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Rate My Link. please?


Deleted member

don't be so greedy for the dair kill, imo the dair is a terrible kill move
instead i use the ftilt and jab > up b (for some reason nobody DI's this >_>)

i guess all you have to do now is learn from your mistakes, practice your projectile aim, and learn spacing


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Bellevue, Washington
You do tend to Dair at some inoppurtune times.

I see you like playing with bombs. Some ZACing or bombsmashing might help mix things up a little bit to keep your opponent guessing. Not too often though that it becomes more bothersome than beneficial.

But nice job otherwise.


Smash Rookie
Aug 10, 2008
ok, thanks, i duno...i always liked d-air XD, but thanks i wont use it as much, and thats all i need to improve on? yea i am pretty wild with my projeciles and need to add more z-air, other then that , what do you think of my link? ohya i also need more fast fall huh?


is the mano, ya know?
Jul 25, 2008
When Marth edge-hogs, wait a little longer before you UpB, focus on catching him in the attack so you can grab the edge from him. Even if he lets go and spikes you or knocks you away, its better than letting him hog the edge anyway. :p
When Marth is all the way across the stage (especially when he has to jump back onto the stage) focus more on arrows rather than bombs. Bombs will do about the same amount of damage as the arrows anyway.
And as everyone else has said, use dair less. It may be useful on a friend who you can predict, but certainly not in tournaments.
Your friend seems to like to jump into combat, use more USmash and Utilt rather than DSmash and I think you'll catch him more often.
Not bad.

PS Good use of the Boomerang Wavebounce. Never thought it could be used quite like that in close range, especially when coming from above.


Smash Rookie
Aug 10, 2008
hey thanks guys! and yea anonano, i love the gale boomerang, i use its knock back to help connect more hits with bomb's boomerang, and usmash or dash attack., and yea, i dont use d-air that often,but i find my self using it alot vs him, we have been good friends for awhile..so yea we brawl daily,so we can read eachother sometimes.

thanks for the advice! i like the positive comments :) most of them are constructive, thanks. and yea i like d-smash, i find it better vs marth, that may just me be tho, he punishes me when im a little off with usmash, but i wont be off anymore and it will hit him more often :D!
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