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Rate my Link!


Smash Cadet
Mar 28, 2008
You spammed dair a lot (more so in the 1st one) which is risky because that landing lag will kill ya. Also, you killed yourself while edgeguarding a lot. Link isn't the best edgeguarder but use bombs and nair (much safer than dair). Don't get me wrong, dair is a **** good move, but save it for kill shots and, when you get the timing down better, the occasional edge guard.


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2008
im with you corrick actually link is for mid range combat. use your boomerang for approaching also his fair is pretty good use it to confuse the opponent his dair works fine for edgeguarding use it right no a lot


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
Yeah, I d-air way too much. Keep in mind I'm used to a much faster, autocancellable d-air from any of the characters I play most often, and the lag from this one makes me sad. :(

What moves should I use more on the ground? Other than the projectiles.

Thanks for the input! :)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 26, 2008
Confirmed, sending Magikarp. (Killingworth, CT)
I agree with these two, but I must say, you don't shield enough, you greatly overestimate the range of your moves, you REALLY need to use your projectiles more, and most importantly, you need to learn your techs!
Your playstyle is a little sloppy now, but as you analyze your gameplay more, and get your techs down, you could become a lot better. You knew what that Ness was doing most of the time. I see potential.
P.S. Izaw's guide 'The Art of Link' is VERY helpful.
Responding to your new post:
Your goal is to try as hard as you can to keep the opponent away from you, your projectiles can slaughter just about anyone who can't spam back, I find that a good Z-air is good to space if the opponent gets close to you and is fairly tall, and maybe the first swing of a forward smash is a decent spacer, or just use a U-tilt, or a F-Tilt if they get too close, if they miss with an attack that is fairly long, and isn't too far away from you then a grab works, it really comes down to what's fairly effective, but is still comfortable for you, too, or use just what feels right depending on the situation.
Most importantly, when you reach the plateau, or the point where you feel like your progress slows to a snail's pace, just keep confident, and try to find pros to practice with, or just to get some practice with, it helped me out a lot.
P.S. I know Legan is always down for some matches, you should drop him a pm or visit his thread, it should be a few down from this one. Feel free to Pm me is you want to brawl or if you have any questions too, I'm not pro, but I feel like I have a fairly decent understanding of the game.


Smash Cadet
Feb 19, 2008
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
You're trying to be too offensive with Link and just need to spam a lot more.
You pull out bombs at bad moments, like when they're right next to you.
You're being waaayyy too careless off the edge =/ You need to use your double jumps more wisely.
Use z-air and arrow cancels more for spacing. Spot dodge more too. Grab more and don't miss them lol

On the ground, you were doing good with f-tilts, but you should use less d-tilts, I think.. More jabs and you weren't using u-tilt enough. Shield > grab, dmash, usmash or spin attack. You weren't really using your smash attacks effectively. Less u-air and d-air, more of the rest of the aerials, especially z-air, which all have almost zero-lag.

Demon Rider

Smash Rookie
Jun 21, 2008
Just like what Boom said, your trying to be too offensive with Link. You need to use all of your attacks much more than just hack your opponents with your sword. And, have you tried Toon Link out? ;)


Smash Rookie
Jun 21, 2008
i disagree that u have to play link defensively. You just have to play better and use the appropriate move(s). if you're gonna play link offensively your bread and butter better be the small jump claw shot. If you have a bomb pulled this move becomes a great set up for all sorts of damage. Don't think i saw u shoot one arrow thats one of links best moves through canceling so you should definitely be using it. Punish people when u get the chance you allowed ness to land from his U+B and all u hit him with was the galerang u could have easily racked up 30+ in damage instead u got 5.


Heaven Piercer
May 4, 2008
Westwood, NJ
yeah there is no use of Link's zair, didn't make good use of his projectile game and didn't use Link to well in general. Also, use a few more ground based attacks and try using the bow and arrow. Thats good for spacing and I didn't see much use of Link' smashes. So, out of 10, I rate your Link 5.5/10 Also, never use Dair off the edge. You are most likely to go to far down and not be able to recover and if you miss, you will most probably be edgehogged. But nice tether in round 2.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2008
new jersey
you need to use his Zair , you didn't use it at all in your second vid if i'm right. at 0:39 or 37 there was an extremely easy gimp. NO arrow cancelling, QAC or DAC . 2: 08 where you grabbed ness rather than dair him youo should've baired or naired. last minute you suicided, Guessing you tried to edgeguard him . think about your moves a little bit more and learn his QAC and DAC. Everything i wrote is about your 2nd video
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