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Rate (From 1 to 5) Each Character's Special Attacks


Smash Apprentice
Aug 19, 2013
When I first played the Smash Bros series, I was very casual about it, and most of the attacks I used were specials, as I felt they were the most powerful. But I started to take it a bit more seriously, as I wanted to improved. I watched lots of Youtube videos of tournament matches and realized that Special attacks weren't used very regularly, but instead sprinkled into fights which mostly consist of smashes, air attacks, and the occasional dash or grab.

There are threads on here that focus on each character's specials individually, but I wanted to discuss this on a full comprehensive overall level. And also to get the feedback of people on here who are much better than I am at Smash. Do certainly correct me where I am wrong.

(Note: these assessments are based on 1 vs. 1 matches, with tournament rules)

(Note: these are based on my opinions and experiences. they are not objective, but i try to make these assessments as relevant as i can.)

(B) Fireball 4/5 - overall well balanced projectile
(Side-B) Cape 4/5 - great for defense, good to use on occasion
(Up-B) Super Jump Punch 1/5 - poor range, end-lag, not good recovery or attack
(Down-B) FLUDD 3/5 - situational, very hard to pull off, but great for edge-guarding with proper use

(B) Fireball 4/5 - overall well balanced projectile
(Side-B) Luigi Missile 2/5 - slow and predictable, 12% isn't good odds, rarely use it
(Up-B) Super Jump Punch 1/5 - poor range, end-lag, not good recovery or attack
(Down-B) Luigi Tornado 4/5 - good for attacking, excellent for mobility, use relatively often

(B) Toad 3/5 - decent counter, no more or less, a bit slow though
(Side-B) Peach Bomber 3/5 - can be very useful, but only on some occasions
(Up-B) Parasol - good horizonally, bad vertically, slow, predictable, interruptable
(Down-B) Turnip 4/5 - very useful arsenal of projectiles

(B) Fire Breath 3/5 - decent approach denial on occasion
(Side-B) Flying Slam 4/5 - very good grab option, suicide possible
(Up-B) Whirling Fortress 3/5 - decent attack, average-at-best recovery
(Down-B) Bowser Bomb 2/5 - punishes mistakes, but not good otherwise

Donkey Kong
(B) Giant Punch 4/5 - not hard to charge, deadly, requires skillful use
(Side-B) Headbutt 4/5 - great close range option to start a combo
(Up-B) Spinning Kong 3/5 - great horizontally, bad vertically,
(Down-B) Hand Slap 1/5 - useless, imo

Diddy Kong
(B) Peanut Popgun 4/5 - great attack, choice in timing, versatile projectile
(Side-B) Monkey Flip 4/5 - aka "The AIDS attack" , all-around great attack
(Up-B) Rocketbarrel 2/5 - good range, but predictable and slow
(Down-B) Banana Peel 5/5 - a staple for diddy kong players, period

(B) Egg Lay 4/5 - very good way to punish faulty approaches
(Side-B) Egg Roll 2/5 - slow, predictable, and not threatening
(Up-B) Egg Throw 3/5 - decent projectile when in range, small recovery boost
(Down-B) Yoshi Bomb 3/5 - being faster than Bowser Bomb makes it much better

(B) Chomp 4/5 - very good grab option
(Side-B) Wario Bike 2/5 - way too slow, but good for some recovery
(Up-B) Corkscrew 1/5 - really bad recovery.
(Down-B) Wario Waft 3/5 - hard to use, may miss, but could be the difference between life & death

(B) Charge Shot 3/5 - weak but occasionally useful in burst fire, risky but powerful charged
(Side-B) Missile 4/5 - solid projectile, through and through
(Up-B) Screw Attack 3/5 - pretty good recovery, more or less
(Down-B) Bombs 3/5 - unimpressive, but the damage does add up

(B) Arrow 4/5 - very good projectile, solid range
(Side-B) Angel Ring 3/5 - versatile but must be used prudently
(Up-B) Icarus Wings 3/5 - great range, but a bit slow
(Down-B) Mirror Shield 2/5 - not that great, imo

Ice Climbers
(B) Ice Shot 4/5 - easy to use, very good priority
(Side-B) Squall Hammer 4/5 - solid priority, some mobility and damage
(Up-B) Belay 3/5 - awkward, but effective recovery
(Down-B) Blizzard 4/5 - very good approach denial

