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Quick~Run up-Smash!

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Wanted to give a shoutout to Sekou:

Good games in winners. When I stopped playing this game, I hoped that as I slept on it by this time everyone would advance light years ahead of me to the point where I would never want to play it again. So far, you're the only one who has fulfilled this for me. Even 2 years later, your tech continues to grow everytime I see you. Keep it up, you'll make other people quit someday too! :)

Everyone else, hopefully we can get some Mahvel in next time!


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
Women, :Le Sigh:

Regardless, sorry I didn't make it, I've done a really bad job going to tournaments lately and I'm pretty upset about it. Good work QRS, and a random P-City showing. Where BPOW at?

Also, Thugz did come down to Omaha and at least play against me and DanTheTank and Echo, who has a good Ness.

LOL Soran won something?
I feel like everybody should play BlazBlue.. it's honestly the best fighter that's recent..
Besides Super but I wonder why people still don't play it. Brawl is so... I'm getting that mentality that it's a bad game.

next tourney will be Starfox: Assault! doubles!
if we figure out how to turn off the ultimate plasma launcher.


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
I was reading Brawl threads and I'm surprised that people think this is a good competitive game.

GameGenie posted this video not too long ago:


If you play Brawl and haven't seen it yet, do. If any Brawl player can say how this dude is wrong, I'll be impressed because he crushed that game.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
I feel like everybody should play BlazBlue.. it's honestly the best fighter that's recent..
Besides Super but I wonder why people still don't play it. Brawl is so... I'm getting that mentality that it's a bad game.

next tourney will be Starfox: Assault! doubles!
if we figure out how to turn off the ultimate plasma launcher.
BlazBlue is a ****ty game. If you think of all the newer fighters that come out and actually IMPROVE upon their older incarnations, Blazblue is not one of them. Its not "the best" by any means.

Marvel is a big subjective, and Melty is the one that truly gets better with every edition.

Super is okay, but you might as well be like Blake and just play on XBL.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
I was reading Brawl threads and I'm surprised that people think this is a good competitive game.

GameGenie posted this video not too long ago:


If you play Brawl and haven't seen it yet, do. If any Brawl player can say how this dude is wrong, I'll be impressed because he crushed that game.
Yo man this is pretty much my mentality with Brawl. I don't have the patience to time people out, every time I play the game its just a struggle to keep myself even wanting to do so. Holding out the gauntlet is how you win the game, and I get impatient and bored before anythings even started happening.

Brawl should just take a hint from real fighters and make the time limit 1-2 minutes, 1-2 stocks. Brawl tournies would stop taking forever and the game would be 100x less stressful.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Melty is a decent but dying game in America. Which pretty much has given into the idea of Maid ditto grand finals every national.

Its good because its one of the few games that gets better with each sequel, has kept me interested, and is mechanically and fundamentally sound.

If its bad its because it can be easy, has some dumb characters that can pretty much autopilot you with their setups as they body you with their mix-ups, and its one of the truest airdash fighters you'll see. These things might as well be void if you don't watch Japan play the game, which always has the latest version, varied character play, more play in general (!)

If you can get past those things and see all the potential of everyone, you have a game with a lot of options, a lot of counterplay, and a lot of variety. The options are real, the play is flexible, the game is fun to play. There aren't many games that I find successfully implement mechanics that Melty has, but at early levels you'll just feel like people are **** gaming you because its unforgiving and someone who can mash out combos can be decent. But that might as well be every anime fighter. *coughBlazcough*

Edit: I could write up a lot more about why Melty is such a good game, but I figure since its Tyser he'd just want a tl;dr version. Also I pretty much quit playing Melty since my PS2 broke and I'm waiting for them to release MBAACC in a form I can play it.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
What you said about Melty is kinda what it's like with BlazBlue.

the whole Japan deal. BlazBlue is a great game. I don't see why it's shitty. But it's just what I prefer, just like you prefer Melty.

I know I've heard people say Guilty Gear is the most balanced fighter. unfortunately, I never played it other than the portable version. It for sure is harder. You have a point with Super though. I don't have a box so I don't bother with that game. I jumped into PSN after not playing SFIV for months and body the first 4 matches before I quit because I had to go. Also even though it isn't a big deal, it's a big deal to me; the 2 frame lag difference from the Arcade.

