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rate my nooby mario XD


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
I live on P.E.I. Never heard of it? It's in Canada
I've seen Mario mains worse than you. : )
You've got quite a good Mario. Helpful suggestions... you use up smash too much. It's not Mario's most glamorous move. Maybe use utilt instead, it's better for juggling. Or even dsmash; it fires them in a more manageable direction than up. They'll just DI away if they're hit high, and usmash doesn't usually KO.

Also, use fireballs more for approaching. Other than that, just a couple things... but you don't need Mario tips, you don't main him. : P Good job!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
Your Mario is ok but there's a lot you need to work on in addition to what Not-Beef stated:

*You need to work on predicting your opponent more, an example being that you have a bit of trouble predicting Marth's counters (A tip for Marth's counter is try using F.L.U.D.D. if you think there's a chance he'll use a counter in the air)*

*You should use F.L.U.D.D. or fireballs when you're being edgeguarded*

*You need to learn the stutter step*

*Try to shield grab when dashing (Shield to stop your dash and then grab) instead of always doing a dashing grab*

*You didn't seem to really try to edgeguard at all which is something you really need to work on (F.L.U.D.D., cape, aerials, etc.)*

*Your use of smashes is fine but you're neglecting your jabs and tilts which are far more effective for juggling*

*You really have to work on spacing yourself*

*Use the F.L.U.D.D. for spacing and diverting attacks (Try using it when your opponent is or is about to use a smash attack)*

*Rolling is fine but spot dodging and simple spacing will be far more effective, and don’t be afraid to shield*

*Try fox-trotting instead of always running*

There's more I can say but work on those things first.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
Well here's my strategy:

The Ice Climbers' infinite has one flaw and that's desyncing; desyncing is one of the Ice Climbers' main strategies but it also gives you the opportunity to prevent the Ice Climbers infinite if you make sure Nana can't get into formation with Popo; basically, many players are going to use desyncing as their main form of offense which gives you the opportunity to make sure Nana and Popo can’t get into position for their infinite (Focus your time on Nana, she's a low level AI and is often unresponsive to attack commands; just keep Nana far enough away so the Ice Climbers can’t get into formation).

*Just try not to get grabbed*


Smash Journeyman
Apr 27, 2008
I'd say you're pretty good. You could probably beat me, anyway. All I can say is to be a little more unpredictable - throw some unexpected moves in once in a while. You're pretty good though!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
California L.A.
I saw your vids and you werent that bad but my only advice is to just play people who are better than you. No offense to the others but I find that reading posts does little to help but playing the game can help timing, predictions, and combos. I have played Xeno he is pretty good but if you want to play one of the best mario players I have seen then you should ask ??????? for a brawl he is REALLY good he always beats be by two stocks or more. If you want a semi challenging battle Im up for a good brawl just give me a shout.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2008
Bay City, MI
alright my fc is - 3780 8683 3349 maybe one of you guys can face me just tell me if you add me oh and i still use ic as a main but mario is now up there with them mario ftw!!

Half-Split Soul

Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2008
The Ice Climbers' infinite has one flaw and that's desyncing; desyncing is one of the Ice Climbers' main strategies but it also gives you the opportunity to prevent the Ice Climbers infinite if you make sure Nana can't get into formation with Popo; basically, many players are going to use desyncing as their main form of offense which gives you the opportunity to make sure Nana and Popo can’t get into position for their infinite (Focus your time on Nana, she's a low level AI and is often unresponsive to attack commands; just keep Nana far enough away so the Ice Climbers can’t get into formation).

*Just try not to get grabbed*
Didn´t you post this exactly same thing in the other threat too? (Just wondering, not trying to be disrespective or anything)

And -Coco-: Try to use less smashes and more throws and midairs for approaching. Also try to observe your opponent more. Xero was using thunder and downsmash pretty much when he played Pikachu, so you could´ve used your fireballs to force him to make the approach and that kind of stuff. You also sometimes returned to the stage from too high and hit the lightning. But your game looked pretty good overall, you just need to get some more experience so that you can start to be more creative with your attacks and your game´ll improve very much. Just keep practising and you´ll keep getting better =).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2008
For the most part but I've made a few edits since then (Good observation and thanks for asking).


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2008
Bay City, MI
ok guys i believe ive gotten way better ill try to get some more vids up (i more than likely will be facing xero again) i have to work on foxtrotting more ... i never think to do it


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
California L.A.
alright my fc is - 3780 8683 3349 maybe one of you guys can face me just tell me if you add me oh and i still use ic as a main but mario is now up there with them mario ftw!!
Ok ill add you tonight cant wait to play but I dont just use mario so be ready to see pokemon trainer and ganandorf too.
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