "bounce" effect, any effects that follow are "pull" effects (so use the right input).

2. Timing: the same as for standard "pull" effects, just repeated.

3. Potentiating recoil (PKF): Certain techniques can maintain momentum, others cannot. For pkf, its pretty easy, Waveland and Wavebounce pkf will allow a chain to continue. Wavereversing will end a chain by canceling out the momentum.

4. Potentiating recoil (MP): Less simple for the magnet pulls. Like pkf, WL and WB conserve momentum, whereas WL cancels it (ie, reverse magnet pulling ends a chain). In addition, the timing for ending a magnet pull is tricky, as after a certain point momentum drops rapidly. This can result from holding the b-button down too long. Nonetheless, a recoil PKF can follow any MP except rMP.

5. Potentiating recoil (PsiM): Creates a small amount of recoil to barely create "pull" effect. Effectively ends a chain if PsiM follows a MP.

5. Magnet Pull cannot "chain" with itself. There is a great loss of momentum, so it isn't really feasible to magnet pull forever. If you try this, you will instead perform PsiM w/wo recoil effect. If I at any point find a way to infinite magnet pull I can assure you everyone will know.

6. You can PKFreeze, but don't. You'll die.

7. You can't PKT at the point of recoil; you'll jump.

8. Zapjumps can mix into this. The rules for zapjumps are the same as for pkf.

8. Maximum momentum potential: The momentum going into a recoil determines how strong the recoil is, right. Well timed right, pkf recoils will build upon the momentum of a previous recoil, up to a maximum (which I believe is the recoil from a "chain" Wavezap... which is absurd). From what I've observed, that is the upper limit to recoil force. This is why a pkf can recoil just fine off a magnet pull, the increasing returns.

Starters--------------"chain" recoils----------------Recoil cancel (end the chain)
WB PKF----------------WL/WB PsiM-----------------WR PsiM (reverse magnet pull), MP + attempted MP
WL PKF----------------WL/WB PKF------------------WR PKF / WR zapjump
WB Zap___ -----------Zapjump (WB, WL)----------PKFreeze and overzealous magnet pulls
WL Zap___-------------------------------------------Jumping, airdodging, PKT

Sample Chains:
WLPKF off ledge, PsiM out of sight, do a WBpkf to reverse direction towards the stage, WL zapjump + magnet pull. Further onstage than when you started out, and that's without adding in the possible additional magnet pull and WLPKF.

Off the platform on smashville towards the center of the stage: ZH-WLPKF, magnet pull, WR-PKF (lag-cancel).

Something to show off bad*** zapjumping, recoil-chaining skill
Smashville: do this just as the platform gets to the end and switches direction: ZH-WLPKF, magnet pull, WL ZJ, WL Pkf, Magnet pull, PsiM stall to land on the platform at the opposite end.
INPUT: at edge of platform, control stick smash towards stage (forward), Full Hop + b-stick back, b-reverse, psiM, jump + b-stick back (control stick is neutal), b-stick back, PsiM, stall with PsiM / fastfall.

V. Fun Facts: important details about the specials.

1. PKF recoil stops once you reach an edge, PsiM does not. Probably common knowledge, but a very important bit of info nonetheless.

2. Magnet pulls have a longer window in which they can be reversed, allowing for hydrid recoil effects (ie. a limited PsiM aerial dance). This requires excellent timing and precision in order to actually reverse and not just turnaround.

3. Recoil Strength can be controlled. The recoil force is dependent on initial momentum, so less control stick pressure, or a change in motion before the recoil, will result in a weaker "bounce".

A. Zapjumping with tap-jump makes limiting recoil easier, but maximizing recoil more difficult. This is because the angle of the control stick also affects the initial momentum. Using a wavezap in a chain can reset the momentum.

B. "pull" momentum is based on that of the first bounce. As said before, "pull" (chain) pkf increases the momentum of the next recoil.

