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Rate my Olimar?


Smash Cadet
Mar 11, 2008
I've succumbed to the need to shwo off my l33t haxorz skills, and will thus be showing a string of matches i;ve won ( against good players :O)

Against a Tink user on Gb's


Agianst DannyKat on Gb's


And against TSm from Gaming Force ( Clan war match)


The 2nd match with TSM i pull off a SMEXY *** chain grab, so watch it you whores, er i mean
fellow brawlers

More vids, this time against a luigi, The showdown came to a trip, so i hate myself now :*(


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2007
Brookings, SD
First off, if you want your olly rated...we need wins AND losses, not just matches that make you look good ;)...while I think its obvious that you play a good olly, you know, we know it, everyone knows it, lets skip to the stuff that really matters.

Things to Improve:

1) Your tilt game was very Hot/Cold - Against Dannykat in particular - when you fought his Marth, I was seeing dtilt into upair (I would have like to see you follow this with up b) and some jabs, ftilts, they all looked really really good. But then against his snake, you resorted to pikmin throws, upsmash, dsmash, and the tilt game got left behind and he almost caught up with you b/c of it. Along with this is the grab game - sometimes you were absolutely perfect, and some times you left me wanting more dthrow, fair, dthrow, upsmash, uair, up b :D...however, I did see a dthrow, pivot grab - that made me smile :D.

2) Whistling/Pikmin order - I rarely saw you do whistle for SAF or to get pikmin throws...you throw pretty well overall, would like to see purple with more arc, white on the ground - but your style is your own, I understand that. However, if you have 2 whites or 2 purples etc... in the chain, I want to see you whistle to white/purple/whatever, and throw them in repitition and follow that up with some form of attack to keep them on. ex - whistle to white - throw all white pikmin on enemy, charge them with shield grab or hyphen smash...its lose lose for them. If they get the pikmin off, they get hit, if they shield, its free damage, and 2 white pikmin being left on can get you 50 free damage.

3) Recovery Tactic 1 - goes with Whistling - I saw multiple times where you are falling off the ledge and have a purple pikmin in your arsenal - a couple times I saw you throw a single pikmin (non purple) then up b...sometimes I saw just an up b - if you have a purple, it is vital to keep track of your whistles and then throw that chubby and knock them off the ledge - only good things happen here - if you hit them and then up b - i've seen multiple edge spikes that wouldn't have happened if they would have rolled as you up b.

4) Edge Recovery 2 - if you don't have a purple - you must do a fair or uair to knock the opponent off the ledge EVERYTIME YOU ARE CLOSE ENOUGH. This not only gets free damage - especially if combined with pikmin throws beforehand, but your opponent will think twice about ledgeguarding next time, and if they don't edgeguard, olly has a HUGE advantage in almost any matchup.

5) The final tip I have is that I feel your edgeguarding needs work, I'll use the example of Dannykat's Marth. When he went off the edge - as with any Marth - you should be doing fsmashes off the edge - angled right at the point where the Marth would hold on - if they ledgehop - you can hit them with the fmash - if they wait, they get hit, if they roll, simply dmash or grab, and if they jump - upsmash or get more pikmin - I thought that some golden opportunities were wasted.

Sorry if you just wanted to hear how good you are :D...but to be honest, this wouldn't be a true critic unless I gave you some props so here it is...You are very very solid - your core is there and there are periods when you look unbeatable - easily in my top 10 olly's that I've watched videos of - I will watch more tomorrow and if you post more I will comment more - I think that since True has been absent (wherever he went :D) The olly forums have slowed down on video help. On that note, any viewing of my vids on the first page would be kindly appreciated :D.

BIG P.S. I played online when I first got Brawl and actually played a lot of the same people that you showed...however, the lag got unbearable and eventually started to do great damage to my offline game (what matters to me personally)...so my question to you is, has the online gotten any better and does the .5 - 1 second button lag still exist?

Great vids - keep em coming - don't be afraid to put losing vids up!!


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
I'll write more later but I have stuff to do. You have an interesting style of play, only problem I see is you don't seem to have a lot of variety in approaches. You love shield upsmash, you tend to shield SH bairs when they are behind you, and you miss a lot of pivot grabs or just run right up and grab. The one thing I liked was your usage of purples against Tink's range spam. Overall, I think your ground game and approaches definitely could be improved by adding a bit more variety to your gameplay. While your a good olimar, I feel as if by watch these couple matches you started to get fairly predictable in what you would do.

Also, against shield happy snakes, SH nairs onto the edge of the shield tends to knock them out. SH nairs to uptilt to uair juggles work very sexy on them


Smash Cadet
Mar 11, 2008
Thanx Shrink, i didn't post to shwo everyoen i rock socks, but to wonder if i miss anything.

Which i do! Thanx for the tilt tips, i thought my match against Danny's Marth was very good, its just playnig against him made me.... mmmm... doubtful of my ability to edge guard marth. I understand where you get the f smash edge guard trick, but i rarely do it. I dont know why, probably should implement it more.

The tilt thing was somethign i pulled outta my *** for that game. Usually i don't even use tilts ( I'm addicted to Pikmin and throwing them)(And accept for neutrals and f-tilts, spacing woot!)

Im very bad with whistling. I hardly ever do it for recovery. Its my FATAL FLAW!??!?! I cant WAC for beans, and i really think i should learn to use it more often. Same with the f-air u-air trick, i love it when people just sit there on the edge, super stage spike, usually its really hard to get over myself and try to go for a good f-air or u-air, but I do do it! And you're right about my edge guarding, i'll upload some matches to show i've taken your advice into account.

Pivot grab roxorz!

and psst guess what shirnky, i dont loozers LOLOLOOOL(im lying)

Ill get some games up, i recorded those matches awhile ago, i'll be sure to upload losing ones, cause those are the most important!

Oh and the lag is there, its just that these were lucky lagless matches :*( (WhyFi FTL!)


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2007
Brookings, SD
I agree with your points on everything you said - when I played DannyKat wayyyy back - it was like his 29-30 th match or something - he pushed me to a level that I never thought I could get to...it was crazy - and I would be playing online more often if it wasn't for the lag - but I don't get the level of competition offline - so its a tossup...

Its funny about not loozauring...when I record matches, it seems my friends get really nervous, so it looks like I don't lose right now ;).

If you get matches up, I'll watch em - since my forum seemed to die, I need to have something to do ;)...(I have been thinking about making a recovery guide but its not useful unless i can find some glitch O.o)...anyways...keep it up :p

edit: 200th post :D


Smash Cadet
Mar 11, 2008
yay i have someone to lurk on my forum.

WFC is down for me, so no vids today ( OR NOT!?!?!?!) so yea :*(
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