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Question about Bomb Sliding


Smash Rookie
Jul 22, 2007
Hey guys I got a question about bomb sliding. I heard that its possible for link to also slide backwards, can somebody show me how to do it? Sometimes when I bomb slide, my Link throws the bomb upwards instead of forward, anybody know why? Thankz. :)


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
I don't know about sliding backwards.

As for up vs forwards, that can be controlled by your timing of button pressing. For up, press Cdown and Up+Attack nearly simotainiously, but for forwards, do it like you would do an average DAC.

Personally, I've never found any amazing use for Bombsliding... I don't even use it in battle. I only know this because when it was first discovered I went into training mode for a little while to learn it. :p

Also... I think there's a thread on BombSliding somewhere... you should try the search function.


Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
I could test out some stuff in training mode, I could see it as being a useful retreat against characters who are less than fast, otherwise it seems quite useless. The strength of the Bomb slide is the fact that it causes a lot of shield pressure since you have less downtime after a moving bomb throw. I usually use it to get off a Forward smash, or get off a grab. Other than that it's not incredibly useful.
Jul 30, 2008
I don't know about sliding backwards.

As for up vs forwards, that can be controlled by your timing of button pressing. For up, press Cdown and Up+Attack nearly simotainiously, but for forwards, do it like you would do an average DAC.

Personally, I've never found any amazing use for Bombsliding... I don't even use it in battle. I only know this because when it was first discovered I went into training mode for a little while to learn it. :p

Also... I think there's a thread on BombSliding somewhere... you should try the search function.
that thread is probably gone

Uses for bombsliding? approach edge for edge guard quicker, bomb juggling, when trying to get away from opponent you can u-toss bombslide to create pressure on a spot creating a kind of barrier, bombslide f-throw when approaching to make your opponent 1. he sheilds and you zac the bomb 2. he spot dodge or roll towards you and you f-smash him 3. he rolls away and gets hit by the bombs explosion.

works for me...

bombslide backwards by(dont remember exactly) rotating the stick in the direction you want to face after the bombslide. not useful anyway, you can just turn around after bombsliding.I maybe should add that you can only bombslide backwards the uthrow(i have at least never heard or seen a backwards f-throw bombslide).


Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
Yeah if you could slide backwards while facing your opponent and throwing the bomb in that direction, that would be useful. But I haven't found a methodology to do that yet. It may be possible but so far I can't think of a way to do it.
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