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Rate my luigi please

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
The Fsmashes after predicting Samus' recovery were nice, and double Bairs can be dangerous if Samus CCs it.

Use more aerials and wavedash on platforms so that you control the stage.

Don't be afraid of Samus' projectiles. A safe approach for that would be to tornado straight towards her. Your hand will cancel any projectile you touch, and from there you can go for an instant Ftilt. Or, if you need to, Ftilt will cancel projectiles too.

The thing you have to watch out for with Samus is her CCing and her aerial priority/range. Once you're past that, you're good to go.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
oh yeah, tornadoing projectiles is the best.

First off things you did well.

Fsmash :)
Punishing missed techs. (SHORYUKEN)
Spacing (not perfect, but you have a good feel for it.)
Upair - great underrated aerial.

Things you should improve on:
FTILT MORE - this move is Luigi's utility move. Use it for everything.
Wavelanding - this is what separates the mediocre Luigis from the pros. Its the difference between a 20% combo and a 60% one.
Platform wavelanding - just to work on you movement game.
Recovery - your forward B's weren't the best. if you are close enough, aim for the stage under the ledge. Also tornado recovery.

Keep it up!


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
there should be a 'rate/critique thread in this area....

Doesn't help that the samus is playing the match up wrong, but that could mean you're not pressuring the way you need to.

You should be able to pressure her with spaced aerials to the point where Samus has to resort to running away with bombs and missile camping to wall Luigi out. More WD>Dair and WD>sheild>Dair OOS/grab etc.

Samus shouldn't grab much or she could get in trouble, so sheild is safe. It's also safe when she tries CCing your approach and you don't hit her, and Dair eliminates CC and sheild>nair problems for you.

More wavelanding and platform control. You can destroy her on small stages. Samus isn't mobile in close areas enough to compete with Luigi pressure game.
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