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Rate/Criticize my Diddy Kong


Smash Rookie
Oct 28, 2008
Sup, I'm PsychicPhysx, but you can just call me Physx. Been a Diddy mainer for a while, but I'm still not pro level yet. I made this topic to see at which point I'm at in my game and if I should consider going to some tourneys around here... so here are some vids, only 2 but, oh well. lolz

Sorry bout the quality, getting a capture card soon! :D

Physx vs. Oni_The_Wolf(1/3) and (3/3)


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
Some thoughts:

Way too many smash attacks. As diddy mains we all struggle with getting KOs, so you don't want to limit your already bad killing potential by using our smash attacks too much.

Use more bananas. You don't always have a banana out, and I don't know if you ever have two out. Having two bananas can lead to better mindgames and more combos.

You roll way too much. I am guility of this too. Search the diddy boards for 'dribbling' as an alternate method to clear the excess rolling.

There were also times that I noticed that a glide toss would have helped you lead into a follow up attack better than a regular toss, you might consider throwing in a few reverse glide tosses as well, if you ever need some space.

I think that is enough for you to focus on for now, if you take anything from this critique it is to use your smash attacks way less. You can rack up damage just fine with diddys aerials and tilts.

I liked how you used the peanuts a bit and diddys nair, two of diddys more underrated moves.

Hope this helps a bit-not trying to be mean just hoping to help out. I am FAR FROM a great diddy, those are just some things I noticed about your game.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Less smashes, less rolling. Don't auto-pilot (don't throw your bananas at your opponent just because he's right in front of you and without thought). Needs more air game, and try doing other things with your glide tosses (up, down, forwards, backwards)


Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
I am / was guilty of some of the things that you were doing. The main thing that has helped me over the last few days, has been to stop watching my character.

Stop watching your diddy and performing moves in which you have memorized, or a combo you might have seen work in the past... Watch the other character (you should know by now where your character is) and plot accordingly.

I find that against the characters you are playing with.. toon link and wolf tend to lure you in with their projectiles... don't approach unless you have some bananas in front of them... jump into the air and throw one and grab another one to approach.

My main advice is to stop memorizing combos.. stop getting hit.. and start reacting to the other players psychology (ie. if he is becoming too defensive start grabbing, if he is rushing in for the attack..space out and use your bananas as a shield from overagressiveness)

this isn't a rock paper scissor game, you shouldn't attack for no reason.. have a strategy before you approach.
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