Those clips were recorded with my celphone thats why the quality is horrible. By the way...I was practicing shuffled drillkicks into shines trying to break samus shield in training mode.
The problem is i can only sent 99kb to my e-mail that means i can only make a vid of 20 secs, i got another celphone wich can record up to 300 kb that will be a minute or so i haven't got a camera so... can you rate me with a vid of 1 min?. PLus i live in peru and no one
here plays decently(or i haven't met anyone that plays decently at least) so everytime I
play with my friends I beat them 5-0 or 5-1 usually.So you wouldn't mind if i play with a lvl9
To be honest i wasnt expect that you enjoy the vids but at least you didn't make really bad comments about me. I agree that tech skill doesn't determinate the result of a match it's all about mind games, i can make an empty short hop hoping that my friend's reaction will be shield himself thinking that im going to make drillshine combo then grab him into an Up throw to Upaerial. Also the fact that you're experienced also determinates a match if you've gone to many tournaments you will know more about common human tendencies for example a very common tendency it's to make a short hopped attack after grabbing the edge, to counter it you can wavedash backwards and make a F-smash (or anything) or simply wait and try to shield grab your foe. It just and example (im writing too much...)
They right tittle for this will be rate my tech skill