(B) Pluck - i'm not going to rate this
(Side-B) Pikmin Throw 5/5 - essential to the character, obviously
(Up-B) Pikmin Chain 1/5 - not good to have when sent flying.
(Down-B) Pikmin Order 4/5 - strategic and very much helpful

(B) MachTornado 5/5 - perhaps THE best special in the game
(Side-B) Drill Rush 2/5 - good occasional recovery option, bad attack
(Up-B) Shuttle Loop 3/5 - decent attack opportunity, great recovery range
(Down-B) Dimension Cape 2/5 - good occasional recovery option, bad attack

King Dedede
(B) Inhale 4/5 - good range makes it worthwhile
(Side-B) Waddle Dee 4/5 - slow against projectiles but decent blockades
(Up-B) Super Jump 3/5 - predictable, but great range for heavyweight and usage options
(Down-B) Jet Hammer 1/5 - LOL

This is all I have for now. Not complete, but I have more coming. I'll have them all up soon.


Smash Ace
Jan 13, 2012
Canada, Montreal
Mr. G-E
Switch FC
That's a really useless thread.

All of these so-called "comprehensive" movesets rate is only biased and is only about your opinions.

Unless you give us proofs and explanations for your conclusions, this is not worth watching atm.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 19, 2013
That's a really useless thread.

All of these so-called "comprehensive" movesets rate is only biased and is only about your opinions.

Unless you give us proofs and explanations for your conclusions, this is not worth watching atm.

not so. did i not say they were only my opinions. the point is to get more feedback from better players in here.


Smash Ace
Jan 13, 2012
Canada, Montreal
Mr. G-E
Switch FC
Well your first post didn't seem to have any form of feedback from better players out there.

And just the fact that you didn't elaborate for your first post just makes this absurd.

For example, you say that DK's down-B is useless, but if you were to actually see in-depth about this move, you could actually realize that this down-B has a surprising range that could be used as a spacing tool and can even lead you as a follow up at low % for stages like Battlefield. But i'll agree that it's not something to use often.

On the other hand, you say that Cape is amazing but you don't seem to realize how nearly useless it is on close combat.
Missing a cape obviously leaves you wide open, therefore you get punished for it if you were to use it too much. Same for projectiles.
So in the end, Cape is really used against people with poor recovery offstage like Captain Falcon, Ganon, and even Falco and Fox if they were to use their side-B too much.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
pretty much what desu said.

Besides, keep in mind you're on the largest site for competitive smash players on the internet, this place has *THE* best players from not only the USA, but from around the world visiting it on a daily basis....

soo...everyone here pretty much already knows just how good/bad/situational each characters special moves are to begin with.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
What the others said.

And a few more things-

(Note: these are based on my opinions and experiences. they are not objective, but i try to make these assessments as relevant as i can.)

(Up-B) Super Jump Punch 1/5 - poor range, end-lag, not good recovery or attack

(Down-B) Hand Slap 1/5 - useless, imo

(Down-B) Mirror Shield 2/5 - not that great, imo

The Super Jump Punch, while hard to use, has high knockback and damage, it's risky, but I wouldn't rate it that low.

As prievously mentioned, the Hand Slap can actually be very useful in some situations when used at the right time, but it's still not used that often.

The Mirror Shield can be useful when used in conjunction with Pit's other specials, with both that and his Side-special, he has some good reflective options.

This too, was based in my experience. As I've yet to play Brawl competitively, I've found these moves to be useful when fighting against good players online (my friends on the boards have good skill, and most of the players that I've actually bothered to fight in Basic Brawl with Anyone have good skill as well)

By now pretty much every special move has been tested and used in ways that has determined whether it's useful or not, and what situations it can be useful in.


No Custom Titles Allowed
Mar 9, 2012
Switch FC
(Down-B) FLUDD 3/5 - situational, very hard to pull off, but great for edge-guarding with proper use
lol wut

That's the worst special move ever,if only Mario had his P:M or Melee Down B...


Smash Ace
Jan 13, 2012
Canada, Montreal
Mr. G-E
Switch FC
Unless this goes for the better, i don't know if there's even gonna be a lock coming soon.
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