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Rate my Ike


Smash Cadet
Feb 29, 2008
SE Canada Land
Too much rolling and too much AAA. Remember that Ike has more range than Marth, use it to your advantage. A little more aerials would've helped. You died because you didn't DI towards the stage during Up+B, and I'm sure you can avoid the counter edgeguard by sweetspotting Aether.

Overall, it was an interesting fight.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2007
Iunno, you seem to kinda fear attacking in a way. Like Hinote said, to much AAA and too much rolling. Use Ike's FAir to keep opponents away and then run in and back air rush. Try to keep your opponent in the air. And considering its Marth, charge an FSmash while he comes down and hope he counters. Release at will =D

EDIT: You shouldn't use Aether when recovering like that, sometimes you can get stuck under the stage. Try to Quick Draw your way back.


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
too much rolling
Did you checkout my guide it has good stuff
For approaching use quickdraws
When you dash and then upsmash try not to charge it!


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2005
Chester, IL
1st match: Be more careful of the new auto-sweetspot mechanics of Brawl; it can really screw you over (as it did in 2 stocks). You should also be more careful about spiking; it's probably easier to just jump out with a FAir for a knockout kill or edgeguard. Also, as comboking said, space yourself between you and your opponent and approach with Quick Draw (side+B); it's an effective spacing tool that lets you either grab or jab immediately after, rather than rolling all the time. You also jab too much; try short-hopped FAirs, but space them so that you hit with the tip of the attack.

2nd match: Ahh, here we go. You were more aggressive in this match, which is a good thing; you clearly played better in this one than in the other one, using more aerials and attempts at mindgamed smash attacks. Still too much rolling, though; use more Quick Draw. You should also try edgehogging the Marth player more; even though they end up on the stage, you can still punish them for it with edgehopped DAirs or FAirs. Again, watch out for auto-sweetspoting; try up+B'ing so that your sword covers the edge and prevents people from grabbing it before you do.

3rd match: Congrats on that FSmash for the first kill; I bet that felt good. After that though, you limited yourself to jabbing and rolling; try doing more to get those kills. Try not to get sloppy while edgeguarding against a Marth; again, watch out for that auto-sweetspot and the initial part of his up+B (which is about as powerful as his untippered-FSmash, by the way).

General comments:
a) Use Quick Draw much more; spacing = key to victory for any character.
b) Don't limit yourself to only attacking with jabs; other commonly used moves in your arsenal should be FAir, BAir, NAir, UTilt, and UAir.
c) Throw more; it'll keep your opponent on their guard and let you position them where you want them.
d) Use Quick Draw (side+B) to recover; it can grab onto the edge. Be wary, however; if your opponent goes out and gets hit by it, you'll hit them but then just fall to your doom and not be able to do anything.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
New York
Needs more Nair. But theres no such thing as too much AAA, its Ike's fastest move, majority of the time you have only that and grabbing as options.

...Though you should grab more. Running shieldgrabs.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2005
Donkey Kong.
You have to sweetspot Aether the old fashioned way.

Also, Quick draw approach is overrated. Your opponent catches on and then uses rolls to make you lag and capitalize on it, or power shield-dashes Use it once in awhile, yeah, but not all that often.

Quick draw recovery shouldn't be used all too often either, it's much more easily gimped than Aether, and if you sweetspot Aether, they can't really do anything about it. Marth can't counter it if it's sweetspoted well.

I rarely use Quickdraw for recovery unless I have to, because Aetheri s much better for it unless they have godly edgehogging skills.

Both you rolled too much. You should start predicting his Rolls as well.
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