Anyway, BlazBlue is the best. donesauce :3


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
Both of you are just saying "I like this game therefore it's the best game." That's totally cool n shit but please don't try to sound legit when nobody even plays your games. You live in America so what those Moon people do in their Moon Arena is their own business and don't have nothin to do with us, America, the greatest there ever was.

Moon people are Japs, FYI.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
What you said about Melty is kinda what it's like with BlazBlue.

the whole Japan deal. BlazBlue is a great game. I don't see why it's shitty. But it's just what I prefer, just like you prefer Melty.

I know I've heard people say Guilty Gear is the most balanced fighter. unfortunately, I never played it other than the portable version. It for sure is harder. You have a point with Super though. I don't have a box so I don't bother with that game. I jumped into PSN after not playing SFIV for months and body the first 4 matches before I quit because I had to go. Also even though it isn't a big deal, it's a big deal to me; the 2 frame lag difference from the Arcade.

Anyway, BlazBlue is the best. donesauce :3
I could bring up a whole list of reasons why Blazblue is bad. These things will make themselves more apparent once you want to actually play the game to a good level. You will experience:

High levels of turtling and the subsequent extended periods of lockdown, since there aren't many ways to open people up since grabs suck, chickenblocking and barrier is overpowered, overheads are weak and the game essentially turns into lots of fishing for random hits.

Many of the matchups will get more tedious because of this, as you pretty much are just "waiting"(read:baiting) for your opponent to mess up and there aren't many real options or counterplay to force otherwise. If your opponent doesn't know about a gimmick or frame trap, thats the most you can get, which of course leads into long bleeding combos just as any random hit does. Some of these lead into a knockdown, some of these don't. Even if they do lead into a knockdown the most you'll get is a meaty OS that you MUST throw out to catch techrolls. Theres no okizeme game or anything, you throw out a meaty to catch bad play EVERYTIME because its the best option.

Blazblue is pretty much that, a game full of fake options where only a few are actually legit (Unless your playing bad players). Fishing for instant blocks, staggers, poking with disjointed normals, Blazblue is pretty much everything annoying and tedious from anime fighters without anything good. Abuse your character or lose, then pick up someone more frustrating that happens to deal more damage, because thats what decides tiers in a game where not many options exist besides constant fishing, poking, and counterhitting.

Both of you are just saying "I like this game therefore it's the best game." That's totally cool n shit but please don't try to sound legit when nobody even plays your games. You live in America so what those Moon people do in their Moon Arena is their own business and don't have nothin to do with us, America, the greatest there ever was.

Moon people are Japs, FYI.
Melty isn't just a legit game because people in Japan play it, its a legit game because you can tell the developers created the game FOR those kinds of people. When you look at the purpose of the mechanical changes, and the moves for each character, as a competitive player you can instantly recognize "Oh this move can probably be used for x" then the 2nd barrier that most games don't reach "Oh this move is probably really good for x!" Thats because there is meaning behind the madness, unlike a lot of fighting games where moves are just simply thought up via tradition, because they worked in previous games, or simply for cool factor and end up just being a "fake" option. Melty Blood creates new mechanics and character designs that "work," add counterplay and make the game have more depth and variety.

Anti-A armor is there because people complained it was too mashy, the shield meter is there to keep parries from being riskless, unblockable ground normals are there to keep people from jumping out of every mix-up and pressure, grab protection is there to make it both a risk and reward for getting in, the different moon styles and according movesets they have make it so if you have a playstyle you prefer, you can do it and be successful. The game has had changes beyond changes to eventually reach what it is today and be so acclaimed as a japanese fighter. I'm not saying its the best/better recent fighting game because I think so, I'm saying it because it deserves so. While every other fighter is out there cashing in on the mainstream fighter craze to appeal to casuals who don't know a thing about the transparent information that goes behind the competitive mindset it takes to play fighters, Melty is in there embellishing it and working hard to appeal to these players. With all the frame-traps, setups, zoning games, mix-up games, yomi parry games, footsies and defensive options Melty just lacks nothing you'd expect from a sound "competitive fighter" and refines it, molds it into its own unique system with rebeats, ambiguous pressure, flexible play and it doesn't hold back just because there are more casual players or balance things just based on how "cheap" things are.

