That's a long list.. sadly I don't see My Rayman though..
I see other characters that I'm glad that are Newcomers but except Ray >D I would also think Earthworm Jim should come back! It's been Forever since we last seen that Awesome worm! <3 So Want is around 55 to 60% and don't want is 99% Even though I love Snake and Captain Falcon ^___^
Er... I think I might introduce you to the game... ahem!
"Listen up, monsieur turtle bits!"
Every day, a character is chosen up to be rated by users. We rate their
likelihood, which determinates how likely the character is to appear on the next Smash Bros game, and, optionally, we can also rate our
want, which determinates how much we would like to see the character in the game! While you can be as biased as you want with the latter,
be careful not to give characters an unrealistic likelihood rate, unless you have a valid argument to back it up.
You might have noticed the long list in the OP. That is the
nomination list, which scores how many nominations a character has received. Whenever we rate a character, we are given
five nominations we can give to any character we want. It's up to you either distribute them to five or so characters or give them all to a single character. The character with the most nominations accumulated at the end of the day shall be put up for us to
What does that mean? Well, whenever a character is
predicted, we are predicting how much the character will score in
likelihood the next day! Whoever gets a prediction score the closest to the actual score, wins extra
five nominations! If you're lucky enough to predict the exact score, you get a whooping 10 nominations! Talk about great, eh, mon amis?
Note that a character that has already been rated can be rated again! That means that you can nominate Rayman, who has already been rated, so that we can rate him again! If you want, of course.
Here's the basic structure of what your post should look like: said:
Character A
Likelihood: X%
Want: Y%
Character B
Prediction: Z%
Character C x3
Character D x2
Have fun!
(Also, please change your avatar, it's disturbing me at alarming rates...)