4. Groundzap PKF vs. normal PKF recoil: groundzapping provides greater momentum, is nearly impossible to predict, and is more efficient time and lag wise than a normal WBPKF. On the other hand, it doesn't... work well into the normal combat rhythm without a LOT of practice and is of limited use to those who are not very familiar with zapjumping and have changed their control schemes to reflect that.

A. SH PKF are very low lag, as they can start very low to the ground. In this thread: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=173782 The low lag SH PKF is described. This is superior to that technique in that you still have an extremely low pkf, BUT it is set as a WB, WL, WR from the time you leave the ground. You cannot effectively "bounce" using Tyr_03's technique.

B. Tapjump makes Groundzap SHWBPKF extremely easy to do.

C. A FH WL/WB groundzap allows for easy magnet pulls and air-dodge lag canceling.

5. Psi-M and PKFreeze jump canceling allows for an improved version of the Psi-M dash, as well as grounded recoil effects.

A. Important to note is the WL Psi-D, which greatly improves the range of the PsiM dash.


Application of the Recoil effects

Anyone who feels that Lucas ATs are overrated, situational, and not worth changing control schemes for... Is wrong. There are fantastic Lucas players who hold this view. It is still wrong. The standard I am using for useful is that a technique be effective overall, ie the average of its usefulness as an approach, recovery, defense, stall or for spacing; alternately a technique may excel at one of these aspects. Not all of the ATs are fantastic. Some however, are.

There are certain requisite abilities needed to perform these techniques. This brings me to...

Practice, Practice, Practice

The basics (as covered in the last section):

1. know waveland vs. wavebounce vs. wavereverse.

2. know bounce vs pull recoil effects.

3. perform all types of magnet pull, PsiM "bounce" effects, and jcPsiM w/ recoil. You should know how change the direction you face without affecting the recoil.

4. perform all forms of pkf recoil

5. zapjump or zaphop w/ any type of recoil.

6. know how to chain together recoil effects

7. FR is the devil.
OLD STUFF has been move to my hard drive for digestion. Most if not all of it will eventually be in this guide.


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2008
Canada, BC
I don't use b-stick anymore. Is my metagame advancement forever hopeless?

What are your controls? Galeon has some pretty funky controls for zap jumping.


Frame Savant
Jun 20, 2008
Kent Lakes, New York
I don't use b-stick anymore. Is my metagame advancement forever hopeless?

What are your controls? Galeon has some pretty funky controls for zap jumping.
I think zapjumping is important to Lucas' metagame. I wouldn't say your advancement is forever hopeless... that's absurd. Do what you want with your Lucas. Brawl's a young game.

My current control for Lucas: b-sticking, z=jump, x=grab, tap-jump is on. Everything else is standard.


Frame Savant
Jun 20, 2008
Kent Lakes, New York
your a newb

(thats a complement)
I'm not gonna really argue that. Being able to fly around doing wacky tricks in practice and friendlies does not make me anything special. So I'm not offended.

And this post is a weird mess.

Still, I'm curious as to how that's a complement. Isn't newb to ultimate pejorative gamer term (or is that n00b)?


Smash Ace
Mar 11, 2008
Canada, BC
Ohhh x to grab. Does that make pivot grabs easier to do? Z isn't working out so well for me.


Frame Savant
Jun 20, 2008
Kent Lakes, New York
Ohhh x to grab. Does that make pivot grabs easier to do? Z isn't working out so well for me.
I am not a fan of the rope snake. That said, I like x for a few reasons. I still like to use y to jump because I find that its a little harder to short hop with z. x is really well placed for grab tricks. It makes shield-canceled grabs really easy (z+r is clumsy). I do think it makes pivot grabs easier but not to the same degree. Its also easier to move from the C-stick to x, and that's important for some tricks I'm working on.

Honestly, I didn't use x for anything before and it works like a charm.


the moon
Jul 20, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
Good thread. Most people around here don't know much about wavebouncing anymore, so it's good to have a thread like this.
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