Melty is a game that mechanically I can find almost no qualms with, that spawns from many generations of fighters that basically didn't know what they were doing, and put it into an environment that DID. This is a game that you can say "We've been through this, we've been through that. We can bring all these to the table and this is the fruits of our labor." Melty is the fruits of many tried and true anime fighter (and also some traditional) labor, tested in different games until Melty made it as good as we currently have it. Thats what Melty is in its current form, and thats the kind of respect I think it deserves even if there is no scene or players worth respecting.


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
@mod: Where was the Brawl bash? It's not like nobody will argue anyways. It's NE/IA...

@tom: That post is ridiculously long but I'm gonna go ahead and say you like that game too much.

@everyone: Minesweeper is the best game ever.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
@tom: That post is ridiculously long but I'm gonna go ahead and say you like that game too much.
I'm an advocate of good games and design, where things are well thought out and foolproof for a reason. I'm not just going to advocate for pretty boys with swords.

Seriously, theres nothing subjective about it. Soran can tell me objectively "I like BlazBlue because an overdone art style with cop-out vectorized graphics and flashy characters over a game like Melty, which has a fighting system thats more fundamentally solid and fleshed out and has the more traditional hand-drawn, nuanced and more animated art style with characters that seem bland but I don't really know anything about." But you aren't going to tell me BlazBlue is a "better" game, because it doesn't deserve it like Melty does. I can tell you these things because I analyzed them both enough for me to make this opinion, but Soran probably couldn't give me much in-depth knowledge of Melty at all. Thats why its ignorance, its something people need to admit.

I can tell you I don't even like Melty that much anymore. The little scene it had died out to AH3, I can't play the game anymore, I don't really nerd it or keep up with the latest CC changes. But I can tell you as an aspiring developer Melty is one of the games that outputs above your standard mainstream product like BlazBlue. Even if I were to list all the nuances of it, its meaningless if people can't see deeper into their meanings or value. Thats why mainstream developers don't need to try on those ends, because few dig that deep. I don't care if you aren't "hardcore" or don't find yourself needing to appreciate those things, you aren't going to belittle any soul and well-crafted work put into them just because you're too ignorant to find them.

Its not as simple as "You like what you like" theres always a more concise way to express your appreciation for something and I'm not going to stop "trying too hard" to "state opinions as fact." There are certain subjective things in this world, but if you don't look for them you can not complain when anyone wants to call you shallow. I'm not saying BlazBlue doesn't take skill, or didn't have work put into it, or is completely inferior in terms of fun or aesthetics, but it doesn't have much a gamer like me would want. However most gamers like me have an unheard of voice that few developers cater to like French-Bread, yet its easier to raise awareness for over-the-top hand-holding trite for games like Blaz because you have the masses on your side. If you don't want to try to understand where they come from, then don't pretend like you do. Like I said, I'm not just praising Melty Blood because I think its better, I'm doing it because it deserves that place.


Aug 15, 2010
"G-Ames?" Iowa
I can't take Melee seriously any more, sorry. Too many times without a good person to practice with kind of makes it so I do non-sense mid battle.

Soran next time you're over, I have Guilty Gear:AC. You can't use Ky though.

Blank, I see what you mean about Blazblue. Playing vs Nick it felt at times that baiting was always one of the better things to do, which meant just sitting there really.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
I can't take Melee seriously any more, sorry. Too many times without a good person to practice with kind of makes it so I do non-sense mid battle.

Soran next time you're over, I have Guilty Gear:AC. You can't use Ky though.

Blank, I see what you mean about Blazblue. Playing vs Nick it felt at times that baiting was always one of the better things to do, which meant just sitting there really.
Generally it also means lots of poking with your characters disjointed normals. You can turtle these all day with good reaction times, so all you have to fear is frustrating lockdown.

Also sorry to derail the thread quite heavily. Wanted to also give shoutouts to Kuares, for hosting these tourneys and giving us spaghetti. x3
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