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Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Note: This is not my team. It is some n00bs who I need to pwn. I'm putting all bad comment in a message and sending it to him.



Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2006
dainty perfect
I think the worst part about this team is that there is no team. Tell him that.

Edit: Oh, I get it. I will edit more later.

First off, ubers? I think you should tell him that people generally dont play with those against each other. It's also kinda hard to rate his team with no moveset. And why would you want to give him suggestions on making his team better if he's laying like this? I suggest you pwn him instead of helping him by pointing out his flaws.

I assume he doesn't play by standard rules then if he has a team like that. Just switch in a double teaming shuckle on his Defense Deoxys and completely annoy the heck out of him the entire match.
Shuckle: Toxic/Double Team/Mud Slap/Rest
If you've set up enough Double Teams, he'll never be able to touch you. The only problems are Jirachi and Dialga because of their Steel typing. Maybe if you burn them earlier in the match you will have more success.

Set up Spikes and Stealth Rock the start of the match, and you'll do fine considering he has no Rapid Spinner.


Smash Rookie
Jun 14, 2007
IT's hard to say without a moveset, butttt...

Considering he's using all ubers, he's probably a n00b. Look at this team. Can you say dark weakness? 3 Deoxyses. You could probably embarrass this guy with no ubers on your team at all. Throw out Weavile, Ttar with Crunch (or any poke with crunch) and watch as his Deoxyses crumble. At this point you'll probably be up 6 to 3. Infernape (THE fire type of this generation really) can do away with Jirachi. So far, 2 pokemon are sweeping 2/3rds of his team. All that's left are the two dragons. Use Lucario's Aura Sphere (or Infernape's Aura Sphere) to hit Diaruga for 2x; He'll probably win that fight. Then comes Palkia; use Lucario's Dragon Pulse to finish that.

All in all, this is all you need to beat this guy:




~Close Combat
~Brick Break/Focus Blast/Aura Sphere
~Fire Blast/Flare Blitz

(Flamethrower + Fire Blast + Aura Sphere for special infernape [lol], Brick Break/Focus Blast + Flare Blitz for Physical)


~Aura Sphere
~Dragon Pulse

With just those three he's dead. If not, you have 3 other pokes to finish with whatever noobz he has left.
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